Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1587

Qian Duoduo's face is about to stick to the elevator glass, two claws across the glass to grasp, want to take things from the space.

"What madam said is that these are all handed down by the ancestors of the dragon family from generation to generation. The collection that we gilt auction house put out for exhibition and auction is just a drop in the bucket."

He Bo looked at Qian Duoduo's funny actions like plasticine and couldn't help laughing twice.

This little lady is really funny. In the face of an old housekeeper, her eyes are shining with gold, and she's laughing?

The family of long is a single biography of long Muchen. No matter how much property you have, isn't it in your name?

However, we don't think so. The villain in her heart is full of tears - can't take it away!

Housekeeper he stopped the elevator on the second floor of the ground floor: "but what I want to show you today is not the rare antiques of the dragon family, but the long history of the dragon family."

As he spoke, he opened the face and voice recognition system, and the computer-controlled security door was opened.

What comes into view is a huge inner room with an area of about 1000 square meters. The floor is made of natural white marble, and even the chandelier on the roof is made of natural crystal.

Every square meter is so - so - People's fat and people's cream!

However, this time, Qian Duoduo's eyes rarely didn't show a ferocious golden light, but was attracted by the wall in front of him.

On the wall, hung a huge portrait of hundreds of blessings, which was divided into two parts by a huge incense table in the middle.

On the left, there are all handsome men, while on the right, there are all beautiful women.

Their clothes were different. The bottom rows of suits and leather shoes, the more they went up, turned into silk, long robes and blue shirts.

"Are these all the ancestors of the dragon family?" Long Mu Chen pointed to the portrait on the wall, he that has already had psychological preparation, face these, pour is a face of expression calm.

"Yes, the earliest ancestor of the dragon family was a general in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the people of the dragon family worked as officials in the imperial court for generations. Later, after the change of Dynasty, the descendants of the dragon family felt that the situation was unpredictable in the imperial court. Finally, after accumulating some wealth, they began to do business

"The earliest time of the dragon family was to open a bank, a pawn shop and so on. After hundreds of years of accumulation, it has spread to today."

"This gilded auction house was founded by the old master. It was a sensation at home and abroad at that time, and it had a high reputation in the world."

Housekeeper he talked about the entrepreneurial history of the dragon family. He was very excited and speechless.

It seems that I have witnessed the changes of the dragon family in the past few hundred years and the most brilliant moment now.

"With so many industries of the dragon family, why has the Yulei sword become the heirloom of the dragon family?" Long Muchen about to understand the situation of the long family, straight into the theme.

He Bo hesitated for a moment. He fixed his eyes on Qian Duoduo's slightly raised abdomen. After a glance, he said solemnly: "this is also the purpose I brought you today."

He raised his hand and pointed to the highest position on the wall: "young master, young lady, look at that painting."

Qian Duoduo looked at it, and the whole person was shocked.

The portrait depicts a majestic Grand Marshal, dressed in military uniform, fighting on the battlefield. , the fastest update of the webnovel!