People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 130: crazy pirates

Horqin Island, in the woods in the central area.

blah blah blah blah...

More than 20 pirates with a bounty of at least 30 million are using their own means and rushing towards one of the sniper spots.

This scene was naturally discovered by the marines in various sniper positions, and they all directly pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in their hands.

Down the barrel, the bullet burst out...

But this time, it wasn\'t as smooth as before. Originally, these pirates were not weak, and they were all prepared, and they all performed their work at the bottom of the box, and there was even a pirate. He directly turned into a stone man, resisted a bullet abruptly, and only suffered some minor injuries.

As a result, the five navy soldiers who just had a perspective and cut their guns decisively did not achieve any results.

But after reloading, there was no longer any viewing angle, so I had to give up temporarily.

At this moment, about 50 meters in front of Garp and others, Usopp\'s eyes widened.

Are these guys coming for me?

It is almost impossible to escape at this time. Even though Usopp has been trained by Sol, his physical skills are still very poor. escape.

"Calm down, the Major General seems to have said what to do in this situation."

"Think about it, think about it, think about it!"

A few seconds later, after experiencing several shots from different directions again, Wente and the others finally came to Usopp\'s sniper position, and confirmed that this place was right, and even saw bullet casings on the ground.

But the key question is...

What about people and guns?

Looking at this place where there are many traces, but no one is there anymore, Wente and the others stared with big eyes, their faces full of confusion.

What they didn\'t notice was that, just about three meters away, in a bush, there was an eye staring at them through a gap.

"Damn, my co-captain hung up on the road, and we just missed it?"

One of the pirate captains hid behind a tree and complained.

"How to fix it now, there is no way to continue to consume it!"

"Just try to lose some people and withdraw?"

"Just withdraw it like this, don\'t want one billion Bailey?"

"Are you still thinking of a billion baileys? Continue to consume it here. Sooner or later, we will all be consumed to death. This group of navy is absolutely abnormal. Don\'t forget that there are still nearly a hundred navies outside who have not come in!"

"That\'s right, so many people died, and as a result, we haven\'t even seen a single figure of a sailor, it\'s just outrageous!"

"Went, you have to say something!"


For a time, everyone\'s eyes once again focused on Wente.

But at the moment, his mood is really not very good.

The original plan was good, but I didn\'t expect that I didn\'t even see a shadow.

This is also a bit too much.

"Everyone, since it\'s hard to do here, let\'s change our goal!"

"Change target, what do you mean, Vent?"

"It\'s very simple, as Davan said just now, fight to lose some manpower, withdraw from the woods directly from the west, and give the battlefield to the Navy and the Blood Wolf Pirates!"

"But...that\'s a billion baileys!"

Some captains are still a little reluctant to give up, after all, it is a huge sum of money for them, even if each person can only receive 100 million yuan, the same is true.

If you just withdraw like this, not only will the money be gone, but many people will be lost along the way!

You know, now there are 20 sailors who don\'t know where to hide, just waiting for them to emerge.

"No, we still need the money. Don\'t forget, there is a warship on the coast, and there is basically no one on the warship at this moment!"

"And as long as we can grab that warship, let alone one billion baileys, someone will buy it even if it is tens of billions of baileys!"

"So, we withdrew directly, and then let the navy fight with the blood wolves, and we took the opportunity to go to the shore to capture the warship and quickly leave Horqin Island!"

After listening to Went\'s words, a group of pirate captains also reacted.

That\'s right, that warship is a big one. In comparison, this billion-dollar firearm is nothing.

Moreover, who said that there are no more firearms on that warship, there is a high probability that there are...

"Great idea, I agree!"

"I agree!"



No one objected, and the captains quickly reached an agreement.

Three meters away, Usopp, who was integrated with the grass, directly heard their conversation clearly.

Good guy, actually want to hijack a warship...

This is courting death!

You must know that Uncle Yixiao is now on the warship. This is a more terrifying existence than Major General and even Lieutenant General Taotu...

Whenever he thinks of the meteorite falling from the sky that the blind uncle performed for them half a month ago, Usopp can\'t help trembling.


The most important thing is that Usopp has also witnessed Li Yan and Yi Xiao\'s discussion.

That scene...


Therefore, when he heard that Vent and the others wanted to **** the warship, Usopp couldn\'t help but exclaim in his heart, these pirates are really crazy.

When the consensus was reached, Venter quickly made a plan to escape from the woods.

In fact, it is a plan, it is still the pirate\'s set, let his subordinates act as cannon fodder to attract firepower, and their captains take the opportunity to escape.

As for how much those ordinary pirates can take no one cares at this time.

Ten billion baileys, but, even if there are ten people to share, each person can still have one billion baileys.

With this money, what do you want to do?

You can even retire and quit working as a pirate!

The next moment, under the command of their respective captains, there were still less than 500 pirates, and all of them immediately left the hiding place and ran wildly to the west.

This is going to be in an open area, and 20 marines can definitely kill most of them before they can pull out their range.

But here is the woods, there are too many obstructions, and for them snipers, it is impossible to do this.

Soon, hundreds of pirates had fled to Usopp\'s side, stomping on him in a panic, and even the most dangerous one, only 3 cm away from his nose, scared him almost to death. I jumped up, but fortunately I held back...

Finally, the footsteps around him became less and less, and it seemed that most of the pirates had already passed.

But before Usopp could breathe a sigh of relief, a pirate jumped directly on Usopp\'s body, which shocked him, and two words suddenly appeared in his mind.


Immediately, he rolled over and threw away the pirates, then half squatted on the ground and aimed his gun.

But the pirate who was thrown away by Usopp still lay on the ground motionless, until the blood slowly flowed out of his body, Usopp realized that it was...

This guy has been shot dead!


Three minutes later, outside the woods.

"Major General, those pirates have all fled west of the woods, there are about 300 people left!"

"And, looking at the direction they left after leaving the woods, it seems to be..."

"Go to the direction of our warship!"