Overgod Ascension

Chapter 101

As a dragon pearl, it has the nature of dragon and can receive Qi.

At this time, Wu Ming felt that his body was full of dragon Qi. With the white light of Hou Zhu, a road appeared automatically.

"In wuhui Valley, is there still dragon Qi left?"

Wu Ming's heart moved, but he stepped on the road emerging out of thin air and walked.


The fog surged around, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

There is no ghost trace for a long time, but in the wuhui valley where the demons and evil things hover, there is finally another detective.

Among the strange eyes of many evil spirits, a young Taoist sweeps across the top with a red flame. Jin Qingyun's Qi swarms together to form a dragon. The Pearl in his hand emits brilliance and moves slowly along the way.

Wuhui Valley is so deep that even powerful ghosts and gods can't disperse the dense fog inside, and there are demons and evil spirits in it. Therefore, it has become a famous fierce place in the underworld.

However, at this time, a strange premonition made Wu Ming give up his doubts and scruples and move forward quickly.

The spirit of Yin resists the wind as fast as lightning and flint, but there is no reference around, which makes Wu Ming not know how deep he is.

All of a sudden, in front of you is suddenly enlightened, showing a huge architectural relics.

I don't know when, when Wu Ming looked around, he found that the thick fog had gone, but he was based on an empty white marble square.

The huge jade pillars and beautiful watches, however, fell to the ground, overgrown with weeds, full of a sense of loneliness.

"This is... Some god's land that fell down?"

Wu Ming was excited, but suddenly he had a judgment.

The square is dilapidated and decadent, but from the perspective of regulations and the remaining ritual vessels, the great God who ruled the place in those days has absolutely no small power.

After turning around a huge ruins, Wu Ming's pupils shrank again and saw a wonderful thing.

In front of him, it was a broken altar, which was based on the dark earth. The upper part of the altar was round and the lower part was round. It was nine feet long and nine feet wide, and nine feet high. Some jade and silk ritual vessels and bronze wine barons were scattered all over the place.

"This is the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven..."

When Wu Ming saw it, he was very surprised. In ancient times, not everyone was qualified to sacrifice to heaven, even among the gods.


He came forward and picked up a bronze wine bottle.

The wine bottle has a rough texture, an ancient shape and a dilapidated appearance. It is a rare cultural relic.

But these are not the key points. The real key point is that after Wu Ming's skin touched the bottle, his dragon Qi suddenly fluctuated.

"Sure enough, there is still a dragon breath left..."

Wu Ming immediately had no doubt: "is this God a Dragon God? Or is this blessed land the ancestral land of which dynasty? Otherwise, how could the Dragon Spirit be so strong? "


Wisps of debris from the fingers between the slip, so that Wu Ming a Zheng.

Immediately, the clear sound seemed to touch the whole world, buzzing

The whole roof collapsed, a lot of smoke and dust rose, the power of time decay, even the roof was completely destroyed.

"Alas... Even if the real God, it is hard to resist the wash of history..."

Wu Ming sighed. He knew that time was too long, and the whole temple of heaven was so weak that there was nothing left to use, but he had no idea to get some more magic tools from it.

"It's a pity..."

Wu Ming shook his head and continued to go deep after using his eye again to make sure there was no light in the ruins.

There are three dangerous Jedi in the underworld: drowning River, ghost Mang Mountain and wuhui valley. Wuhui Valley is the fall place of an ancient god!

Moreover, the fall of the blessed land, together with its influence, makes the whole wuhui valley a dangerous Jedi. Even ordinary ghosts and gods dare not get close to it because of the resentment and death. Otherwise, fortune and misfortune will not happen. Who will believe this kind of thing without personal experience?

"Well! Or should we... "

Wu Ming thought about it. His magic power surged and turned into a water rune, forming a light curtain and recording all this.

Of course, there is only one scene to prove that I have been here, and it's not just a fabrication.

In case of proof of mission, this is the evidence.

"If you want to really frighten the evil spirits outside and find the right way, I'm afraid you have to be a person with dragon spirit to come here..."

Wu Ming looked at the dragon on his head: "and... It can't be too few. I'm afraid it will take the luck of the Qianlong to get there..."

This almost cut off more than 99% of the opportunities for ghosts and gods.

"This is just an altar. If you re-enter, what chance do you have?"

Over the altar, a few miles deeper, there are collapsed pillars everywhere, beads and jade everywhere, you can see the luxury of the master at that time.

Later, a dilapidated palace appeared in front of Wu Ming's eyes. The buildings were continuous, and the area was unknown. Although it was dilapidated, the aura on it was still there.

