Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1609

"Yes, yes, it's rare for Prince Tuoba and Princess Tianrong to play so well. Maybe they will continue to write a strange love story between shengchen and Nanzhao!"

The ministers praised Tuoba Kuo and xiaorong'er in an endless stream. They wanted to draw the red line for them now and make a baby kiss.

After all, after a few years ago, Princess Chen publicly rejected Tuoba Sheng's proposal to marry him, and robbed the palace of King Chen for money.

It has been a long time since Nanzhao Kingdom and shengchen kingdom came into contact with each other. The big guys are worried and privately speculate that Nanzhao and shengchen kingdom will meet each other in war soon.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there are two little people, Prince Tuoba and Princess Tianrong!

If the marriage can be successful and a hundred years of peace can be guaranteed, this is a scene that the people of the two countries are looking forward to!

They just praise xiaorong'er and Tuoba Kuo, but they don't see that their serious master's face has turned into a lump of black!

"Ronger, come here!"

Long a San has finally broken his mark. The end of his arrogance is that he is about to change from "future husband" to "future father-in-law"!

Xiao rong'er, with short legs, stumbles to long Yutian's body. Ignoring his gloomy eyes, he holds a clay figurine to show off: "father, look beautiful, isn't it very like rong'er?"

"Well!" Long Yutian monosyllabic back a, stretch out his hand to hold down son to his leg, clip a small chicken leg, feed to her mouth: "good boy, eat, later play."

Xiaorong'er saw the drumsticks, his eyes lit up, opened his mouth, ah Wu, swallowed them, and put the clay figurine on the table.

Long Yutian's coke is broken. He takes a provocative glance at Tuoba Kuo, who is sluggish on one side. He looks elated and seems to be saying: look, smelly boy, my ronger is still kissing me! Xiaorong'er: father, you misunderstand me. I'm kissing chicken leg

While feeding ronger, long Yutian nodded Fuzi and said, "pour the wine."

Blessing son ah a, quickly hold wine cup to pour wine.

Long Yu Tian's eyes grunted twice, quietly gathered a little internal force on his fingertips, and hit Fu Zi's wrist with a swish.

Sure enough, Fuzi, who was pouring the wine, felt numb in his wrist and accidentally touched the glass. The wine in the glass flowed all over the table, directly wetting the clay figurine on the table.

"Wow! My little clay man Rong'er took the lead in yelling and quickly reached for the clay figurine.

It's just that long Yutian didn't give her the chance to take the clay figurine directly before her.

Pretending to be angry, He reproached Fu Zi.

"Careless slave, the princess's clay figurines are all wet, blow dry quickly!"

Then, with a smile on his face, he comforted the pouting ronger: "dear, my father asked Fuzi to blow dry for you!"

Fu Zi didn't know what was going on, so he was reproached by the emperor and the princess. After he reacted, he picked up the clay figurine, Huha Huha blowing the air, and kept explaining, "princess, don't worry, the clay figurine is just a little wet, and the slave will blow it dry for you, don't worry!"

The lips of long Yutian's smile suddenly stiffen ~

Fu Zi is very dedicated, and the clay figurine can still be dried. Can you continue to play for Xiao ronger? This is not scientific!

Long Yutian couldn't help looking at Fu Zi.

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