People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 129: The Temptation of 10 Billion Baileys

in the woods.

Hundreds of pirates, some armed with knives, some with firearms or other weapons, are moving quickly through it.

"Tsk tsk, more than 500 people are divided into 20 sailors, this is really..."

"Don\'t be careless, Najib, Kapo said that the navy is not easy!"

"What if it\'s not simple, is it possible that these navy soldiers, major generals and even lieutenant generals of the headquarters are not strong enough?"

"It\'s also..."

The captain of the Axe Pirates, Venter, who offered a bounty of 72 million Bailey, also nodded.

There is really nothing wrong with this. If even the navy can have the strength of a major general or even a lieutenant general, then the era of pirates would have ended long ago.

As for the school-level navy below the general level, it is still the number one figure in the four seas, but if it is placed on the great route, it is not worth mentioning at all.


"Don\'t kill all of them in a while, leave a few alive, I have to take out the tone of the sea before!"




With the sound of a gunshot in the distance, a blood hole appeared on the temple of Najib, who was still laughing wildly.

The crazy smile froze on his face like this, and then his entire body fell to the ground slowly as if it had been drained of strength, and the blood that was continuously flowing out immediately gathered into a pool of blood.

"Everyone hides!"

After being stunned for 2 seconds, Venter finally came to his senses, and shouted loudly while hiding behind a tree quickly.


How can it be?

Although Najib was the weakest among them, there was a bounty of 47 million, and he was shot and killed by someone, and he didn\'t even see the shooter.

Can you believe this?

Moreover, even if Najib stood there and someone shot him, as far as his physical body was concerned, it was impossible for him to be fatally shot, even in the head.

"Vent, the sound of the shooting just now should be from the north, let\'s outflank it!"

"Okay, but be careful to take cover with obstacles on the road!"


Hidden not far away, Bass, who had a bounty of 77 million, decided on the direction and immediately approached Venter to discuss it. The two hit it off and took their subordinates respectively to outflank the north in two ways.

blah blah blah blah...

A few more gunshots sounded, and correspondingly, the same number of pirates fell to the ground, each with a blood hole on their head. It can be seen that these shooters are all masters.

However, this time the attack did not come from the north, but from all directions, even from behind.

This made Wente and the others who had found the obstacles hidden again, and suddenly did not dare to move indiscriminately.

And on a huge tree more than 100 meters away, Usopp was tied with many branches, almost merging with the tree.

However, at this moment, he was also constantly complaining in his heart.

There are too many trees, except for a very small part of the viewing angle, the rest are blocked and blocked, and it also provides countless places to hide for the people inside.

If they don\'t move, neither can they.

But Usopp also remembered, Li Yan told him that the most important thing for a sniper is patience.

He took a deep breath and wiped away the impetuousness in his heart. He was as motionless as a stone, and continued to aim with the gun.

As for the other snipers, the situation is similar at the moment.

For them, since becoming snipers, loneliness and patience are the main elements throughout their sniper career.

However, the sailors were calm, but the pirates couldn\'t hold back. It was only three minutes, and some pirates couldn\'t help it. They immediately used the surrounding trees as cover and began to move.



blah blah...

blah blah blah blah...

The gunshots rang again in an instant, and more than a dozen pirates were killed. The death was exactly the same as the previous ones. There was a blood hole in everyone\'s head.

"Don\'t move!"

Seeing this, Venter shouted again, which made the restless pirates endure again.

"Went, what should I do?"

"Ordinary pirates are now giving away their heads. In this way, we captains and all pirates with more than 30 million people form a team to act together!"

Hearing what Beth asked, Venter said after hesitating for a while.

"So, everyone, don\'t hide it, and you will come up with everything you can!"

"I have no opinion, but it seems that those navy soldiers are not concentrated together, but scattered everywhere. How should we act?"

The idea is good, but the specific action needs to be clearly stated.

After all, no one wants to be the first bird, right?

"This question is very simple, don\'t pay attention to the others, concentrate on taking one first, and then after capturing his weapons, we can know why their bullets are so powerful, and you don\'t think that this may be As the World Economic News said before, was the navy the new type of firearm used in the previous battle of the G1 branch?"

"Now the major forces are investigating the source of this powerful firearm. If we can seize one, even if we withdraw it immediately, it will be a big profit. Even if the price is high, there will be many forces willing to buy it. !"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the pirate captains lit up.

Yes, no one else said, but if you sell it to Joker, even if it is a billion Bailey, I am afraid he is willing to buy it, right?

After all, Joker is the existence of the underground world that controls the arms As long as he buys back such a handful and then imitates it, let alone one billion, even if it is 10 billion, 100 billion, he can make it back !

"So, what I mean is, take one with all your strength, and then take advantage of the battle between the navy and the Blood Wolf Pirates, and directly find an opportunity to leave Horqin Island!"

"I have access to Joker\'s side. How about we share the goods equally when the things are sold?"

Seeing that the other captains were moving, Went persuaded again, but he sneered in his heart.

Almost no one knows that he Wente has another identity, Joker, that is, a trainee combatant under Shichibukai Doflamingo.

When the time comes to contact the young master to trade, do you still want money?

Go dream!

And if he made such a big contribution, he might become a full-fledged fighter.


"I did too!"



There were originally eleven pirate groups, but now without Najib, there are only ten pirate groups left.

A gun is sold for 1 billion, and each pirate group can get 100 million. This is a lot of income, enough for them to recruit troops and even refurbish the pirate ship.

The captain of a group of pirates was immediately tempted.

"Are you satisfied with one billion?"

"When we grab the gun, we can even directly raid the warships on the sea when the navy is fighting with the blood wolves!"

"Think of those terrifying naval guns..."

"If you can grab that warship, let alone one billion, ten billion is easy!"

Hearing this, the captains were stunned, three words in their minds kept repeating.

Ten billion...

Ten billion...

Ten billion...