"How can it be kept up to now?"

When Wu Ming saw this, he was not surprised but happy. What he was most afraid of was that the palace, like the temple of heaven before it, was washed away by time, and all spiritual things would collapse. But now, it is a blessing that the law is still in place.

No matter how powerful the legal prohibition was, it will not be able to retain much power until now.

Before the palace, the jade beads were mottled and the plaques were decayed.

An atmosphere of great sadness haunted Wu Ming for a moment.

"This God does not exist, even the name is difficult to leave, seemingly eternal God, in fact, can not live forever?"

On the side of the palace, where the law has declined and can no longer be protected, there are already many weeds. Half of the stone tablet falls to the ground, revealing a corner of the vicissitudes.

Wu Ming stepped forward and wiped it with his sleeve. Although most of the front parts were completely rotten, two broken Yunzhuan characters could be seen.

"The word fu... Should represent the meaning of" Fu ", and the next one seems to be the word" Jun ". Together, it is Fu Jun?"

Wu Ming carefully identified, but he got something: "Fu Jun? That's a member of the earth God. There are not many earth gods who can have this extravagance... "

With a little expectation in his heart, he came to the gate again.

Gong Chui jiuzhong, although looking at the broken, but Wu Ming stretched out his hand to push, a layer of weak light is emerging, firmly refused his palm.

"How can such ability still exist?"

This change made Wu Ming feel more eager: "it seems that there should be a lot of good things in it..."

As soon as he waved, the Dragon hovered overhead, and it was about to reach out.


At this time, Wu Ming's face is the first change, looking at his hand with Hou Zhu.


A kind of invisible air current, with the flavor of ancient barbarism, emerged from the mansion and disappeared into the suihou beads.

"It's not Longqi! It seems to be the legacy of some ancient fierce snake... "

There is only a trace of dragon nature in suihou pearl. In those days, what suihou met was also a big snake. It had not completely become a real dragon, so it should have snake nature.

"Well, one of the things in this mansion is quite beneficial to suihouzhu!"

Wu Ming's face brightened: "if you use the snake breath, plus the Dragon Qi, internal and external attack, you can break the law!"

"Moo, moo!"

Suddenly, a thick layer of black air emerged from the land in front of the palace. The wisps gathered into a big black fog, and the two blood red eyes in the middle glared at Wu Ming.

A thick, fluffy, sword like thigh suddenly came out of the black fog and was crushed down by thunder.


In front of the palace, there was a huge hole in the white marble square.

Wu Ming stepped back and watched the monster hidden in the black air. The light of his smart eye flashed

"Is this... Evil spirit? But with the divine light, is it the patron god

A powerful God must have a God and a door god.

Wu Ming did not expect that although the door god had already died, the ghost seemed to combine with the earth and formed a monster like an evil spirit.

"And... In this area, it is also the guardian of the past. It can automatically obtain the power of legal prohibition and blessing, expel me as an outsider. It's a good name..."

In the process of rapid retrogression, Wu Ming realized that within the sea, a rune seed suddenly glowed.


In the cracks of the white jade stone in the overgrown hall, green vines surged out in an instant. With barbs, they rushed on, like poisonous snakes to the black fog.

"Outsiders... Taoists... Kill..."

In the black fog, those blood red eyes are crazy, and they seem to have a trace of confusion. At this time, they can only rely on the guard instinct to act.

A fire red light burst out from the black fog in an instant, and burst into flames.

Huokemu! Even if it is the five elements method, it must follow this basic law.

Almost in an instant, dozens of thick vines turned into fly ash.

The monster did not stop at all. Suddenly, a huge head emerged from the black fog, with two top horns, spitting out a piece of colorful dark light.

"Five elements grow together? no This is the five colors divine light forbidden method

Before the light came, a powerful force of prohibition and isolation suddenly came down, which made Wu Ming almost lose contact with his mana.

"It's weird here, and this monster..."

Wu Ming's eyes narrowed as he looked at the other person's terrible light, which was also several feet long, and the clouds mixed with black and red.


On his head, the Golden Dragon roared angrily, and his eyes were full of purple. Suddenly he took off and shook his tail.


The tail of the giant dragon collides with the light curtain formed by the dark light of five colors, and the terrible shock wave sweeps all directions.


With this impact, Wu Ming's spirit of Yin was as weak as a wind, and went away for several miles in an instant.

The ghost roared and chased to the end of the ruins, but he could only stop and roared at Wu Ming's backļ¼ˆ (to be continued.)