Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1623

Double feet covered with mud, bare against the cold hard ground, constantly twisting toes.

She lowered her head, as if she was sobbing, not in a grinning voice, but in a whimpering voice, sobbing in a low voice.

In the choking voice, he called faintly and intermittently; "father emperor -- father emperor --"

the soft and weak voice fell in long Yutian's ear, like a thunder, which hit him hard in the heart and split him in two.

Unspeakable heartache, as if the waves in general, towards him.

Long Yutian stopped for two seconds, pulled down the robe in a panic, and squatted in front of rong'er's body, tightly wrapped her petite body.

"Ronger?" He called her name hoarsely.

Rong'er felt the familiar temperature and sound. Then she raised her head slightly. Her eyes were as red as a boiled walnut.

She was tired of crying and hoarse, but now when she saw long Yutian, she couldn't vent her grievances. Wow, she howled again.

He stretched out his two chubby arms and grasped long Yutian's neck tightly. As he cried, he belched: "Rong Er is wrong. Rong Er, you will never make you angry again. Don't drive Rong Er out of the palace, OK? The emperor - the emperor - "

long Yutian was distressed, and his viscera were all pulled up. Before the pain had gone too far, he was really cooled by a basin of ice water.

"Rong Er, what do you call me?"

As soon as rong'er saw long Yutian's face, she was gloomy again. She was so scared that she quickly shrunk her head and put her paws down from long Yutian's neck.

"The emperor, the emperor!"

She lowered her head and pinched her voice. She seemed afraid that if she spoke a little louder, it would make long Yutian angry.

"Why don't you call me father Huang?" Long Yutian's brow can almost kill a fly!

Is this little thing still angry?

But he got it wrong!

Rong Er raised his head, flashed his eyelashes, and then dropped his head in frustration: "you said, I'm not your princess, and you're not my father ~ you said, you want to drive me out of the palace, don't want me, you also said, you want to break up with me

Xiaorong'er was just telling the truth, but the more she said it, the more upset she felt. Thinking about the moment when long Yutian pushed her away, she was left alone in the yard. After blowing for several hours, she felt that everything was true.

Long Yu naive do not like themselves, dislike themselves!

Thinking of this, Xiao rong'er was in a panic again. He grabbed the corner of long Yutian's clothes and choked: "I - I'll watch the door and pour tea with Fu Zi, I'll wash the dishes, catch fish and catch mice, uncle, don't drive me away, just put me beside you as a little maid of honor, I'm free, don't want a monthly salary --"

her waxy voice is full of sadness Very strong nasal sound, red nose, also hanging two drops of snot, that appearance, see long Yutian is laughing and crying.

However, is such a funny little meatball, said the words, but mercilessly pull pain of his heart.

Long Yutian held down rong'er's shoulder and held her tightly in his arms: "rong'er is good. It's the father who is not good. The father shouldn't be cruel to you. My little rong'er is so sensible and obedient. The father should be reasonable to you, right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!