People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 112: What the **** is Sauron

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Originally, the purpose of Crick\'s release of this gas bomb was not to poison those navies. After all, people could turn around and run, and it wasn\'t the situation in the original book where there was nowhere to run in the sea.

Therefore, Crick\'s purpose is only to block the opponent\'s pursuit.

But before he could run far, there was another gunshot behind him, and the surrounding pirates were constantly being shot and fell to the ground.

And when Crick looked back, the whole person was not well.

Heck, those navy guys are wearing a gas mask...

When did this thing become standard for marines?

"It can\'t go on like this. There is still a forest in front. After entering, there are too many obstructions, and the shooting effect of the firearms will be much smaller. It is impossible to complete the annihilation operation before reaching the west coast!"

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer, with only a few hundred meters of forest left, Smog frowned a little.

If there is no such forest, he is confident that he can kill all the pirates before they escape to the west coast.

But with this large forest blocking, one is that there are too many obstacles, and the shooting effect will be greatly reduced, and the other is that in such a complex environment, he does not dare to pursue at full speed with his subordinates.

Otherwise, in case of being ambushed by someone in turn, it would not be so wonderful!

After all, there are so many places to hide in the woods.

"By the way, and Larnas!"

Smog felt remorse for a while, so he forgot about him, and even took out the phone bug and let it start the warship and go around the west coast to intercept it.

After all, the warship is just south of the main island, and it is only 5 or 6 kilometers away from the west coast. Even if it can\'t catch up with the interception, it is enough to advance to a position where it can be more accurate.

After that, as long as you pass through the woods and see the location of those pirate ships, you can let Larnas carry out long-range artillery bombardment.


ten minutes later...

Under the constant pursuit of Smoker and other marines, Crick finally reached the beach on the west coast.

It\'s just that there are not even a thousand pirates who are still with us at the moment!

However, more than 20 pirate ships are already in front of him, which still makes him relieved.

No matter how good the navy is, they can\'t put down nearly a thousand people here in the time they can run a few hundred meters, right?

Humans are a very strange creature. Whenever you think about it, you can\'t do it, you shouldn\'t, and most of it will be fulfilled in the next second, and you will be directly slapped in the face.

call out...


A shell suddenly crossed the sky and landed directly on the place where the pirate ships were docked. Although it did not hit directly, the landing point was only ten meters away from one of the medium-sized warships.

This was completely a near-missing, terrifying explosion, which tore a huge hole directly on the side of the battleship, and the sea water frantically poured into it.

"Damn, aren\'t their warships in the south, more than 5 kilometers away, and they can\'t see here because of the block, why are they so accurate?"

However, this is just the beginning, just a test projectile.

Just seconds later.


boom boom boom boom...

A large number of artillery shells hit again, directly in the area where the pirate ship was docked, one by one, and even one shot directly hit a super battleship, which is the flagship of the Crick, the fearless battleship Sabre. .

But after all, it is the flagship of Crick, and it is also a super battleship, which is obviously different from other battleships.

Although a hole was blown out on its deck, it did not affect the navigation, which shows its sturdiness.

If this is changed to another boat, and a shot is fired in the same position, I am afraid that it will fall apart directly.

However, this is not the end, and it is too early to breathe a sigh of relief.

Just over ten seconds later, another batch of artillery shells swept in and slammed into the ship group again, directly sinking three ships, and because of the multiple near misses, the remaining battleships also suffered varying degrees of damage. .

The third wave, the fourth wave, the fifth wave...

It was not until the end of five full waves of shelling that Crick and the other pirates finally escaped to the shore and climbed a few battleships that were in good condition.

Smog and others did not continue to chase, but continued to suppress them with Corona 18-style from about 300 meters away.

After all, 300 meters is the limit, and if you get closer, it will be dangerous. If any shell is hit a little bit, it doesn\'t matter if you are a natural system, but the killing radius of tens of meters...

If it doesn\'t work, the other marines will have to be reimbursed.

"You guys continue to use rifles to suppress them here, try to slow down the speed of their departure, and I\'ll get Crick!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

At the same time, on the deck of the dreadnought battleship Sabre, Crick was constantly urging to set sail, and praying that he would have better luck and would not be hit by shells before escaping.

"Admiral Crick, a navy rushed over!"


Pushing him away and using the bow as cover, Crick glanced ashore.

Sure enough, there was a navy who was running fast towards this side, and they had already run to a place less than 100 meters away from him.

And at this time...


boom boom boom boom...

Another wave of artillery bombardment came, and then, right in front of Crick\'s eyes, a missed artillery shell happened to hit Smog\'s side directly and accurately, even less than one meter. The place where his entire body was instantly swallowed by the explosion.

"Hahaha, is this guy an idiot!"

Seeing this scene, Crick was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

If I remember correctly, this guy is the commander of that group of marines. He seems to be a colonel, right?

This is really dead...

Wouldn\'t it be nice to look at it there, how hard it is to rush up under the fire of your own navy!


"White smoke launcher, full speed advance!"

In the smoke of the explosion, there was a sudden low drink, and Smog\'s lower body turned into smoke, and his upper body swept toward the dreadnought battleship Sabre at an extremely fast speed.

In just over a second, he had already crossed a distance of seventy or eighty meters and landed on the deck of the dreadnought battleship Sabre.

"Just now... did you laugh happily!"

"Hmph, even if you are a devil fruit person, look around here, there are hundreds of us, kill him!"

Although Crick knew about the Devil Fruit, but after all, the news of the East China Sea was blocked, and he didn\'t even know what kind of existence the Nature Department was.

In his opinion, at such a close distance, there are almost 300 pirates around, and at least 100 of these pirates are holding guns at Smog.

Even if it is a devil fruit capable person, he still has to kneel. This is the power of the weapon!

blah blah blah blah...

When Crick gave the order, at least a hundred pirates shot, and at such a close distance, even if they shot an ordinary pirate, they would basically not be shot.

Hundreds of bullets fell on Smoker in an instant.

No matter how he looked at it, he should have been torn to shreds by hundreds of bullets.


It should be so.

However, Smog, who was precisely hit by hundreds of bullets, did not shed a single drop of blood from his body.

"White blast!"

With a low voice, Smoker turned into smoke, and continuously sprayed out wildly around, and soon filled the entire front deck of the dreadnought battleship Sabre, swallowing Crick and hundreds of pirates. .

He intends to ensure the completion of the task, and he does not want to waste any time.

I directly resorted to this trick. Within this range, as long as I didn\'t escape in time...

All will suffocate to death!


Corona Island, Eighteen Branch Office Building, Li Yan\'s Office.

[Ding, XXX killed and captured a pirate without bounty, and the host got 100 merit points]

[Ding, XXX killed and captured 37 pirates without bounty, and the host got 3700 merit points]

[Ding, XXX killed and captured a pirate without bounty, and the host got 100 merit points]

[Ding, Smog killed and captured Admiral Crick with a bounty of 17 million, and the host received 85,000 merit points]

[Ding, Zoro killed and captured Black Glove Bartos with a bounty of 1.2 million, and the host received 6,000 merits]


Looking at the prompts that kept flashing in his mind, Li Yan could basically understand the battle situation on Smog\'s side.

"Looks like it\'s over!"

"and many more..."

"Is there something strange mixed in with this prompt?"

"What the **** is Zoro?"

In the office, Li Yan looked confused...