Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1622

After a long struggle, long Yutian surrendered.

Forget it, when it's daybreak, you'd better go to Chen Wang Fu by yourself and take rong'er back!

In a few days, it's time for rong'er to drink his heart again. He's five years old.

If he was not with her at that time, her growth would be affected, and maybe she would be beaten back to her original shape.

He doesn't want to marry a little yellow cat to be a queen!

Long Yutian finds a good reason for himself. Then he turns over and sleeps with ronger's pillow.

As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes and just wanted to go to sleep, he heard faint cries coming from the yard.

Long Yutian kicks the quilt dryly, thinking that it is the little maid who is homesick again. He stealthily hides in the corner and wipes his tears. He is afraid of disturbing him, so he wants to cry and can't cry.

That kind of stuffy sound made him feel dizzy. He picked up a cup and threw it on the eaves of the door.

"FOKO, come in!"

At the door, Fuzi watched his eyes, nose and heart, and kept a high degree of vigilance. When he heard that long Yutian called him again, he clamped his legs and tightened the chrysanthemum tightly, so he carefully pushed the door in.

"Emperor, you haven't had a rest yet?" Fuzi was laughing with her.

Long Yutian rubbed his eyebrows and growled: "you're deaf. How can I sleep with the loud crying outside?"

Long Yutian looked at Fu Zi's head down, staring at him in the same place, and he didn't want to leave. He thought that the slave was getting more and more stupid. He quickly scolded: "what are you staring at? Don't you go down and deal with that ignorant maid in waiting? If I hear the slightest cry, I'll take her head and ask you to be buried with me! "

Fu Zi swallowed his saliva, and his expression was even more painful than when he entered the palace to "clean his body": "emperor, even if you stamp the slave, the slave does not dare to deal with her ~ ~ the one crying in the yard is not the palace maid, but the little princess!"

As soon as Fu Zi's voice fell, he saw that long Yutian was lying like a corpse. He jumped up from the bed with a sound of miso. His eyes were staring like a brass bell, and he held on to his collar.

"What do you say, rong'er has been staying at the gate of the hall?"

Damn, it's so cold. It's been several hours. How could these slaves tell him now?

Blessing son almost didn't strangle to death, can only hold a voice to say: "return to emperor, princess, she is at the door!"

Long Yutian threw Fuzi to the ground with a whoosh. Before he left, he kicked him in both feet and said harshly, "bastard, I just told me now that if ronger is frozen, I will chop you up and feed you to the pig!"

Fuzi kneels on the ground, and even nods his head to beg for mercy when he is scolded. In fact, he is forced to die in his heart: the emperor is more difficult to serve than the Lord Yan. He mentions the little princess. The emperor wants him to have a brain. He obeys the order, but does not mention the little princess. Does the emperor want to chop him to feed the pig?

Lucky son tears ran, he suddenly found that do pigs than his welfare! Let him shit!

However, before going to shit, I have to follow long Yutian_ <)o~~!

As soon as long Yutian sleeps in the hall, he sees a goose yellow figure curling up in the corner of the courtyard.

Xiao rong'er stood for several hours, tired, and squatted on the ground, his head buried between his legs, his shoulders shaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!