Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1403

Longyu Tianxin led the meeting. Without saying a word, he took a little chicken and carefully pulled it into a silk shape and fed it to her mouth.

After a meal, long Yutian was always waiting on his ancestors.

He was pampered since he was a child. He was always served by a group of slaves. Where can he do this?

But looking at the person in his arms, eating so satisfied, ruddy mouth, shiny, he felt special enrichment, happiness.

He looked at her as if he were full.

After breakfast, long Yutian thought that he should take papaya to Lingyin Temple, because it's so strange that he should consult Tianji first.

As soon as I got to the small wooden house behind the temple, Xiao rong'er was excited. This is the place where he was born. I miss it so much. There are trees!

"Uncle Tianji!"

A mouth, tender voice will attract the nest in the cabin of Tianji old man.

"Oh, the kitten has been reborn, finally shed her hair and become a baby? Come on, give me a hug! "

Pink Dudu's small face, in the goose yellow clothes, appears more white, a pair of light blue eyes, than the rare crystal, also dazzling three points.

Old man Tianji used to be a teaser. Now when he sees the little porcelain doll, he can't put it down.

But Xiao rong'er tightly grasped long Yutian's neck and said in embarrassment: "however, father Huang said that rong'er is a girl doll. Besides her husband, she can't be intimate with other men."

After hearing this, long Yutian was very happy. He was the cat he raised. He was really clever.

Lips involuntarily raised a gorgeous radian, even eyes are proud to follow up.

"Oh, in that case, why do you still stick to the emperor? Isn't he a man? "

Tianji old man looked at long Yutian's appearance and couldn't help inserting a word.

This time, it was long Yutian's turn to be reluctant: "elder, are you trying to stir up the relationship between our father and daughter?"

Tianji old man looks at long Yutian with great interest, and finally stops his eyes on xiaoronger's tender face.

"Are you sure you're just father and daughter? You don't have a joke. What the emperor said is just one word

Long Yutian drew his lips and said to himself, "is a hairy doll 20 years younger than me not a father and daughter, but a mother and son?"?

However, he was uneasy by Tianji old man's impetuous eyes, so he changed the topic.

"By the way, old man, it seems that you already know that a cat has changed into a human being according to your reaction just now?"

Tianji didn't answer immediately, but took a deep look at xiaorong'er.

"Rong'er is good. I'll play in the garden nearby. My father and uncle have something to say."

Longyu's heavenly heart leads God's meeting. The appearance of Tianji old man is obviously that he doesn't want the baby to know the whole story.

Xiaorong'er grabs back her thigh and shows two lovely dimples of pear blossom, then stumbles to one side.

However, the villain spirit ran half, and felt that his father would deliberately support himself and leave alone, so he quietly hid behind the cabin and stole his ears.

"Elder, if you have anything to say, it's OK to say so." Make sure there is no one around, long Yu asked again.

Tianji old man stroked his two moustaches. His fat round face looked very serious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!