OUTWORLD: Awakening

73 Cartman Brothers

Three months later.

In the farthest reaches of the eastern nations, thousands of miles away from the bustling streets of Dratol-there, one would find the most prosperous nation of the east. Vihir. Lauded as being the jewel of the east by many for its rich resources, which comprised hundreds of dungeons and three grand dungeons.

After three long months, the flying vessel of the Knights of Bordon had reached the outskirts of Vihir. Gathered at the deck of the ship, X and several other passengers stared at the magnificent scenery ahead. Although it was still midnight, beaming lights came from every direction, towering into the starry skies. Hundreds, if not thousands of buildings towered into the skies.

Despite being hundreds of meters away, a cacophony of distinct echoes reached the awed passengers. However, it didn't come as a surprise to most. Vihir, after all, housed thousands of windy underground caves.

Unlike most of the awe-stricken passengers, who couldn't avert their gazes from the magnificent city. X's attention constantly shifted between the view and a particular section of the deck.

'What are they doing? When did they suddenly become friends?' X thought. Her brows creased slightly as she stared at Adam and Alfred who constantly laughed while speaking.

Although she tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, the chatter of the other passengers limited her hearing.

\"... Once again, I apologize for what happened three months ago...\" Alfred said, lowering his head.

\"Forget about it. You were just doing your Job. The past doesn't matter anymore.\" Adam beamed, urging Alfred to raise his head.

\"I ought to be the one thanking you... if you ship didn't arrive when it did. We probably wouldn't have been able to make it to Vihir...\" Adam added.

\"Although our time together was short, it was a pleasure meeting you, Ulric.\" Alfred suddenly paused. Just then, He dipped his right hand into his pocket, before retrieving a small golden amulet. With Adam watching in confused silence.

\"I know it's late, but you can have this. This is my wedding gift to you and Urie. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon,\" Alfred said.

\"That's too much. You don't have to--\" Before Adam could refuse the offer, Alfred placed the amulet in Adam's hands.

\"Please take it. I have to go in now, we will reach the port soon. If you have any difficulties while in Vihir, you can find me at out headquarters. It's fairly easy to locate. Take care of yourself, Ulric \"

Wordlessly, Alfred patted Adam on his back before walking into the ship's interior. Meanwhile, Adam quietly stared at the golden amulet. Various thoughts filled his mind.

\"Are you sad you're leaving your boyfriend?\"

Adam smirked as he heard the familiar voice. Turning his head, X beautiful visage came into view.

\"That's a surprise... I thought you weren't speaking to me anymore?\" Adam said. He could barely stop himself from smiling.

Over the last couple of weeks, X had barely said anything to him. Especially after he refused to divulge anything about himself. Coupled with the fact that, Adam noticed the way she looked at him differed greatly.

Unlike before, when she treated him a partner she could prank. Her eyes had a hint of fear in them, one that Adam was all too familiar with.

\"That's not important... I thought you hated that guy? When did you guys suddenly become that close?\" X retorted, casually draping her arms over Adam's shoulders.

\"Haha... who said we are close?\" Adam said. Being so close to X, he could feel her breath on his neck. Coupled with the fact that a sensual flowery scent filled his nose.

\"Then, why--\"

\"Unlike some women, most men can easily get past a misunderstanding. He made a mistake, and then apologized. Everything is good now,\" Adam interjected.

\"Oh. He gave us this as our wedding gift?\" Adam whispered sarcastically.

Just then, he placed the oval amulet in X's hands.

'Oh? This is looks really expensive... Why would he give us something like this?' X thought.

Naturally, a simple apology was more than enough. From X's point of view, Alfred gifting them such an expensive item made no sense.

\"Don't stress your mind over something so mundane...\" Adam whispered. From X's facial expression, he could guess her thoughts.

\"Not everyone is out to get us. Unlike you, some people are just kindhearted...\" Adam teased.

Before X could say anything, Adam snatched the amulet from her hands before walking towards the area the passengers gathered.

