Overgod Ascension

Chapter 102

No return to the valley.

Thick black fog churning, suddenly give way to a road.


In the astonishing jiuxiao dragon chant, a dragon with one horn and two claws, purple eyes and golden blue body quickly pours out and converges back into a pearl, showing a young Taoist.

"I can't imagine that this wuhui Valley is the place where a certain God of the country fell in ancient times..."

Wu Ming looked at the suihou bead in his hand.

After absorbing the inexplicable breath, the pearl itself is more bright, the halo changes, such as a snake, such as a dragon, but the snake shadow is a little short.

In this case, it seems that there is some pain.

"With the Dragon Qi in Houzhu, it's about one tenth less. That's the price of one exploration?"

Whether it's the consumption on the road or the fight with the guardian spirits before, it's a matter of great consumption of Qi luck. What's more, Wu Ming didn't refine this Qi luck himself, but only borrowed it for a short time, and the consumption increased.

"In the short run, it's quite a loss..."

Wu Ming touched his chin: "in addition to following Hou Zhu to gain some benefits, knowing the news, he can also exchange some good deeds. It seems that the gain is not worth the loss..."

But I know very well in my heart that if there is no dragon Qi suppression, not to mention going deep into the valley and finding the relics, the evil spirits and ghosts along the way will be enough to make other ghosts and gods doomed.

"That's all! The deadline is coming. I'd better pay the task as soon as possible and return to the sun... But before that, some things can be done... "

As soon as Wu Ming turned over his hand, the nine grade land imperial edict he had obtained before appeared.

Compared with the previous shitiao, the divine edict at this time is full of white light, rippling with strange fluctuations, and you can see that it is extraordinary.

This is the result of his continuous infusion after he got the golden light of merit.

"It used to be the mystery of gods, but now I'm qualified to show my power?"

Wu Ming laughs, knowing that the land is the God of good fortune, and the certification standard is naturally the kind of merit and virtue, but his own practice just bumps into the key.

The former black wind general had no merit, but had evil spirit. It was very troublesome to refine the throne. Now Wu Ming Lai can even ascend the throne with a nod.

"It's just... As soon as you enter the system, you will be under the jurisdiction of the city god of heitai, and how many secret hands are left behind in this Shrine..."

Think of here, immediately no longer hesitate, take out with Hou bead, into the method.


With the Houzhu, the snake shadow that originally swam around the circle suddenly emerged. Its scales were towering, and it grew a single horn. It opened the mouth of swallowing the sky and swallowed the land.

In ancient times, the emperor had a hundred gods to accompany him when he went out, and he could offer sacrifices to the gods, which was to control the imperial power of low-level ghosts and gods.

The City God and the land are naturally listed here.

The purpose of Wu Ming's action is to wash the divine edict with dragon Qi and wipe out the original brand completely.

With the bright light in the Pearl, the purple snake is chasing the white light. Jin Qingyun's Qi is rapidly churning. The consumption of it makes Wu Ming a little surprised.

In the meantime, he lost 20% of Hou Zhu's fortune, which surprised Wu Ming: "why so many? But a little bit of land God


White light explodes, and is absorbed and breathed by purple snake... A white talisman emerges, on which the pen is full of dragons and snakes, and the paper is full of clouds and smoke. The dense talisman culture is a light spot, swimming like a tadpole, and suddenly explodes.

There was a roar and a sigh.

Immediately, all the light spots of the white talisman were absorbed by the purple snake, and a brand new talisman was spit out.

The new talisman turns into a circle of white light and falls into Wu Ming's hands. It looks like the moon rises eastward. There is an object in it, which looks like a seal and a talisman. At the bottom of it, there is a scene of the birth and development of all things, a small village and the reincarnation of yin and Yang!

"I don't want to consume so much..."

With a sigh, Wu Ming put Hou Zhu away. With a touch of his spiritual sense, a great deal of information came out.

"The nine grades of Heishui town's land divine edict contains the supernatural power to assist the growth of all things, protect the safety of ordinary people's homes, and even take charge of the communication between yin and Yang..."

The God of land is a serious God of State worship. It has three major functions: to raise all things, to protect the people, and to administer the local government.

"Taiping Yulan" says: "the people are the foundation of the country, and food is the essence of the people. Therefore, the monarch and the people of the people's Republic of China set up a community first. The land is wide and there are many valleys, so they can't sacrifice all over the country. Therefore, they set up altars to worship them in the city."

It is also recorded in Soushenji that the God of land once showed his spiritual way and said, "I should be the God of land and send people to fuor.". By "Fuer xiamin" here, we mean to protect the safety of the local people and their homes, to import more people, to prosper the six animals, and to be fair to the people.

There is another saying that the land God is in charge of the registered residence of the Yin family, and leads the way for the dead.

"Don't you really want to have all of them... Are there so many magical powers in the land under the command of the city god of heitai?"

