OUTWORLD: Awakening

72 Who are you?

Two days later.

The sun had barely risen into the lonely skies, yet dozens of people moved around the massive Wrathriver port. Unlike the passengers who disembarked at Wrathriver Necropolis, they were people who had stayed for a considerable time.

\"Where did all this people come from? It seems there are many people looking for a free ride,\" X said. She casually stared in random directions, hoping to find anything of significance. Unlike a few days ago, she had reverted to her original appearance.

After weighing the pros and cons of entering the Knights of Bordon's ship, the duo agreed to remove their disguises for their own safety. Because they wanted to avoid any form of suspicion, and knowing the guild's reputation, they would definitely have a means of checking for those with suspicious items.

Naturally, with X reverting to her beautiful appearance, she drew stares from every corner of the port. For most, they had never seen a woman that beautiful. Even the few ladies present couldn't help but stare. That a fellow woman could be that beautiful was a mystery to them.

\"Why aren't you saying anything? Are you still sleepy?\" X said, poking Adam at his shoulders.

\"Please leave me alone. If that Obane fella knows that I am awake, who knows what kind of discussion he'll start again…\" Adam retorted, subtlety pushing X's hand away.

Like X, he no longer wore the previous appearance from when they boarded the flying ship. However, he didn't dare to reveal his real face. Instead, using manipulator, he changed his appearance once more to one with no major distinguishing feature.

\"Hehehe… Maybe he has fallen for you or something,\" X quipped while patting Adam on the shoulder.

\"I said—\"

\"They are here! They are here!\" A young man suddenly shouted.

Instinctively, Adam and X turned their heads to side. Through the glass windows of the port, they could see a massive ship gradually approaching the port. Painted in a deep purple, it had four white crosses on its deck. However, its most discerning feature was the white cross painted on the bow of the ship.

\"Please listen up, everyone!\"

Adam and X turned their heads towards the familiar voice. Dressed in all brown robes, Obane slouched slightly as he observed the passengers.

\"As you can see, the knights will be here soon. If you value your life or freedom, please don't cause any ruckus with them. They will send someone to address you before you can board their ship. Remember, they don't take kindly to anyone who represents evil. If you have sullied hands, it would be best to avoid them. I wish you all a safe journey.\"

As one would expect, different chatter and murmur began. None of the passengers knew what to expect. They each had their reasons for being in Wrathriver Necropolis, and for most, the Knights of Bordon was their only way out. At least for the next month.

\"Have you hidden everything that could link us to 'them'?\" Adam asked, slowly opening his eyes.

\"I don't have a suicidal wish. They won't find anything on me. Hopefully, their screening won't be too stringent… I don't want to take Plan B,\" X retorted.

Apart from agreeing to dispel their disguises, they also agreed on what would happen if someone found out about their loyalties to the Scavengers.

\"Look! Their ship is almost here…\" A young man shouted, his index finger outstretched.

Subconsciously, all the passengers shifted their gazes towards the direction the young man pointed. There, they could see the outline of a massive ship. Twice the size of the ships that had visited the port previously. It had the depiction of a purple, oddly shaped cross on its hull. The bow, however, was the dominating feature of the ship. It had depicted a roaring dragon intricately carved around a white cross, which seemed come alive as the ship inched closer to the port.

It elicited a myriad of emotions from the passengers and the few port staff. They all stood in awed silence, gazing at magnificent ship.

[Potential Source of Danger Detected]

[Title: Devourer Activated!]

'Huh? From where?' The same moment Adam heard the system's notification, the temperature within the port dropped, to the point the stunned passengers could see their condensed breaths.

\"Greetings. If you're traveling with us, please step this way.\"

'Huh? Who said that?' Like Adam, the others also wondered who the low voice belonged to. However, no matter how much they searched, they found nothing.

Just then, a loud but distinct echo reverberated throughout the port's interior. Then, right before the already stunned and anxious passengers, a colorless portal opened out of thin air.

\"Greetings. If you're traveling with us, please step through the portal. Delays will only lengthen our journey.\"

This time, everyone knew where the mysterious voice originated from. If anyone could suddenly open a portal, it had to be the Knights of Bordon.

Wasting no time, the passengers took hurried but anxious steps towards the portal. Although the kindness of the Knights had reached the four corners of the world, they couldn't hide their anxiety as they inched closer to the barrier. After all, unlike the Knights, not all of them had spotless pasts.

\"Aren't we moving?\" X whispered, leaning slightly over Adam's shoulders.

She thought he would have been the first to walk towards the portal. Contrary to her expectations, however, he remained in the same position with an ashen expression.

\"Hey. Did your hear me, aren't we moving?\" X whispered again, this time seductively blowing into Adam's ears.

Like an agile cat, she hurriedly backed away while laughing, expecting Adam's fiery tongue lashing. However, it never came. He remained in the same position. Albeit, his body trembled ever so slightly. While his eyes remained fixated on the swirling portal.

'What's wrong with him? Is he under an Illusion?' X mused. 'No… That shouldn't be possible, right? Could it be a trance? Wait… that's not important now. We have to get on the ship.'

Although she did not understand what was wrong with Adam, she couldn't allow whatever it was from preventing them from leaving. With this thought in mind, she once again reduced the distance between them. Her eyes shown with a distinct gleam while she grinned from ear to ear.

