Path of the Dual Cultivation

19 Headmaster of the 'National College of System Evolution'

"Sahil!" after seeing that sahil vomited blood, Adhira cried out and run towards him and when he was about fall from the arena, she supported him.

"Are you alright?" asked Adhira with a concerned look on her face.

"I am alright, it is just a light injury" Sahil smiled bitterly and replied to her, then started to circulate life energy which he got from her mother.

Adhira then turned towards the man who had attacked Sahil and asked in an enraged voice "Uncle Singh, what is the meaning of this; it is no place for older timers but you not only disturb the competition but attacked one of the students here, how are you going to explain that to my father"

"You don't need to worry about your father, anyway you are going to be my future daughter-in-law, so I will let your mistake go this time," said Mr Singh with an apathetic expression.

"Who is going to be your daughter-in-law, you think I will marry your worthless son and become your daughter-in-law. if you think then you are daydreaming; if you are that much powerful why don't you go and fight with foreign races" Adhira was truly annoyed by the attitude of this man.

"Girl, somethings aren't meant to say, if you say those things you will regret it later," said Mr Singh and released his pressure. Because of that Adhira staggered back and Sahil supported her, after circulating life energy he healed most of his injuries.

After that Mr Singh turned his attention back to Sahil "He tried to kill one of the candidates and because of that he is disqualified from this match"

"Old man, you are not just old by age but your mind has also grown old, where did you see I tried to kill him; it's just a competition why would I try to kill him. I attacked because your son didn't admit defeat and he also didn't fall unconscious, so tell me where I did wrong; you are saying that I should just stand and let your worthless son attack me?" Sahil's words were all blatant mockery, which was like a needle in Mr Singh's heart but he wasn't able to say anything; so, he attacked him directly without saying anything.

"Who dares to attack my student!" when the attack was about to land on Sahil's body, an enraged voice came from afar and blocked the attack easily.

Then a new man appeared in front of Sahil with broad shoulders with a high of 1.9 feet and he seems around the age of 30.

"Daddy" After seeing that man Adhira cried out and try to walk towards him, but he stopped her.

"We will talk about it later," said and turned around then stared at the eyes of Mr Singh directly "I gave you position so you could help and maintain the order of the academy but you tried to kill a student, so how would you explain it"

He didn't spare a glance at Sahil but Sahil didn't know that if he was doing it on purpose.

"Headmaster Roy, he tried to kill a..." he just started to explain, when the chancellor stopped him.

"Don't try to manipulate me, I know very clearly what happened." said the Headmaster and turn towards the audience "Sahil Alva is the winner of the competition, Manoj Singh will be second" after that he turn towards Mr Singh again.

"From today onwards there will be no talk about engagement," said the headmaster.

"Are you trying to go on your words?" said Mr Singh with an angry face and released his pressure but he was suppressed by headmaster with ease.

"What promise, I never did any promise to you about engagement. it was your son who proposed this marriage and I accepted it because I thought Adhira also liked him but I didn't know that she never liked your son, so why should I marry my daughter to your son if she doesn't like him" truly shameless headmaster we got there, some of the people thought.

"Competition is over everyone, you can go to your home now," said the headmaster towards the audience, which dispersed immediately.

Then he turned towards Sahil and the Adhira and said with a stern face "You two come with me "

he walked towards his office, Sahil and Adhira followed closely behind and left. Mr Singh was standing at the centre of the arena while gritting his teeth.

"I will make you pay for this Roy, just you wait and you will regret what you did today," murmured Mr Singh with red eyes and left as well with his stupefied son.


After coming to his office, Headmaster Roy took his seat while the other two just stood there. And waited for him to start talking.

After that, Headmaster Roy turned towards Sahil "Do you think Mr Singh will let go of this insult that easily"

"No, but who cares he is just at the [Sky Realm], I just need 10 more days; I will be able to breakthrough that realm with ease," said Sahil with his usual confident look, which surprised Headmaster; headmaster smiled and said "You look quite confident, but I like your attitude boy so I will give you one chance, if you want my daughter to be yours, then you have to win [World Tournament]. If you can win it then I will not interfere in the matters of you two" said Headmaster with a cunning smile plastered on his face.

"Father how could say such a thing, no one was able to win that competition in India, not even once but now you are saying Sahil has to win this match to be with me, aren't you making jokes?" Adhira asked with an angry expression.

Headmaster didn't get angry because of his daughter's attitude but stared at Sahil "What's your decision boy"

Sahil who was standing at the side didn't think twice and replied "I will do it, so where this tournament will take place and when"

The headmaster who was at the side smiled brightly "hahaha good we will talk about it a month later, you can ask anything about the tournament to Adhira, alright if you don't have anything to ask, you may go."

Sahil who was listening suddenly thought of something and said "Headmaster, I saw you don't have any medical facilities in your college, during competition everyone was just giving normal dressing to the injured students"

"Well, I tried to recruit one of the life element users, who was at the [Earth realm] but he already owned hospital so he refused" replied headmaster with dejected expression because medical facility of the college was truly pitiful; they don't have any life element user.

"I have a solution to your problem but you have to make that person head of the medical facility," said Sahil with a cunning smile.

"If that person is at the earth realm then it won't be any problem otherwise..." Headmaster didn't finish when Sahil interrupted him.

"[Sky Realm], that person is at the [Sky Realm]" said Sahil with a smile.

"What! At the [Sky Realm], who is it, if he is at that realm then he must be famous because life element is very special and every institution will try to recruit them," Headmaster asked with agitated expression.

"She is my mother," said Sahil with a smile but after hearing this reply both the headmaster and Adhira were shocked. Sahil was thinking about Mr Singh and he knew, that guy is a very narrow-minded person; he won't let go of his insult this easily so he has to bring his mother to the safe place. She does have the legacy of Lord Brahma but it will take some time to familiarise with that power. and at the moment she definitely isn't the match for Mr Singh.