Wu Ming, however, was shocked. He knew that he was doing this, and even broke the prohibition imposed by God. Although his rank remained unchanged, he had unlimited potential for development.

"It's just that there are two dark hand marks left in it..."

Wu Ming's eyes were shining, and he tried to analyze the part of the supernatural power Rune which represented the legal power of yin and Yang in the land throne.

"The God of the earth can go in and out of the nether world, but the traction of this world is very strong. If I don't ascend the throne, I just use the power to get out, I'm afraid it will consume a lot of dragon Qi..."

"This can be used as a last resort!"

At this time, the land imperial edict became Wu Ming's real private property. It had a way out, but it was fearless.

"Well... Under the command of the God of land, three subordinate officials can also be appointed, one Yin general and one Yin army team... The throne of God is granted, and it's like the power of enfeoffment..."

Wu Ming's eyes were shining. What he wanted at the beginning was nothing more than this.


The boundary of the underworld.

A faint white light flashed by and turned into a confused young man.

This is a fresh soul, the most easily attracted ghosts covet, a trace of gray and black fog, with the taste of greed, constantly come forward to climb.

"Who am I? Here... Where is it? "

The young man murmured that these newly dead ghosts still have doubts about their own existence. Their bodies are scattered and they are delicious.

A pair of bright red eyes emerged from the fog. A few wild dogs barked wildly. They couldn't bear it any longer and rushed on.

"I remember! I'm Huang Weiqing, a scholar in Heitai county

The young man murmured, his body suddenly solidified and turned into a green shirt scholar. Half a foot above his head, the brilliant cloud of literary thinking was as bright as a splendid one. The wild dog barked and ran away with his tail between his legs.

"I'm dead, aren't I?"

Huang Weiqing, a scholar, looked at his translucent body, and then around him, with a bitter smile: "this place... Is already the underworld..."

Two fists, but unconsciously clench.

But I think of a series of things that happened to me when I ran into a lonely girl on the road, forced myself to come out, offended a large local family, and finally "fell into the water" at night.

Do you regret it?

Think of home have old mother, love wife young son, natural regret, regret heart crack lung!

But it's not to save people, but to be too careless and too credulous of the hypocrisy of those big families!

"When reading the books of sages and doing the deeds of sages, Confucius said benevolence, and Mencius said righteousness, but the righteousness is exhausted, so benevolence is supreme. Now and then, I am worthy of it

Huang Weiqing's eyes were firm and he chanted aloud, and the splendid chapter on the top was full of light.

"It's just... Where is this? Where is the city god of land in the underworld

He walked aimlessly, and all he saw were miserable ghosts. What's more, he was a ferocious God, eating the souls wantonly, which was as miserable as purgatory.

At the beginning, he helped, regardless of his own safety.

But the earth is so big, there are so many things like this, it's too much to manage, almost numb.

Until one day.

"Woof, woof!"

The tall Kobold roared, pressing a soul under his paw.

"My Lord, help! My Lord, help

The living soul was gnawed black and blue. When he saw Huang Weiqing, he immediately cried.

"Evil animal, get out of here!"

Huang Weiqing was the only one to see this dog headed man. He even felt trembling in his heart. However, when he was righteous, he immediately stood up and picked up a piece of black stone to smash it.

"Woof, woof!"

Goutouren was safe and sound, but his attention was obviously attracted. He let go of his paw, showed greed in his eyes, and rushed directly at Huang Weiqing.

"Ha ha... What a fool!"

The soul had to get rid of the great difficulty, immediately sneered, turned into a stream of smoke, and flew away.


Huang Weiqing was overturned on the ground by the dog's paw. Looking at the dog's head opening his mouth, he gave a wry smile: "just... I didn't expect that I was killed here today!"

"Go away!"

"Wu Wu!"

Unexpectedly, he was safe and sound, and there was no pain.

When Huang Weiqing opened his eyes, he could see that the previous dog headed man was running away with his tail between his legs, and a powerful ghost was standing in front of him.

"How? Do you regret it? "

"No regrets! But I feel sorry for the ghost of the underworld, and I can't live... "

Huang Weiqing sighed when he felt that the flame on his head was about to disappear.

Wu Ming nodded in secret. From the scholar's eyes on the ground, he saw the light of martyrs.

I couldn't help but smile: "it happens that you are the third person I met today. That's fate!"

With a wave of his hand, the land imperial edict appeared and turned into a seal: "in the name of Heishui Town, you will be granted the title of subordinate official!"

A white light fell, Huang Weiqing was shocked, all wounds healed, and he changed his official uniform. A lot of information came out in his heart, and he immediately bowed down: "officer Huang Weiqing, I have seen the master of the land!"

"No! Here are your two colleagues. Let's meet each other! "

Wu Ming waved his hand, and two ghost officials came out behind him, with a foot of light on his body( (to be continued.)