Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1593

In fact, we Feng Mengmeng is really a kind girl. She thinks that her explanation can greatly satisfy the young man's vanity.

But I didn't expect that after hearing her words, long Yutian gritted his teeth and almost jumped at the purity of his head.

"Feng Mengmeng!" Long Yutian roared.

"Ah?" Feng Mengmeng ignored his anger and raised his head and blinked.

"Forget it, young master, I don't want to explain it to a country bumpkin like you. Just stay with me!" Long Yutian rubs his hair carelessly, with a kind of weak frustration.

He is one of the most famous long er Shao in Shanghai. He has always been the top five in the list of diamond king.

It would have been compared with the male stars who sang and danced by such a tubuji, a cartoon cat woman.

Dragon two little very speechless, very angry.

If he glanced at the woman standing in front of him like nothing, his eyes seemed to be saying: please, hold your thighs, and your eyes are full of pink bubbles, I will forgive your ignorance!

But Feng Mengmeng didn't know the diamond man's mind. When he said, "stay with me", Mengmeng was dull for two seconds. Then, without raising his eyes, he turned and walked to the sofa.

Holding the book in his hand, he concentrated on gnawing it.

Standing behind the sofa, long Yutian's lung is about to explode. Once in a hundred years, he seldom talks to an unfamiliar woman for more than five sentences. Instead of feeling grateful, he ignores him with the back of his head?

"Er Shao, your coffee." The little woman holds a beautiful cup and hands it to long Yutian.

Long Yutian took it, but his eyes had been staring at Feng Mengmeng's back, like looking at an interesting little pet.

He has lived for more than 20 years and met many women of all kinds.

There are many people who are attracted to him, and even throw themselves in their arms.

Among them, there are also some women who pretend to be arrogant and noble and play hard to get.

However, those women pretended to be very shy and cold on the surface, but in private, they did not know how many times they looked at him with fiery and purposeful eyes.

However, after getting used to seeing all kinds of women, there is no one like Feng Mengmeng.

Some rustic, some silly, some timid - and dare to ignore his woman.

Before long Yutian knew it, he had a little interest in Qian Duoduo's little girl friend and wanted to punish her.

He brought the coffee to his mouth, but stopped for a moment. Then he tilted his fingertips and deliberately soiled his collar.

"Er Shao, your clothes are dirty!" The maid next to her screamed and quickly reached out to clean it.

But long Yutian dodged in an instant, pursed his lips and gave the maid a cold glance.

The little maid was frightened by her cold and indifferent look. As soon as she shrunk her head, she trembled and retreated.

Long Yutian takes off his coat and throws it directly.

, "Hello, woodlouse sister, you used the milk tea to smear this young lady's clothes. What are you going to do?"

Feng Mengmeng is concentrating on his study. A piece of clothes comes down from the sky and covers his head.

She pulled off the suit and saw the light tea stains on the collar.

"Oh, you are the man who was drunk that day Feng Mengmeng suddenly realized. , the fastest update of the webnovel!