Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1630

"Pass on my will, let the logistics troops (modern logistics) transport sufficient food and grass, General Gao leads 50000 elite troops to support the front line - and the Ministry of household immediately orders to go down, make cotton armour and distribute it to the soldiers to resist the cold!"

Long Yutian methodically made the right instructions, in the case of cold and hunger, even the most powerful army, will be defeated!

The named Minister stepped forward with a cold sweat on his forehead: "tell the emperor that this year's south is rainy and rainy, and it's flooding, so the cotton yield is relatively scarce. It's estimated that it's not enough to make cotton armour for tens of thousands of soldiers!"

At the end of the report, the Chamberlain of the Ministry of accounts bowed his head. His news was undoubtedly a blow to the troops who were going out to fight, which made the situation worse.

In such a bad situation, urine bubble urine can freeze and slide, let alone kill the enemy, it is good not to commit suicide!

All the civil and military officials above the court hall were helpless and began to talk to each other. No doubt, in the current situation, we should not rush to send troops, but we should have a long-term plan, but there was only one result of the plan -

there was a sacrifice of Princess Tianrong to calm the anger of the soldiers of Panyu!

Fu Zi's eyes, nose and heart are always watching long Yutian's every move. He looks at his master's gnashing teeth and wants to kill him. In order to avoid blood splashing on the spot, he quickly coughs twice.

At the bottom of the civil and military officials, they all look forward to the front, and then they see that long Yutian's evil eyes are full of cold intention to kill.

When all the ministers shut up, long Yu warned solemnly: "you listen to me. I have decided to fight personally. I would rather die in battle than hand over Tianrong to Panyu. You dare to say one more word and punish the nine nationalities as treason!"

How could he not know that Prince Li hated Tianrong to the bone? Once Xiaorong left his protection, he would die without a burial place.

Panyu is to give enchanting revenge, but also let himself taste the pain of losing love, and was suppressed by Panyu, can never lift the head of humiliation!

The ministers looked at each other and were completely silly. If they said that just now they would lose their lives in the war, now when they heard that the emperor wanted to fight in person, what they were afraid of was the instability of the imperial court and the chaos of shengchen!

At that time, don't say it's gold, silver and jewelry. They don't even have money to send to hell!

At the thought of long Yutian risking the world's great injustice because of a wild child of non royal blood, someone immediately screamed.

"Think twice, Emperor. You killed your loyal courtiers for the sake of a wild child who was adopted from outside. It's really not a wise king's doing that!"

"I don't know. Tianrong, who has an unknown origin, is a spy sent by other countries. He deliberately bewitches Shengxin and stirs up the relationship between shengchen and other countries. Emperor, you must not be bewitched by villains. There is no difference between loyalty and treachery!"

Looking at the excited and indignant appearance of the ministers, we can see that long Yutian, who seems to be arrogant, is still unmoved.

The most powerful prime minister in the imperial court, and Prime Minister Yang, who was also the most popular person in front of the former Emperor, was finally unable to resist. He looked angry after death: "emperor, if you insist on protecting the fairy of that day with your own desire, the old minister will be killed on this Longhua hall!"

(PS: continue to update after dinner, Chapter 7 today) , the fastest update of the webnovel!