Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1588

After the marshal, there were thousands of soldiers waiting for him. On the drum and the flag, there was a big word "Chen --"

although the painter's painting style was not so meticulous, he could not see the face of the person in the painting clearly, but from the word "Chen" and the thunder sword in the Marshal's hand, Qian Duoduo knew that the person in the painting must be her husband, shengchen kingdom Long Muchen, the Regent of China.

Qian Duoduo opens his mouth, just want to say what, was stopped by long Muchen's hand, let her be a little uneasy.

Housekeeper he continued: "there has always been a legend about the dragon family. I also heard it from the old master. It is said that the ancestors of the dragon family did not exist in this time and space at first. They came from another world or an alien planet, and the thunder sword has the magical power to travel through time and space and fight with the stars."

"Originally, the descendants of the dragon family didn't believe it. The old master himself held an international seminar with the Yulei sword and the painting. None of those famous experts could tell that the sword and the painting were from that dynasty, and there was never any information about the word" Chen "in the history books."

"But even so, the painting and the Yulei sword, as the heirloom of the dragon family, have been handed down from generation to generation and hung on the ancestral hall of the dragon family."

Housekeeper he looked at Qian Duoduo's mouth growing into a shape of 0. He looked at the picture as if he were reading a horror novel. He laughed and said, "young lady, you must think it's very strange, but it's really a legend about the ancestors of the dragon family handed down from generation to generation."

"Fantastic? I think there's something more incredible. "

Longmuchen took money back to her arms, raised her hand and closed her little mouth that could swallow duck's eggs, then looked at him seriously.

"In fact, what you are talking about is not a legend, but a fact. The ancestor of the dragon family is an alien from the kingdom of shengchen. The man in the picture is the Regent of the kingdom of shengchen, King Chen, the God of war."

Housekeeper he looked dull. "Young master, how can you know this?"

Qian Duoduo's head tilted and said with a naughty smile: "because this fake young master of your family is Marshal Sao Bao and Regent long Muchen in the painting, and I am her Princess, Princess Chen!"

Qian Duoduo twisted his little nose, raised his chin haughtily, and told a modern man that he was an ancient noble princess. He was very sociable, very proud, and had a sense of achievement!

Housekeeper he's chin is about to drop. Looking at them, he seems to see Shrek!

"Young master, I'm old. Don't make fun of me!" After a long time, he Bo, who came over, stammered back.

Long Muchen pulls his lips and opens his mouth in a tone of no wave. He tells how Qian Duoduo and he used the Yulei sword to come here. He mistook him for the elder and the younger of the long family. He simply tells them.

At last, fearing that he didn't believe it, he took out the boa robe and the "Chen King token" from Qian Duoduo's pocket and handed it to he Bo.

He Bo holding a boa robe and token hand, can't help shivering, a pair of unbelievable eyes, full of consternation.

The python robe is sewn with gold thread. The gems inlaid on the jade belt are all valuable rare treasures. , the fastest update of the webnovel!