Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1404

"In fact, I only discovered that papaya would change into an adult by chance. Do you remember the last time I went to the palace to feel the pulse of the unlucky flower, I found that there was a little Yang in the flower's body?"

Long Yutian's eyes brightened: "does it mean that the missing Yang of duo'er is absorbed by papaya?"

Tianji old man nodded and praised: "it's true. After all, duo'er once lived in papaya, and the papaya absorbed the aura of heaven and earth of Lingyin Temple, so it absorbed duo'er's Yang over time. Not only that, the ghost of the dead money in white was also hidden in papaya. Duo'er's Yang nourishes the ghost, and then it can be seen again With the most primitive blood flowing on your body, papaya will finally be reborn and become an adult. "

Crossing, soul, resentment, cat demon ~

this series sounds incredible. If you were someone else, you might have been schizophrenic by the strange things in front of you.

But long Yutian was very excited. He held the old man's shoulder and kept shaking.

"Elder, you mean that papaya is the continuation of duo'er, isn't it? It's like reincarnation. She's the offspring of duo'er's Yang Qi, isn't it?"

This is really wonderful. I still remember a few months ago, when he was wandering between life and death, he prayed that if someone came, the world of long Yutian and Qian Duoduo would no longer have long Muchen.

Who would have thought that since God so favored him, he lost duo'er and brought rong'er to him.

"You don't get excited, you listen to me first ~" Tianji old man was dizzy and swollen by his shaking. He flipped his dead eyes a few times, and then continued to add: "theoretically, it can be understood like this, but you need to know that papaya has changed into an adult. Although she has Yang Qi in her body, she is already a separate individual. You must not regard her as a child The shadow of the world, you know? "

Long Yutian nodded. Papaya is just a baby now. How can he compare her with duo'er?

However, when he knows that papaya is the continuation of duo'er, his children will love her more and treasure her more!

"Oh, by the way, I want to say hello to you in advance. Papaya is a cat after all, so the growth law is different from that of us mortals. Every other month, she will absorb a drop of blood from you, and then grow up to five years old, and so on. Until she grows up to be a big girl, she will no longer need your blood feeding, and become a girl who will experience life, aging and death Ordinary people. "

Long Yutian heard Tianji old man's words, suddenly realized!

No wonder papaya bit his chest at the party. No wonder after licking his heart, he suddenly turned into a four or five-year-old baby.

However, according to this growth cycle, the papaya can grow into a 15-year-old girl in only two months?

In the mind suddenly emerged her pear blossom smile appearance, that pale blue eyes, if opened, how the country!

"Dang -"

the sound of a broken porcelain bottle behind the wooden house breaks long Yutian's image of YY beauty.

"Who? Get out of here Irritable he, tone seems to be a little angry.

"Father emperor -"

Xiao rong'er called out with a kind of milk. He tooted his mouth and moved out of the back of the wooden house innocently.

As soon as long Yutian saw her pathetic appearance, his heart turned into a pool of water, and his expression became gentle.

(PS: back to Shanghai, start to update tomorrow ~ in addition: recommend Dashen's new book "amazing family: beloved wife" junfengyuan ~ personality guarantee, pit quality guarantee!) , the fastest update of the webnovel!