Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1628

"When I go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, I use the army's salary and food, not to dig your ancestral graves and rob your family property. If I hinder you from going to Qinglou to ask girls to drink flowers or wine, I need to crimson one by one and jump out to blame me?"

Several ministers were annoyed by General Gao's poke in their mind. They were angry and said: "you --"

before they finished speaking, General Gao slapped the minister on the head and scolded: "I what I, you are so shouting to let the princess go to make peace to maintain the friendly exchanges between the two countries. Since you are so loyal to shengchen and the emperor, let all your sons and daughters go to Panyu with the princess as servants and eunuchs

In the whole hall, with General Gao's words, there was a moment of silence. The ministers who pretended to be corpses were all open and speechless. They could only stare at General Gao fiercely.

There is no way for their children to marry with Tianrong!

Their children are all born of their own, which is just like the wild children raised by Tianrong!

However, in this way, they dare not say it in front of long Yutian.

Long Yutian sat on the Dragon chair in silence, taking a panoramic view of their expressions. In his green eyes, he did not hide his sarcasm and disdain.

After a long time, seeing that they were blocked by General Gao's words, he said coldly: "since all the love ministers are not against it, then pass on my will, appoint 100000 elite soldiers, and General Gao will be in command. In half a month, we will wipe out the state of Fan Yu!"

With the imperial edict of long Yutian, the following officials, except for a few enthusiastic generals, all knelt on the ground one after another, crying out for the heartbreaking.

"Emperor, you must not -"

"Your Majesty, please think twice, think twice!"

"Emperor, I heard that all the soldiers of Panyu were brave and good at fighting, and Prince Li was not an ordinary person. Moreover, they had a good terrain, so they were easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you rush to fight with them head-on, our army will lose a lot of money - as the emperor of shengchen, you must not let the people leave their homes and die!"

Long Yutian smiles and leans lazily on the Dragon chair, but the breath under the smile is colder and colder: "what do you mean by Aiqing?"

"Your Majesty, in the light of my humble opinions, I have to let Princess Tianrong send her to Panyu to make peace with him. As soon as she leaves, the world will be peaceful!"

"Your Majesty, Tianrong, as a princess of shengchen Kingdom, should go through fire and water for the sake of the rise and fall of the country. Besides, she has been favored by the emperor for many days and has been canonized as a princess. She should be grateful for the great kindness of the emperor and do her best for the common people of the world."

This is a euphemism, but everyone present is not a fool, who does not understand the implication, is to remind long Yutian, Tianrong is just a wild child, not royal blood, she and the world plan, which is more important, even without brain, also distinguish it!

Unfortunately, it is no longer important for long Yutian to use his brain. They don't know that his brain is about to crumble.

At this time, long Yutian's eyes are like two sharp blades. He wants to peel them off and dig their hearts. However, he suppresses his anger. The palm of his hand has crushed the corner of the constellation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!