Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1414

Fu Zi knew that he could not escape death, and that he would not end up like the two maids in the palace.

"Thank you, Lord long! The slave must leave quietly, wave the white silk, and never take away a cloud! "

Holding a handkerchief on the ground, he smears it on his nose to get a touch of his master's Dragon Spirit. When he meets the Lord of hell, he can say that he is an official.

He wiped tears, just ready to get up and leave, the inner hall, with a strong sense of sleepy voice, then spread out.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Long Yutian and Fu Zi turn their heads one after another, and then they see Xiao Rong Er knead his eyes and stumble out of it.

Seeing that Xiao pangdun moved to his side and stretched out his two claws, long Yutian immediately understood and bent over to pick her up.

Xiao rong'er looked at Fu Zi's face and asked, "father, why is Fu Zi crying? Did you kill him? "

Just now, long Yutian was fierce. As soon as he saw Xiaorong Er, he immediately turned into a patient super father.

"Lucky son, he has done something wrong. My father wants to punish him a little."

Lucky son wants to cry without tears ~ this punishment is really "small" ~ in the blink of an eye, he even lost his life.

How clever Xiao rong'er was. He immediately covered his mouth in surprise: "well, I know. I must have told my father the secret of hooking up with Fu Zi. That's why my father wanted to punish Fu Zi, right?"

After saying that, she quickly shook her little hand, looking very serious: "no, no, father can't punish Fu Zi, otherwise Rong Er will break his promise and rot his ass!"

Lost a tail, she has been very sad!

There are bubbles in Fuzi's eyes. I'm so moved!

In the afternoon, he tried so hard to cajole the little princess, and the little princess still protected him so much, which made him feel ashamed!

Putong knelt down on the ground and cried: "the little princess is very kind. I don't think I can repay her. It's the slave who made the princess hurt. I'm not sorry to die!"

Our little rong'er is still very kind. He points to his face and looks at long Yutian accusing him: "my father is so fierce that he makes people cry! You see, xiaofuzi is scared to piss by you! "

With that, the tears of Fuzi's special cooperation flowed vigorously, hoping to stage a eunuch Fu crying down the hall!

Long Yutian looks at the little thing in his arms and stares at Fu Zi with guilt. He knows that after this lesson, Fu Zi will be grateful to Rong ER and serve her more faithfully.

After all, I'm the king of a country, and I can't guard xiaorong'er every step of the way. When he's away, there must be a nice person around him.

Thinking of this, long Yutian finally relaxed: "since rong'er pleads for you, I will forgive you this time. From now on, you will be rong'er's person. If she is wronged in the future, I will double it on you!"

Fuzi escaped from death. Looking at xiaorong'er who was held in his arms by long Yutian, he almost looked forward to a statue.

Kneeling on the ground, he quickly expressed his loyalty: "I will try my best to serve the little princess. Even if I go up the mountain and down the sea of fire for her, I am willing to do it!"

At this moment, long Yutian didn't doubt Fu Zi's loyalty at all. He waved his hand and said, "roll down and get thirty boards, and go back to the Palace tomorrow morning."

"I'm going away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!