Overgod Ascension

Chapter 103

Of course, Wu Ming is not the God of land.

Ghosts, immortals and Shinto are the last retreat of all the schools of thought. It's easy not to be so.

What he is doing now is to regard the land God as a real land God, and act as an agent himself.

Even though there are many troubles, many causes and effects can be avoided.

Of course, for Huang Weiqing, Wu Ming was in charge of the seal of the land. Naturally, life and death depended on him. After seeing each other, they all worshipped each other and called themselves masters.

"Well, we are the officials of our land department. When we teach the land baogao Scripture, we must read it sincerely. We are blessed with many ghosts!"

Wu Ming nodded, and three white lights flew out of the seal of the land and fell on the top of the three yin officials.

"Heaven and earth are selfless, and the gods observe. No good for sacrifice, no evil for impoliteness. Ordinary people should not be used up for power, happiness and poverty. These three are the cycle of heaven's fortune. Therefore, if you do good in one day, the good will not come, but the evil will be far away. If you do evil in a day, you will be far away from your good fortune

It's a rite to convert one's mind to one's life. It's a realm of Changyue in Qinghua, and it's a wonderful palace in Dongji. Seven treasures, fragrant Qianlin, nine colors, lotus seat. Wanzhen ring arch. Among the ten billion auspicious lights, Heishui land is respected, which should be the beginning of Xuanyuan. The great disaster falls to Tzu Chi, and the great thousand mannamen. Wonderful Tao, true body, purple gold and auspicious appearance, random feeling, boundless vows. Great saint, great mercy, great wish. Ten Fang Hua, to save all living beings. In a hundred million calamities, there is no limit to the number of people. Find the voice to feel, Taiyi black water to save the Suffering God

Huang Weiqing was shocked: "this... This is..."

"My" land baogao scripture "is the Scripture of the supreme ruler. If you want to spend it yourself, heaven will help you. You should hold this Scripture and preach in the ghost country of Heishan, fuerwan ghost!"

Wu Mingmu showed mercy and said gently.

There is no reincarnation in the underworld of Heishan, which is a boundless purgatory.

In heitaiyin City, though there is a chance of reincarnation, it still needs to be exchanged for good deeds.

Wu Ming studied the transmigration of the two worlds, but he found his own opportunities

"The Taoist scriptures of Du Ren in the great Zhou Dynasty are much more perfect than those in the world of gods and ghosts. They also consume less mana and have the basis of wide spread..."

"The Heitai City God's way of doing that is to scruple the divine power and accumulate merits and virtues, but I don't have to do that at all. The land baogao Scripture contains private goods, and there is a way to transcend. As long as the spirit flame has a foot of ghosts and gods, it can be used. Even ordinary ghosts, as long as they read it for a long time, can also attract the power of reincarnation. It's a way to save themselves!"

Wu Ming didn't need to consume his own mana, and he didn't need the merit of reincarnation. Now he had the ability to lift the table.

First, it needs the high-level transcendental Dharma of the Zhou world. Second, it needs the reincarnation of yin and Yang of this world. Originally, Wu Ming could not satisfy the second point, but he got the power of the land God. After careful understanding, he finally modified and perfected the transcendental mantra rituals in the Yinfu Sutra, which could even be used by other local ghosts and gods.

"If you help yourself, heaven will help you, and if you help yourself, heaven will help you. You should bear this in mind."

If you see a wronged soul, you can help reincarnation. The consumed divine power is like a mountain or a sea, not to mention the land God, but the City God God God.

However, there is no loss for the ghosts to cross the country by themselves. For the ghost country of Heishan, it is a drastic plan.

"I will make peace for this world!"

Wu Ming, somehow, was moved. This is the true meaning of redemption.

And the bottom three officials with the flavor of martyrs are naturally the price they have to pay, that is, the Pathfinder and pawns.

"The master of the land has great merit!"

Huang Weiqing's three, however, did not notice much. He only felt that this great aspiration and ideal really won their hearts, and they all bowed down with tears in their eyes.


In this moment, a kind of change seems to have happened.


Wu Ming looked at the land seal on his hand, and saw a trace of cyan hanging down. Although it was very weak, it was continuous.

"Heaven's will favors us. This is heaven's virtue..."

There was an immediate realization in my heart.

Heitai City God's passing away of his dead soul is beneficial to humanity. What he gets is the virtue of humanity. However, Wu Ming's action has not gained much, but it is in line with the general trend and the way of heaven, and there is the blue and blue of heaven's will immediately.

This land divine edict was originally a nine grade priesthood with pure white light.

Now a trace of cyan mixed in, although extremely subtle, but some profound changes, it is secretly generated.

"It seems that... This practice really has great fortune..."

Wu Ming chuckled and shook his head: "it's a pity... It's not what I asked for!"

The heart knows that for such a long time, most of the merits and virtues are sealed by the gods, and the land divine edict will produce spirituality sooner or later. This is the natural God, and it is completely out of its control. Even if it flies away, it can only stare.