'This... let's calm down. He's not worth it. Remember, he could be a spy for them. Yes. Let's try to gain his trust. I must continue to act normal. At least, until the end of the mission.' X thought. Her eyes shifted between Adam and the beautiful city ahead.


Meanwhile, deeper within the flying vessel, in a place forbidden to the passengers. Alfred walked along a barely lit hallway. Only the distinct echo of his metal on wood filled the eerily quiet hallway.

A moment later, Alfred arrived before a massive wooden door which had the depiction of their guild's insignia. Saying nothing, he opened the door. Unlike the hallway, the room was pitch black.

However, the moment Alfred entered, a small candle suddenly appeared in front of him. However, it only illuminated a few inches surrounding his body. The darkness in the room seemed to devour the light.

Just then, Alfred dropped to his knees, \"Grandmaster Flinn, I have done has you've instructed,\" Alfred said.

Silence greeted his words. However, Alfred remained kneeling with his head lowered.

A moment later, a low voice filled the room. \"You have done well, Alfred. If the young man is indeed a demonkin, we will find out soon. You can go now.\"

\"Thank you, Grandmaster Flinn.\" Saying nothing further, Alfred rose to his feet.

Just as he was about to leave the room, the same voice reached him again, \"We will you be returning to Varidan Academy?\"

\"In a month or two, Sir. I would have to return to Ravar first,\" Alfred replied, his voice equally low.

\"I understand. As a Reeve, it is your duty to report Ravar. We'll talk more once we reach the island.\"

With a gentle nod, Alfred stepped out of the room.


An hour later, Adam and X and several other passengers disembarked from the flying ship. Contrary to their expectations, it wasn't the final stop for the knights.

'Wow! So, big. There could be over twenty thousand people here...' Adam thought.

The size of the port, it's beauty and the number of people in it surprised him. It was nothing like he had ever seen.

\"Hey. I'm going to take our luggage,\" X suddenly tapped Adam. \"Wait for me at that notice board, okay?\" X said, pointing at a hovering notice board.

\"Sure,\" Adam said.

Saying nothing further, X disappeared among the sea of people.

\"Adam, what are you waiting for? Aren't you going to get rid of it?\"

Adam smirked as he heard the familiar, but annoying voice.

\"I know... I know. I will get rid of it now,\" Adam retorted mentally.

With an indiscernible gleam in his eyes, he scanned his surrounding as if searching for something or someone. A second later, his eyes lit up. With a bright smile, he walked in light steps towards the opposite direction of their agreed meeting point. Slowly, he retrieved the amulet Alfred gave him.

[Title: Manipulator activated!]

[All stats concentrated on agility]

Like ghost, Adam suddenly disappeared. At that same moment, two figures within the crowd reacted.

\"What? Where did he go?\"

\"How would I know? Quick. Use the orb to check is location. With the marker, he can't escape.\"

Just then, a blue orb appeared in the hands the first man. About five minutes later, one could see a flickering golden light.

\"Huh? How did he change his appearance so quick?\"

\"Forget about that. Let's follow him...\"

According to the orb, Adam was just a few meters away from them. Unlike his previous appearance, he had changed to that of a middle-aged man who wore a stylish suit.

Saying nothing further, the two individuals followed after the . Less than five second after they left, a young man with cherry red hair stood from a nearby seat.

'That should deal with them...' Adam beamed as he stared at the disappearing figures of the two spies.

From the moment he received the amulet, the voice in his head had already told him the true nature of the item. Adam knew the only way to abandon with was with a quick and precise action.

Since they already knew he was an Awakened, he would fool them into thinking his abilities related to the ability change his appearance. Hence, he placed the amulet in the pocket of a random passerby.

By the time the spies realize the middle-aged man was just an ordinary human, he would be long gone.

Changing his appearance once more, he walked towards the designated rendezvous spot.

'It shouldn't take her too long to get the bags. If we don't leave--huh?'

Out of the corner of his eyes, Adam suddenly sighted a poster. One that he never that he would see again. Just then, Adam reached for the poster.

'Elliot's Fish and Chips! The number one meal for those looking for a fishy goodness. Founded by Elliot Racker-B17 and Adam-K19.'

