Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1413

"Emperor, I want to die, I only want to die!"

Long Yutian raised his hand and slapped the most crying maid in the face. He cried like a pig. Be careful to make rong'er sleep!

"Somebody, drag them down."

The bodyguard immediately came in and dragged the two maidservants away like a dead dog.

Long Yutian glanced at Fuzi: "you, go with me. I want you to see their death with your own eyes. Remember to come back later and tell me your impressions."

Blessing son where dare to say a nonsense, wipe the cold sweat on the forehead, then tremble to follow to go out.

Night, dark lights, inside the prison, full of tragic screams everywhere.

Two maidservants were nailed to wooden posts, and 18 instruments of torture were placed on the stove to bake.

The bloody air in the room, coupled with Mars, hit the butchers wantonly in the side face, making them more like ghosts from hell.

They first pierced their limbs with nails and nailed them to the wall to prevent them from struggling. Then, according to the emperor's intention of "picking skin and cramping", they first broke their hand and foot tendons. Then they took forceps and bit by bit picked their skin until the skin and flesh were opened and a piece of blood was blurred.

Fu Zi stood aside and looked at the two delicate women. Under the severe punishment, their skin and flesh were festering, and their faces became twisted due to extreme pain. They could not survive or die like that. He swallowed and almost fainted because of fear.

Fortunately, there are bodyguards around him to help him, so as to prevent him from falling into shit.

"Father-in-law Fuzi, these two maidservants can't stand the torture. They are dead."

A big man, with blood on his face, reached for their breath.

It's really TM. After cutting a few pieces of meat, it hurts!

Fu Zi nodded mechanically, and his whole body was full of Yin Qi.

"Finally... Finally it's over!"

He stammered, and the words seemed to sigh that the two women finally did not endure torture, and it seemed to comfort themselves that everything was over.

"Don't be surprised, father-in-law. It's getting late. Go to the emperor's office as soon as possible."

The big man urged. It must be a terrible crime to be ordered to die so miserably!

After this reminder, Fuzi realized that the nightmare had just begun. It was still unknown how the emperor would punish him.

Along the way, Fuzi was helped back to the door of longyutian's bedroom by two bodyguards.

As soon as I opened the door, poop, I knelt on the ground.

"Emperor, the slave is back."

Long Yutian lies on the bed and closes his eyes. After hearing the sound, he opens his eyes slightly.


Three words, crisp.

"Dead." Fukuko's answer was also straightforward.

Long Yutian downplayed: "very good!"

Immediately, the words changed, hummed and laughed two times: "the leader eunuch beside me, so painstakingly to cover up the crime for those two cheap maidservants, if I don't give you a new performance, won't it waste your painstaking efforts?"

Fu Zi was scared to pee. He was crying for death.

"The slave was bewildered for a moment, so he went to cover up the two maidservants and let the princess be wronged. The slave deserves to die. I beg the emperor to punish him!"

Long Yutian gracefully wipes his tea stained fingers with a handkerchief, and throws the handkerchief on Fu Zi's face with his backhand.

"I think you've been waiting on me for so many years. I'll give you a whole body, white silk dagger and red crane top. Choose one of your own. Remember to wipe your neck in a remote place. Don't upset me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!