Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1594

Mother said that for such a man who is drunk and fierce, it's better to ask for trouble.

However, she still lowered her head, a small hand carrying the suit and muttered, "it's not hygienic to wear it when it's so dirty!"

"Feng Mengmeng! What are you talking about? " Long Yutian is furious!

"No, I didn't say anything. I wanted to clean this suit for you." Feng Mengmeng just shook his hands and ran away with his suit in his arms.

Long Yutian turns his head and looks at him with a smile.

This woman has eyes, not obstinate, otherwise, he has wrists to make her dumb.

Maybe it's because he got the dignity of the wolf on a little white rabbit. Long Yutian's mood is especially good.

Sitting on the sofa, reading magazines and tasting tea.

However, after waiting for 20 minutes, he didn't see feng Mengmeng's shadow, which made him a little impatient.

"Hey, where is Feng Mengmeng dead?" He yelled at the servant next to him.

"Er Shao, Miss Feng has already gone back to her bedroom. I think she should be asleep this time." The servant replied respectfully.

"What about the master's clothes?" Long Mu Chen's eyelids jump straight, suddenly have a kind of foreboding.

Then the maid came back: "your clothes are twisted in the washing machine, Miss Feng said. I went to have a look just now, and they are dehydrating -"

before the maid's words fell down, long Yutian rushed into the laundry room with a ghostly sound.

As a result, we can imagine.

He only wore it for three hours. He just made a hand-made high-end suit from Italy. He was abused by the washing machine and turned into a pile of folded linen!

Long Yutian's eyes, want to burn a big hole in the washing machine, teeth gas of a cackle.

Damned Feng Mengmeng, how dare you treat him like this? I don't treat him like a dish!

This feud, long Yutian and Feng Mengmeng, is settled. He vowed to give her - give her - kneel down and beg for mercy!

(PS: long er Shao and Feng Mengmeng bury their foreshadowing first, and the modern drama is over. Let's get back to business and change the map)

- the dividing line of duo'er -

in the night sky of shengchen Kingdom, the sky with seven stars is fading away.

With a dazzling thunder, long Muchen with his wife and mother-in-law adults, landing safely.

However, for the first time, the money mother was too nervous to fall to the ground freely. With a "poop," she sat down on the ground.

"Ah, I've lost my old bone. What kind of broken high-heeled shoes are so high that they're not reliable. I'm still spraining my feet!"

The money mother sat on the ground, patted her thigh and complained. She took off the "high-heeled shoe" which was only two centimeters high and threw it out.

Then, he heard "ouch --" a short and fat old man ran out from the corner, and said with discontent: "who is this? In the middle of the night, he didn't talk about public civilization, so he threw rubbish around and nearly killed me!"

Tianji old man reached for the high-heeled shoes that flew to his face and studied them by himself.

Money mother is a civilized person in the end, a look accidentally hit people, she in line with the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, to build a harmonious alien, limp over.

"I'm so sorry, old man. I just threw out my shoes when I was angry. I didn't expect that I hit you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!