Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1653

Unexpectedly, as soon as the girls were moved, Qian Duoduo held a glass cup on the table and said, "if I don't come back, I will not be confiscated for nothing! You don't know, ah San is a complete capitalist vampire. When I'm away, he will try his best to strip me of my hair. So, I've planned for a long time. Before I ascend to heaven, I have to make arrangements to choose some gold and silver jewelry and put them in my coffin! " Several girls fell down in an instant and despised Qian Duoduo, especially crape myrtle. They almost lost the glass cup in her arms.

Ya, in the past few years, it's not that crape myrtle has spared no effort to support her every day. As a big boss, Qian Duoduo has never shown her face. Even if sometimes she comes out like a ghost, she comes to ask for bills and cash receipts. Then she grins and happily fills the coffers of her palace.

Also boasting that others are capitalist vampires, according to crape myrtle, no vampire is more terrible than the woman surnamed Qian.

"Ha ha, how about the bottom of the coffin? Thanks to your imagination, Qian Duoduo, you are a vampire. The entertainment business around you is in a slump, especially the busts in baihualou. They all want to scratch your skin and cramp you. You're not afraid that when you finish padding the bottom of the coffin here, someone will dig a grave and dig a pit there. They will steal your grave, and then they will abandon you in the wilderness? "

Crape myrtle deliberately put things in order, that serious expression, as if these things are her hand planning in general.

Qian Duoduo was so scared that his hair exploded. He kept thinking about the notes of XX that he had seen in Shanghai a while ago.

Is the female pig's foot in a certain uncle's tomb the archetype of herself?

Qian Duoduo rubbed the goose bumps on his arm and nodded seriously: "what crape myrtle said is reasonable. It's a ghost. You'd better keep a low profile. Otherwise, before I ascend to heaven, you will change all my property into silver notes and burn them for me to take away. How can we talk about hell? I'll bribe Lord Yan and ask brother black and white to play mahjong, Then let them choose a good reincarnation pool for me to jump

(black and white two big brothers look at each other: let's go to seduce each other? In this way, you can earn extra money!)

Just, where is Qian Duoduo, Hu Zou babble, the voice is not down, the door flew out of a banana skin, smoked in her mouth.

"Mother - why do you smoke me?" Qian Duoduo looks up at Qian Mu's waist and stands in front of her. She complains unhappily.

Money mother squeezed a few little girls, picked up the banana peel and smoked a few times on Qian Duoduo's mouth, ferocious Education: "you owe to smoke! I'm still pregnant with a baby. I'm here to die and live. It's bad luck for everyone to hold the door. If I scare my little grandson, I'll never end with you! "

(xiaotudou: grandma, xiaotudou, I've been trained by the false father of dragon 14. I'm not afraid of the fist of dragon 14. I'm afraid of my mother's broken mouth?)

Qian Duoduo took Qian's mother to his side and began to explain: "well, mother, I'm not planning for a rainy day. I'm a big business, so I have to think more about it and understand it. Long live, ha ha -"

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