However, this is also not subject to the price of the throne. Wu Ming feels that he will not fall into the situation of nothing for the time being.

"Go! Remember to protect yourself

With a wave of his hand, the three clerks worshipped again and turned into three different colors of light, which disappeared completely.


"It's a pity that there are only three subordinate officials, but we still need more ghost killers!"

Wu Ming immediately wandered around the border between Heishan ghost Kingdom and heitaiyin City, looking for a suitable wandering soul.

The junction of the two countries is the "three no matter" zone, which is most suitable for his power to grow.

Moreover, although he instigated his subordinates to invade the ghost country of Heishan, he did not dare to go further.

"Unless I have dragon Qi to protect my body, I don't dare to do such a big thing. Otherwise, I will be run over by the superior ghost and God. It's really not so good..."

Wu Ming touched the Pearl in his arms.

It has to be said that if he dares to do so, he will risk the great injustice of the underworld by relying on his dragon spirit.

Otherwise, if it's still the little ghost with three or four feet of flame, who also tries to interfere in the matter of reincarnation? I'm afraid that the curse of heaven has already fallen!

"That man! Be merciful at your feet

Just thinking about it, a thin voice came from the ground. It was as low as the sound of a mosquito. It was not because Wu Ming had a clear ear that he almost stepped on it.

"Well? Are you... Qingmangzi? How did it come to be like this? "

When he squatted down, he saw a big man on the ground. He was only a little long, and the light on the top was extremely weak. He looked like he was seriously hurt.

In the underworld, although it's not just about volume, it's also a helpless way to protect life when you are seriously injured.

Just now, if Wu Ming had not been inspired to leave Xiao Xu alone, I'm afraid that qingmangzi would have to give up here.

"You don't know?"

However, the character of the great man in qingmangzi's incarnation did not change: "if you come for your friend's life, you will take it directly, that is... A family would rather die than be humiliated!"

"My friend?"

Wu Ming's eyes moved: "are you so hurt by Xu Ziquan?"

"It seems you really don't know!"

Qingmangzi crossed his knees and sat down: "a family was trying to calm down the ghost chaos, but it was attacked by your friend, who attracted several black mountain ghosts and gods, but he took the opportunity to get away. Haha... Forgive me, that person is narrow-minded and jealous. If you don't recognize his true face, you will end up in danger!"

"The disciples of the Legalists are just like this. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's not too late for a hundred years for the Legalists to take revenge..."

Wu Ming sighed and said to qingmangzi, "what's your plan when you're hurt like this?"

"What else are you going to do?"

Qingmangzi sighed: "there are a lot of ghosts and gods I have offended. If they find me like this, I'm afraid I can't do without suffering. Just now I made a sound, but the idea of protecting the life of ants. It's good to think that I'm still dying like this..."

"Are you willing to be a man?"

Wu Ming eyes strange, asked: "you come to help me, how?"


Qingmangzi was surprised and looked Wu Ming up and down: "if you can save me, of course you can. Just say in advance that a family will not give up this revenge. Sooner or later, they will let your friend know the retribution. Second, they won't deal with their relatives and friends. Third, they won't do anything harmful to the city of heitaiyin. If you agree to these three points, a family will die for you, or you will step on it!"

With that, the man really sprawled on his back, with some rogue demeanor.

Of course, at best, it was the natural and uninhibited spirit of heroism that made Wu Ming very sad.


However, he had the ability to compete with Xu Ziquan before. He was also a character. Wu Ming immediately stopped hesitating. The land seal appeared and said to qingmangzi, "I have appointed you as the Yin General of the land department. You can lead the Yin army team!"

A milky light is falling.

"Ah ah..."

Green mangzi roared, bathed in a white light column, and grew up. In an instant, he was two feet higher than Wu Ming.

"In the end, it's the ghosts and gods of the past, and the foundation must be as good as the three literary officials of the past..."

Wu Ming nodded his head.

At this time, qingmangzi had changed his armor, and half of his face was covered with black lines, which seemed powerful and mysterious. He knelt down on one knee immediately: "I've seen the Lord of the land!"

"Well, I order you to go to the ghost kingdom of Heishan, recruit your own Yin soldiers, and... Spread this sutra!"

Wu Mingyi pointed out that the land baogao Scripture turned into a light spot and disappeared into qingmangzi's forehead.

"This... This is..."

Qingmangzi's tiger eyes were wide open. He had insight, and he knew the meaning more clearly.

Looking at Wu Ming's eyes, it is also changing.

At first, he thought that Wu Ming was no more than a powerful Taoist. But when he took out the land God's edict, he thought that he was under the Heitai City God. However, at this time, he knew that Wu Ming was not on both sides.

"How? How dare you answer? "

Wu Ming asked calmly. If he didn't agree, no matter how good he was, he could only kill him.

"Why not?"

Qingmangzi kowtowed abruptly: "for the people of the ghost country of Heishan, thank you for your kindness!"( (to be continued.)