Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1610

At this time, Fuzi was also looking at long Yutian's expression with Yu Guang. He saw that the emperor was staring at him with a very unhappy look. His hands were shaking with fright, and the clay figurine seemed to be tottering.

Long Yutian seized the opportunity and hit the desk angrily: "Fu Zi, I think you want to be beaten. Don't hurry up!"

Fuzi had been scared, but now he suddenly saw the emperor was angry and lost his soul. With a shake of his hands, he threw the clay figurine to the ground.

"Lucky son! I don't think you deserve to be beaten! "

Long Yu's Day was cold. He yelled again. Under the table, a leg stretched out and kicked Fu Zi's calf.

As soon as Fu Zi's legs softened, he knelt down on the ground with a puff and pressed on the clay figurine's body impartially.

"FOKO, get out of the way!"

Xiao rong'er quickly reached out and pushed Fu Zi's shoulder. Fu Zi didn't dare to get up, so he knelt and floated to the ground together with the crushed mud.

Xiaorong Er looks up and sees that the vivid clay figurine, which was originally carved, has become a shoal of yellow rotten mud under the ravages of Fuzi's two hooves.

She angrily stares at Fu Zi and shouts: "Fu Zi, you did it on purpose!"

"Little princess, I am wronged. I have the courage to smash your clay figurine on purpose."

How innocent Fu Zi is. He has the same face as his dead parents.

"Father! You are going to avenge me Xiao rong'er looks at long Yutian pitifully with cat urine.

In his heart, long Yutian wanted to dance. However, he pretended to be unhappy and glared at Fu Zi.

"It's not enough to succeed, it's more than enough to fail. What do I want you to do to make the princess angry? Go down quickly and kneel down in Tianrong palace to pray for the little clay figurine of the princess!"

Fu Zi kowtowed to admit his mistake, but he did not dare to plead for mercy. He knelt down and rolled down.

When long Yutian saw that the work had been completed, he pinched rong'er's dirty face and coaxed him: "good rong'er, don't cry. My father has already punished him. He's just a clay figurine. If rong'er likes it, my father will make you a hundred!"

After hearing this, rong'er sobbed a few times. He looked at the rotten mud on the ground and nodded his head.

Some of the officials below like flattery best. Seeing the little princess's lost expression, they think that she is depressed because the gift is from Prince Tuoba.

So, Mr. Xu came out and comforted: "princess, don't be sad. Although the clay figurine is broken, the friendship of Prince Tuoba to you will never change. Didn't Prince Tuoba say that he can take you out anywhere you like?"

Tut Tut, you see, this sweet mouth not only comforted the princess, but also flattered the prince Tuoba. It also laid the foundation for the friendship between the two countries. He really contributed a lot!

"Lord Xu?" Long Yutian called his name lazily.

Mr. Xu was excited: "I'm here!"

He thought, the emperor must praise him!

Who knows, the next second, long Yutian came down from the Dragon chair, holding ronger in one hand, and stopped in front of Mr. Xu.

"The Minister of the Ministry of accounts, right?"

Long Yutian's voice is very light, but the powerful momentum makes Mr. Xu suffocate.

"Yes, the emperor remembers that the lower officer is the Minister of the household department!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!