Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1406

So, she stretched out her fat paw and stood on tiptoe, trying to hook the peony. When she was about to catch it, she suddenly thought of a sharp voice behind her.

"Where's the wild boy? He dares to run here and make a fool of himself. Let's go!"

Xiao rong'er was roared and timidly retracted his claws. As soon as he turned around, he saw two twisted sisters, pointing their fingers at him.

The two maids were only seventeen or eighteen years old, and they were very beautiful. But when they saw Xiao rong'er, her delicate face was like a porcelain doll, inlaid with a pair of pale blue eyes. They were so beautiful that they could not tolerate themselves.

Although Xiao rong'er is only four or five years old, when a woman gets jealous, she will become the object of resentment up to the age of seventy-eight or thirty-four or thirty-five. So when they see rong'er, their eyes are burning.

"Sisters, do you know where my father is now?"

Simple rong'er can be regarded as a panting person, blinking and selling cute.

But this harmless appearance was shameful in the eyes of the two maids!

One of them, a little older, opened his mouth wide and wanted to swallow a duck's egg.

"What's your name, you little boy? Who is your father, just your hapless father

Xiaoronger puffed his cheeks and argued with them angrily: "my father is not unlucky. My father is very beautiful and gentle. My name is Qian ronger. My father's name is long Yutian!"

Two palace maids looked at a small hair child, a mouth to call the emperor's taboo, stunned almost jumped up.

The younger palace maid sneered: "you little son of a bitch, don't want to live, how dare you brag about the emperor's name in the palace, and how dare you call yourself a princess? If you are the emperor's princess, I am still the emperor's daughter-in-law! "

"I knew to lie when I was so young. Get out of here and get out of here. I will disturb Shengjia for a while, and you will be overwhelmed!"

As they spoke, the two maids pulled xiaoronger's short arms and pulled her rudely. Her white and tender skin, like a piece of tender tofu, was suddenly pressed out of a bruise.

Xiaorong'er's legs kept struggling on the ground, crying: "I didn't lie. My father said that I was Princess Tianrong and his treasure. You are all servants who serve me! You bully me like this. I'll let my father beat you on the board and turn your ass into chrysanthemum petals when I meet with him

The two maids once frowned. They were both the hometown of father-in-law Fuzi. Fuzi himself brought them into the palace. Huizi was even more fortunate to be able to follow the emperor to the palace.

The maidservants who stayed in the palace were envious and envious. Some of them even flattered them with sweet words. Maybe one day they would be spoiled by the emperor and fly to the branches.

This sense of transcendence makes them really think that they are half masters.

But now they are called slaves by a girl doll. Of course, they are angry, and their words are more vicious.

"When I was young, I didn't know how to be ashamed. I think you are a fox spirit. That little baby wants to seduce the emperor. When you grow up, you can still get it?"

"That's to say, the emperor's harem is three thousand. How can you manage to be a suckling child? You're still a princess. Who doesn't know that the emperor hates children most. Even if some empresses have dragon descendants, they will be beaten down by a bowl of abortion drugs. Even if you are a princess, you must be an abandoned princess, even a wild child!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!