Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1407

Another young maid in court began to murmur. She couldn't see the little girl's arrogance.

After a sneer, looking at xiaorong'er's face becoming pale, she felt very comfortable and thought that the girl was afraid of them.

"Sister, don't talk any more. You and a little girl spend a lot of time talking. We'll deal with her as soon as possible. If we disturb the emperor, we can't afford it."

The older maid in court also felt that her words were overstepping, so she quickly put in a word.

Two people tacit understanding looked at each other, then vigorously pulling ronger, want to throw her out of the palace.

Although rong'er is struggling to her death, she is still a little child. How can her strength be equal to that of two adults?

So, in a hurry, he used his own mace, lowered his head and took a bite. With her sharp little tiger teeth, he bit one of them by the wrist.

The maid in charge of the palace was so cold that she released her hand immediately. Xiaorong Er took advantage of the gap and ran out with her short legs.

"Little animal, how dare you bite me? I'll hold you, and I won't break you up!"

The palace maid who was bitten roared in pain, and her vicious eyes showed the fierce force of wanting to strip her skin and cramp.

little wool is scared to run forward, and the heart is tucking up: your sister make complaints about how slow you are. Two front claws can't walk down the road, and grow out in red. If it had been before, it would have jumped on the tree and wagged its tail. Could it have been chased all over the garden by two stupid people?

Xiaorong'er ran everywhere with his head down. Accidentally, he bumped into a hard thing with a bang.

"Get out of the way, my watch is in the way, I'm running for my life!"

Milk voice milk spirit of roar a, raise a head, stare a pair of glazed eyes.

"Oh, little ancestor, why are you so embarrassed?"

Fu Zi was also knocked into a trance. He just wanted to swear, but he saw the baby in front of him and looked at him breathlessly. His tone immediately became flattering.

"Father-in-law Fu, catch that little boy and don't let her run away."

Behind him, the two maids also caught up, angry to death, the two adults, even can not run a little doll!

Fu Zi bent over and protected Xiao rong'er beside him, with a gloomy face and a sharp voice scolding the two maids.

"Presumptuous, you two don't want your head. You dare to be disrespectful to the princess. If the emperor knows, you will not be killed!"

The two maids were stunned. They wondered when the emperor had a daughter and how well she was hidden. Was it five years ago, when she was born outside the palace?

No matter what, even Fuzi is so servile to protect the baby. She must be a princess!

"Forgive me, princess. The maidservants have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. If they offend the little princess, please forgive me!"

The two maids knelt on the ground with a puff. There was a little arrogance.

Fuzi took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and squatted down to wipe xiaoronger's dirty face clean. He coaxed her with a smile.

"Little princess, as the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent. You can see that they have all admitted their mistakes. Just look at the face of the slaves. Will you forgive them this time?"

After all, he is his hometown, or a distant relative. He also hopes that the big things will turn into small ones, and the small things will turn into small ones. , the fastest update of the webnovel!