Adam could not believe the same poster he held a few months ago had found its way to Vihir.

'Elliot-B17? Adam-K19? What the hell does this mean?'

Wide-eyed, Adam continued staring at the poster. Apart from the strange coding, everything else about the poster looked the same.

\"Filola, which terminal are we taking again? Was it C-17 or C-71?\"

\"Darling, it's D-15. Are you trying to get us lost again?\"

\"Hahaha... I was testing you my love. Of course, I knew. Let's hurry. We don't want to miss our ship Nabal.\"

Adam's lit up the moment he heard the couple's conversation.

'So, it's code for the terminals...' Adam suddenly raised his head. He scanned his surrounding, before stopping at a large, floating signpost.

'That's B-10. If my guess is right, then I'm supposed to go to K-19,' Adam thought.

Again, he scanned his surrounding. Only stopping when he saw a signpost signifying the locations of the various terminals.

'I won't be able to wait for X. There's a probability that bastard will show. Hopefully, she'll wait for me...'

With his mind made up, Adam walked towards the direction of the K terminals. Unknown to him, X had rendezvous with other Scavengers. They had contacted her through a secret code, too.


An hour later.

Adam had a deep frown on his face as he stood before a familiar stall. However, he couldn't see anyone there.

'Damn it! Who am I supposed to meet here?'

With each minute, Adam's irritation gradually increased. He had arrived over forty minutes ago, yet the stall had remained closed. In fact, the terminal had less traffic compared to others.

'Should I have gone to the other one?' Adam mused.

\"Oh... I'm so sorry dear customer. I went to deliver some items in terminal Z.\"

'So, he sent this bastard here...' Adam's frown lessened as he heard the familiar voice. Turning his head slightly, Elliot came into view. Dressed in the same outfit as before, matched with an outrageously large chef hat, he beamed as he stared at Adam.

\"Oh? Oh! It's you. Hahahaha... when did you arrive? Come. Come. We have much to discuss,\" Elliot said.

That he seen through his disguise did not surprise Adam one bit. After experiencing the negative world, he knew Elliot wasn't just any ordinary character.

\"Is he here?\" Adam said.

\"Who? Oh? Are you talking about the boss?\" Elliot asked.

'Of course, dumbass. Who else would I be talking about?' Adam though. However, he only nodded his head.

\"Why would the boss come to a place like this? Hahaha... it seems you don't know him well. Let's forget about business for now. Follow me. I will make you something nice. Don't worry, it's on the house,\" Elliot said.


Forty minutes later.

Adam and Elliot sat across each other in a small room. On the table that separated the duo, lay several empty plates.

\"Hahaha... my cooking has gotten better, right? Hahaha... I'm planning on starting a chain stall in all the major cities in the Eastern Nations. Hahaha... I can see it now. Elliot's Fish and Chips! The number place to eat. Hahaha...\"

Saying nothing, Adam absentmindedly stared at Elliot. Although he hated to admit it, Elliot's cooking had gotten better in the last couple of months. It wouldn't surprise him if his brand became a household name.

However, he wasn't in the mood to discuss Fish and Chips. He had to know the reason they sent him to Vihir.

\"... Now that your stomach is full. I believe it's time to give you this.\"

Just then, Elliot placed a white file on the wooden table.

'Cartman Brothers?'

Those were the only two words written on the file.

\"Go ahead. Read it,\" Elliot advised.

Saying nothing, Adam grabbed the file, before unsealing it.

'Congratulations on making it to Vihir, Adam. If you're reading this file, it means a slightly more difficult mission has been assigned to you. Unfortunately, you can't refuse the mission, and remember, there are severe consequences for failure. I wish you good luck.

Mission: Eliminate The Cartman Brothers.

Rank: C.

Battle prowess: Rank A.

Affiliation: Scavengers.

Position: Bishops.

This letter will self destruct when the paper turns red.'

\"Hahahaha... its always good to take bad news after eating. I wish you good luck Adam. You're really going to need it.\"