Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1652

There is no place to look for when you break the iron shoes.

As soon as he thought about it, he solved the urgent needs of tens of thousands of soldiers in the frontier. Long Yutian's long-standing mood was finally clear.

However, the little fluffy, who was praised and praised like a fairy, was always a little depressed.

"Rong'er, how can you wrinkle your face like a bun? What's on your mind? Will you tell your father? "

Long Yutian is enjoying tea and flowers in the royal garden with rong'er in his arms. As soon as he lowers his head, he can see the little thing sitting on his leg drooping his head, with a look of lack of interest.

Xiaoronger nests in long Yutian's arm and looks up at him pitifully: "father, tell them not to catch cat hair and dog hair - just use duck hair and chicken hair to make down jacket. Cat hair is not warm, and duo'er won't let you catch rhubarb and Erhuang's hair ~"

long Yutian suddenly realizes that the little guy is not warm The reason why I am depressed is that a minister just said that he would use cat hair to make down jacket!

Long Yutian kisses xiaorong'er on the face: "well, father emperor orders that no one is allowed to catch our kittens. Father emperor's kittens are national treasures!"

Xiao rong'er blinked a pair of black eyes, nodded abruptly, pointed at long Yutian and grinned.

Long Muchen was in the palace discussing with several generals about going to war and didn't return to the palace until very late.

As soon as I opened the door of the bedroom, I saw that the bedding on the bed was neat and empty.

Long Mu Chen Cu Cu eyebrow, turn round to ask a door to guard night of slave servant: "the princess?"

Little maid hesitated for a moment, then said: "princess, princess, she took old lady Qian... To Fenghuang Yufei!"

"Damned little woman!"

The voice of small maidservant just fell, long Mu Chen gnashed teeth of broken a.

With a small potato in her stomach, she dared to carry him to the place of fireworks. She was so tired that she itched all over and began to uncover tiles in her room!

Long Mu Chen vomited a mouth turbid gas, then waved sleeve to run out of the palace, turn over to mount a horse and go.


and at this time -

in the VIP room on the second floor of Fenghuang Yufei, the girls saw that Qian Duoduo, who had disappeared for half a year, finally came back with an amiable old man and small potatoes in her stomach. They all waved their handkerchiefs and cried bitterly.

"Dor, you've come back at last. If you don't show up again, these sisters are clamoring to find you!"

Crape myrtle after the big prince thing, determined to faithfully follow in the side of Qian Duoduo, take care of fenghuangyufei's business for her.

Qian Duoduo was leaning on a soft couch, her feet on the chair, shaking the fringes on her embroidered shoes.

Looking at a group of women crying, she pulled a few grapes heartlessly and put them in their mouths.

"Cut, it's good for me to come back. Why do you cry like I'm going to die in a foreign land, crying and shouting to me like I'm wearing hemp and filial piety?"

"However, even if I wipe my neck one day, I'll have to climb back to see you before I die -"

several girls were so moved that they thought that Qian always had love and righteousness. When it was time to wipe my neck, they wanted to come back to settle them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!