Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1568

With his command, all the men in black on the helicopter set up the latest weapons and equipment.

Malte sat next to the old man. He was the only one of the duffins who followed and wanted to witness the death of Duke wes.

Looking at their orderly erection of guns, Malte was excited and nervous. He couldn't help asking, "are you sure you can kill with one shot? What if Wes finds out and runs away?"

That Sao Bao boss turned to see him one eye, under the black sunglasses, the displeasure of the eye bottom flashed away.

He sneered: "even Mr. Duffin doubted our combat capability, then you can solve it yourself!"

Then he picked up an assault rifle and threw it over Marte. Marte was so scared that his hands were soft that he almost didn't drop the rifle.

All the people in black in the helicopter were staring at Marte, as if to say, "you want to die."

Marte was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat and kept smiling: "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I'm just too excited!"

Black Hawk is the world's leading assassination organization. As long as they take over the "human life" life, they have never failed.

In order to achieve their goals, they did everything they could. They even trained a group of "dead men" in their organizations to play self explosion and die with the enemy.

So, Malte. Dafen's words are an insult to the professionalism of the Black Hawk organization.

"Shoot!" Boss Sao Bao gave the order.

"Bang bang -" dozens of bullets shot towards the study, the glass outside the study was shattered, and even the computer and desk lamp on the desk were broken by the bullets.

Among the men in black, two sharpshooters, one aiming at WES's heart and the other at his forehead, pulled the trigger together.

“good! Perfect hit! He's not dead this time! "

The sharpshooter saw Wes's body fall to the ground in the sight of the sniper gun. He exclaimed involuntarily.

At this time, Sao Bao man was also observing every move in the study with a telescope. Seeing that the target was killed, he immediately ordered: "quickly cut off Weiss's head and give it to the Dafen family for autopsy!"

After a word, the three men in black hooked the window with special wire and flew from the helicopter to the study.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, he heard the man in black yelling: "grass, what the hell

Behind him, the boss of Sao Bao cursed: "in the middle of the night, what's the name of the ghost?"

The scolded little Valet gave way to the boss. He trembled his arms and pointed to the mess on the ground.

"No, boss. Look, Duke Weiss is gone!"

Sao Bao boss looked at the empty study, not even a ghost shadow, in addition to the ground, two cold bullets.

On his face, a look of incredible panic.

Just now, he clearly saw the bullet through Wes's chest and forehead, and also saw him fall. However, in just a few seconds, how could his body disappear out of thin air?

Just as he was puzzled, the door of his study was opened with a bang.

Duke Weiss followed long Muchen safely and appeared at the door of the study. , the fastest update of the webnovel!