Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1567

Long Muchen is hesitating whether to take Qian Duoduo with him. Weiss suddenly inserts a sentence: "Mr. long, don't worry about that. There is a basement under the manor, just under the study. It's airtight. It's specially used to display the treasures in the manor. Where can Mrs. Long and Miss Feng go first? I guarantee it's absolutely safe."

As soon as Qian Duoduo heard the four words "rare and precious", his little face didn't droop. He immediately came to the spirit. He automatically ignored that he wanted to stick to long Muchen's ghost mind just now, and nodded his head.

"Well, you can come to the study with me. Where I'm guarding, DOR won't be in danger."

Finish saying, long Mu Chen took money to go to Weiss's study together.

After taking his wife to the treasure house in the basement, long Muchen specially observed the construction specifications of the basement and determined that there was no mistake before he went back to his study.

At this time, the window has been snowing, sweeping the wind howling.

He said a few words in Wes's ear and asked, "do you understand?"

Weiss nodded. Since he gave the whole family's life to long Muchen, no matter what he arranged or said, he would do it without hesitation.

Weiss opened his mouth, just wanted to say "everything please Mr. long", long Muchen suddenly raised his head, stopped his voice: "they're coming!"

Duke Weiss's head, like a rattle, looked out of the window. There was no ghost at all!

Mr. long, at this juncture, still scares him. Hasn't the funny money ever told him the story of "the wolf is coming"?

If you want to be a good old man, you can't be cheated!

As soon as he wanted to turn around and pat his little heart, the sound of "buzzing" appeared in the sky outside the manor castle, which drove the snowflakes all over the sky to roar.

Duke Weiss subconsciously jumped into the house, and then saw three or four helicopters hovering low above the castle.

He couldn't help but secretly scold: it's really a group of crafty and cunning guys. When he sent the death charm, he didn't write clearly that it was a sneak attack from the sky!

almost make complaints about Mr. dragons.

"Mr. long, what can I do?" Duke Weiss was flustered, a little flustered.

Longmuchen raised the corner of his lips, and his face was full of confidence: "everything goes according to the plan."

With that, his handsome posture disappeared like a ghost in Duke Weiss's study.

In mid air -

the helicopter kept circling around the castle, and the frantically rotating rotor made a deafening sound like the king of death.

On a silver helicopter, a blonde man in black, wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar, looks like the boss of a domestic movie.

"How's it going? Are you sure of the location? " Asked the old man.

"Yes, Wes is in his study now. He's the only one, wandering back and forth in front of his desk. He looks very flustered." Another little brother like a character, put down the telescope, respectfully back a sentence.

"The man who is targeted by the Black Hawk will surely die. It's strange that he doesn't panic!" The old man snorted and laughed. His tone was full of contempt. In an instant, he became gloomy: "all of you, take your place, finish him in three minutes, make a quick decision!"

(update slowly tonight, it's so cold!) , the fastest update of the webnovel!