Path of the Dual Cultivation

20 Goblin Dimension

"Oh your mom is the [Sky Realm] healer, that's good just tell her tomorrow to come and we will found healing department and she will be the head of the department" headmaster Roy didn't take long to make his decision.

Sahil smiled and remember something then he asked again "Headmaster do you know any place where I can train my fighting skills"

After being attacked by Mr Singh, he realised that he had power but wasn't able to use it and it was all because of his lack of fighting experience and so he decided to remove his weakness as soon as possible.

"Oh, you want to train your fighting skill, well I have one place to recommend but it will be dangerous as well, so tell me if you still want to go," said headmaster with a serious expression.

"Dad, are you talking about 'Goblin dimension', I also wanted to go there to train so let me go as well"

Headmaster frowned after hearing that his daughter as well wanted to go to the 'Goblin dimension' but didn't retort or said anything because if she wants to become powerful then she has to fight life and death battles sooner or later.

"Umm what is this 'Goblin dimension you are talking about," said Sahil who was standing at the side silently.

"Oh yes, you don't know about 'Goblin dimension' so let me explain to you, then decide if you want to go there to train.

it's actually a completely different world where Goblins and some inferior races live and we usually send our students there for life-death training. but don't underestimate those goblins because there are some [Emperor Realm] goblins, which make them as strong as humans"

Sahil who was listening to the headmaster was surprised after knowing that mere goblin race can compare with humans, don't even talk about the elf and other demonic races.

After that headmaster continued "But don't worry [Emperor Realm] goblins won't attack the younger generation, otherwise war will start between two race; your only concern is [Sky Realm] experts, so now decide if you want to go or not"

Sahil didn't hesitate and replied "Of course I will go, it's a very good training ground; so I must go to train there"

"Ok take these token by destroying them you can return back and remember that the time difference between earth and 'goblin dimension' is ten times. On earth, one day will be equal to the ten days in the goblin dimension, so you don't need to worry about time" headmaster and gave both of them token and walked towards the secret room, which was also inside his cabin, while Sahil and Adhira followed closely behind.

After entering the room they saw a huge formation on the ground and the headmaster said "This formation will send you to the orange zone in the 'goblin dimension, and there are some [Sky Realm] goblins in that area, so you must not act recklessly and don't expose your position to the enemy, otherwise you will be surrounded by those goblins in few seconds" said headmaster with a grave face and Sahil knew he was not joking.

"Ok stand between the circle and hold hands of each other, otherwise you will be separate in the dimension," said to Sahil and Adhira, Sahil didn't think any further and grabbed the hand of Adhira, while she didn't dare to make eye contact with her father.

After some time passed and formation activated and both of them disappeared from the formation.

After that Headmaster come back to his cabin and murmured "I think my plan will succeed; if both of them spend some time together, then they won't be able to resist each other and I will get potential son-in-law hehe" headmaster laughed cunningly but if he knew that he was truly accurate this time what will he think.


When they appeared, they only saw a green forest in all direction and when he relaxed his guard, Adhira cried "Careful!"

Sahil's reaction was quite fast so he was able to block the attack and saw a creature, which looks like a green dwarf and attacks it with full power, and with just one punch, he killed that creature(goblin).

"So it is a goblin, I didn't expect them to be this aggressive," said Sahil with a curious face.

"We have to run away, otherwise other goblins will come hereafter the commotion from that punch of yours," said Adhira and reminded him to not use extra energy when you needed less.

"Ok let's go," Sahil said and was about to run away when he heard Lust's voice.

"Take the body and activate your Devour skill on that goblin and absorb its energy"

"What! but it's so disgusting" Sahil replied and made face full of disgust.

"Do you want to remain, weakling, just because you feel some disgust from its corpse? then how will you act when you saw battlefield full of blood and gore" Lust chided him, he so Sahil thought and decided to give it a try, anyway if I feel uncomfortable then I will stop, thought Sahil to himself and started to devour the energy inside the goblin and then purified that energy to absorb it slowly.

"It was easy than I thought," Sahil said with a smile on his face.

Adhira who was at the side saw it with her mouth agape and asked "What did you do to the corpse of the goblin, it looks like a mummy"

"Oh nothing, it's one of the skills of mine and because of that I can devour and purified any kind of energy and just now I devoured the energy of this goblin, though it's my first time absorbing energy from a living being," Sahil explained everything to Adhira because he trusts her.

"Ok let's run away otherwise, group of goblins will come soon," Said Adhira and both of them run towards another direction.

Some time passed and a group of goblins appear in which some are as tall as an average human, some were small as a 10-year-old child.

"Search for them, I want them alive and torment these humans until they beg for death and then I will cut them piece by piece"

the leader who looked quite vicious gave his order and started to check the corpse.

And when he realised that there wasn't an ounce of energy left inside the corpse, he smiles menacingly "Interesting, this human got some amazing skill and I want it for myself hahaha" he started laughing and gave his men an order to search for human in every corner of the forest.