People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 111: A few kilometers that is normal operation

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

On Koto Island, a group of sailors and three bounty hunters stared at each other, and the atmosphere was embarrassing for a while.

"Could it be... I\'m lost again?"

Looking at Warner and others, Zoro thought about it very seriously, and then asked.

Warner did not speak, but the meaning of the small eyes was obviously, "What do you say?"

Say good things but three?

The first time doesn\'t count, but after that, this is the fourth time they have been cut off by them. Even if this group of people is lost in such a big East China Sea, how can they find themselves so accurately...

It\'s almost like a human-shaped radar, the kind of instinct!

If this problem is not solved, wouldn\'t this assessment be over?

You know, there are only ten days left...

Thinking of this, Warner is also anxious, not because he is unable to pass the assessment, but...

"Otherwise, I will be responsible for sending you to the 18th branch, but before you arrive at the 18th branch, you should join the first branch of the East China Sea temporarily in accordance with the navy\'s temporary recruitment regulations, and how about releasing it after the 18th branch?"

Suddenly, Warner\'s mind flashed, and he thought of a way.

Temporary Recruitment Regulations...

It means that when the navy performs certain tasks, it can temporarily recruit some powerful people from the people to join, and during the task, these people who are temporarily recruited will have the temporary status of the navy.

"If you encounter pirates on the road, kill the bounty..."

"Of course it\'s still yours. According to the Navy\'s Temporary Recruitment Regulations, the pirates killed in the mission will still be given a bounty, which is the same as the bounty hunter. After all, my ship is on a mission. If I don\'t have this identity, I will It\'s not good for you to get on the ship."

"I see, thank you so much, but my pirate ship..."

"It\'s okay, the three of you come here~!"

Before Zoro could finish speaking, Warner interrupted him and turned to greet the three marines.

"You three, drive the ship captured by these three to the 18th branch, and at the same time the three of you withdraw from this operation, understand?"

"Yes, Colonel!"

Well, people are already so enthusiastic, and Zoro is naturally not hypocritical, someone will send it, and three meals will be included.

If you encounter any pirates on the road and kill them, the bounty is still yours, so what is there to be dissatisfied with?

In this way, Warner continued to set off with ten marines, but at this moment, three of the ten marines were replaced by Zoro, Johnny and Joseph...


Glen Islands.

The beach is now full of pirates\' corpses. As for those who were not injured, they have been controlled and arranged on the shore, under the care of Larnas and the others.

To be precise, it is guarded by the naval guns on the warship.

A group of naval guns are aimed at this, you all run away to have a look, and you are all reimbursed in one shot. Believe it or not?

As for Smokey\'s side...

In fact, the bounty of Baru alone is 5 million, but his assessment indicator is not 5 million, but to destroy the entire Creek Pirates.

Therefore, after dealing with the matter on the beach side, they continued to set off to the depths of the main island with the people.

However, there are only 51 of the 60 sailors under his command. Except for Dasqi, the ten sailors in Rogge Town have suffered a lot of injuries and have been sent back to the warship.

At the same time, deep in the main island of the Glen Islands, was the base camp of the Creek Pirates.

Listening to the narration of several pirates who escaped, Crick was also a little uneasy at the moment.

After losing the naval battle before, Crick could still think that it was just that the naval weapons were better than him, and that Arkin was too incompetent.

But now also lost on land?

1,200 people fought dozens of marines, but none of the marines were killed, and all four of their squadrons disappeared?

The most important thing is that there is also its own personal guard squad, which is the strongest of the eleven squads under Crick.

Not to mention the core cadres under him, half of them were lost.

The commander-in-chief, Akin, the chief of staff, Eddieman, and Tiebi Baru...

These are the three strongest men under Crick. In addition, there are only more than 1,000 ordinary pirates left. Even if they go to fight once, it seems to be just a repeat of the battle just now, and there will be no What\'s the difference?

At this time, Crick\'s mind has already given birth to the idea of ​​running away to save his strength, but he has not waited for the idea to settle down...

blah blah blah blah...

In the woods more than 200 meters away, a burst of gunfire had already sounded, and more than 30 pirates immediately fell in the base camp of the Creek Pirates.

Seeing this scene, Crick finally understood why Baru and Eddieman lost so badly.

This is still more than 200 meters. These naval guns can hit that far, and they are so accurate...

As a weapon enthusiast, he couldn\'t understand the consequences of this kind of firearm.

"Everyone, retreat and board the ship on the west coast!"

While shouting, Crick quickly removed the round shield on his arm.

Seeing this scene, the pirates panicked even more. They all knew what was inside the shield of their admiral...

If this doesn\'t run a little bit, it\'ll stay here forever!

"Toxic gas bomb, M.H.5!"

With a loud roar from Crick, a cannonball was shot from the circular hole in the center of the shield, flew forward for more than 100 meters, then landed and exploded, and then a burst of purple smoke frantically spurted out of the cannonball and directed towards It started to spread around.

At the mouth of the woods, seeing this scene, Smog frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, as Li Yan said, this guy is carrying a poison gas bomb with him, fortunately he was prepared!"

"Everyone, put on a gas mask and..."


Li Yan, who is familiar with the plot of the original novel, how could he forget Crick\'s hand, the gas mask that everyone was equipped with long before Smoker set And at this moment, it happened to be put on usefulness.

Looking at the purple poisonous mist that was rapidly spreading over, the sailors did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took out the gas masks hanging from their waists and quickly put them on. The Corona 18 was fired.

"Colonel Smog, the direction they fled should be the west coast. I can see from my knowledge that there are hundreds of pirates on the west coast, and the location is not on the land. It should be the pirate ship they parked!"

"That\'s it!"

Hearing that, Smog nodded, agreeing with Nuoqigao\'s guess.

More than a hundred pirates are not yet on land, so what is it if they are not on a pirate ship.

I have long heard that the Creek Pirates have dozens of battleships, but I have only seen a few before, so the rest are probably all there, right?

No... wait!

Suddenly, Smog remembered something, and his face became more and more weird.

"Brigadier General said that you noticed it?"

"That\'s right!"

"But, it should be more than 3 kilometers from the west coast, right?"

"Yeah, isn\'t it a routine operation to see and hear colors covering a radius of several kilometers?"

Tilt his head, Nuo Qigao asked in confusion.

But Smoker is not well.

Heck, it is a routine operation to cover a few kilometers. I have heard Teacher Zefa say that the primary knowledge can only cover a few tens of meters, and the intermediate knowledge, even after training to the peak of the intermediate level, it is only three. Five hundred meters?

What is the concept of covering a few kilometers in a radius?

According to Zefa\'s previous statement, that is the category of high-level seeing, hearing, and even...

Is it good for the kind that is close to the top-level seeing and hearing?