Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1629

"You mean to let Tianrong, who is only five years old, be the victim between the two countries?"

Kneeling on the ground, there was an old minister of the former Emperor, who was still famous among the officials: "the emperor's words are not good. At this time, if we go to the bottom of the matter, it is Princess Tianrong who has offended nianfei and indirectly killed nianfei. Prince Li has lost her parents and children. That's why she angered Panyu and led them to attack shengchen. Since it is Princess Tianrong's fault, what is she doing It's also incumbent on us to bear the responsibility for our own mistakes. "

Long Yutian suddenly stands up, grabs the crushed corner of the Dragon chair and smashes it in front of them: "what a responsibility. It's bounden duty. Who was so angry in the ten thousand animal garden that they all asked me to kill nianfei? Now nianfei's death leads to Panyu's jealousy, and you blame Tianrong one by one?"

"It's a pity that all of you are still members of the imperial court. You should be so honest and shameless! Hum, take Tianrong for atonement? It's better for you to write directly, take my head, curry favor with Panyu and ask them to spare you a dog's life! "

In his anger, long Yutian kicked over the nine cauldron censer in front of him and made a deafening noise on the whole Longhua hall.

Several ministers were scared to death and kowtowed to admit their mistakes: "emperor atones, I dare not, I dare not!"

Fu Zi stood aside, looking up and pretending to be dead. In fact, his heart was like a mirror.

Yesterday, when he saw the emperor press the little princess in his arms, he knew that the emperor must have extraordinary feelings for the little girl.

They dare to clamor that this little daughter-in-law raised by the emperor will be sent to another country to make peace with her. It's just death!

Fu Zi covered his mouth and laughed. Ha ha, finally someone was more sad than him. He wanted to be a cannon fodder bird!

Long Yutian suddenly stepped down from the Dragon chair and knocked over one of them's official caps: "dare not? I think you are very brave. Since you want to please Prince Li so much, I will help you. "

"Come on, tie them all up, send them to the frontier with their wives and slaves, and give them to Panyu!"

A few officials kneeling on the ground were stunned for a while -

they just told the truth, even if they were greedy for life and afraid of death, they were also thinking about the century old foundation of shengchen state.

Even if the emperor doesn't take their advice, he's going to put all their families in prison cars?

It's time for the two countries to fight with each other. If we send them to Panyu now, don't we cut off their heads and avoid the enemy's flag?

Just as several bodyguards came up and pulled the ministers down, another soldier came from the frontier outside the hall, shouting: "emperor, the frontier is eight hundred miles urgent!"

Long Yutian frowned: "speak quickly!"

The soldier knelt on the ground: "tell the emperor that it was snowing and freezing in the frontier two days ago. Many of the soldiers stationed there didn't adapt to the cold weather and were infected with the wind and cold. Panyu took this opportunity to attack our army at night and burn our army's food and grass."

"The officers and men stationed in the frontier are short of clothes and food, and there are no generals and Marshals in the army. They are in a state of panic and low morale."

The officer who came to report lowered his head and did not dare to look at long Yutian's expression at all.

At the junction of Panyu and shengchen Kingdom, the terrain was remote and sparsely populated, and the climate was cold all the year round. It was not only stormy, but also hail and snow. The officers and soldiers were not acclimatized! , the fastest update of the webnovel!