'Don't blame me for this… I'm definitely not doing this for pleasure. I'm only trying to wake you… yes. I only trying to wake him up.'

X rolled up her sleeves while cracking her knuckles. One would assume she was a thug in training, ready to bully an unsuspecting bystander.

'Hmmm… where should I hit him? Oh… I know.' X's eyes shown as she stared at Adam's nose. Subconsciously, she licked her lower lips while readying her fists.

'This is will teach this bastard never to mess—'

Mid-thought, Adam's quivering eyes suddenly turned towards X. It sent chills down her spines. Before she could react, he reached for her, drawing her into his embrace.

\"I'm sor—\"

Adam suddenly placed his index fingers across X's lips, Just then he lowered his head.

\"What the hell are they doing right now?\" An elderly man said. He had a deep frown on his face as he watched Adam and X tightly embrace each other. That they would publicly show their affection left him infuriated.

\"Leave them be, Kegal. They are a young. When are they supposed to do these kinds of things, if not now?\"

\"Rubbish! I never did this back then. In fact, I—\" Just then, Kegal felt something brush the side of his back. Already infuriated, the old man could no longer contain his anger, \"Watch where you are fucking going!\" Kegal said as he hurriedly turned.

\"Are your fucking bli…\" Kegal's words slowly trialed off as he stared at the culprits. His face turned listless white, his lips trembled while his wobbling legs barely carried him.

Four men with sharp features stood before him. However, they weren't just any random passenger. They wore specially designed black armors, which only covered their chest. On the chest plate, one could see the depiction of a roaring dragon snaking up a purple cross. Meanwhile, they wore an equally black long-sleeved chain mail underneath their breastplate, which disappeared underneath the gauntlets covering their arms.

\"Pardon me. I didn't hit you intentionally,\" the leader of the group said. Through the slits of his spiked heaume, Kegal could see his lilac eyes.

\"For—For… I'm… sor-sorry… I didn't…\" Before Kegal could finish his stuttering apologies, the knights had already departed. Just then, Kegal fell on his knees. Cold sweat covered his forehead, soaking his clothes, too. He knew that if it was any other guild, he might have met his end.

'It's the fault of those damn brats! They almost made me lose my life… but, what are they doing here? And, where did they come from? I didn't even notice anything.' Kegal cursed underneath his breath. Just then, he raised his head. At that same moment, a sly smile graced his lips. He had figured out the trajectory of the group.

'This will teach those shameless, perverted airheads to tease the rest of us.' Kegal thought, his eyes focused on Adam and X who still had their arms wrapped around each other. Dozens of bystanders also stared at the duo, however, they had no malice towards them. Instead, they were curious how the duo could ignore the rapidly approaching knights. They couldn't help but stare. They had to know why the group headed towards the duo.

\"Ahem… Ahem… Could I have a moment of your time.\"

For the first time in what seemed like a while, Adam released X from his embrace. One could see the anger in his eyes as he raised his head. However, it quickly disappeared the moment he realized who had spoken. X, on the other hand, had a flushed expression. Her gaze wandered in all directions, but never meeting the eyes of anyone.

\"Hello. My name is Alfred, and these are my subordinates.\"

Saying nothing, Adam slowly nodded his head. However, his expression showed he didn't understand why Alfred would introduce himself and his men to him. As if reading Adam's mind, Alfred continued, \"Please follow us. We have some questions for you.\"

Before Adam could utter a word, Alfred's subordinates had already surrounded him.

\"What's going on? What did they do?\" A random youth muttered.

\"I don't know. But, there must be something fishy about them if the Knights came to apprehend them… Oh. Could they be the famous Varan Couple?\"

\"Who?\" The youth asked.

\"They were famous a while back. They kidnapped little children and did many unspeakable things to them…\"

While the bystanders discussed among themselves, Adam and X, surrounded by the Knights of Bordon, walked towards the portal. Kegal on the side couldn't stop himself from laughing as he watched the duo disappear into the portal.

'That's the end of those brats. That will teach em…' He thought.

A minute after the group disappeared, the portal slowly shrank. At that point, over ten passengers had boarded the vessel.

Ten minutes later, the vessel flew into the distance.


Seven hours later.

In a well lit room deep within the flying vessel, Adam and X sat across each other, with a small transparent table dividing them. They stared at their reflections on the walls of the room. The only source of illumination within the room was a small, yellow crystal ball the size of a melon.

X's countenance was the epitome of dread. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't hide her anxiety. Adam, bored out of his mind, slouched in his chair while casually fiddling with the crystal ball.

'How can this bastard be this relaxed. Does he realize where we are?' X's brows furrowed slightly as she stared at Adam.

'But what did he mean by what he said earlier? Fuck! I don't know what do to…' X suddenly tugged at the sides of her hair while lowering her head. She believed that, if Adam knew their current location, he wouldn't be that relaxed.

\"Hey! Will someone come and talk to us? How long do you want us to stay here? Hey?! Is there anybody there?!\"

X raised her head the moment she heard Adam's words. Unlike before, he looked irritated.

'He really doesn't know… Shit! There's no way they would let us out of here yet. They haven't even started their interrogation…' X thought. 'Why did he tell me to remain calm back there? Don't tell me this bastard doesn't have a plan.' Various thoughts filled X's mind while Adam continued shouting.

\"Hey?! Did you kidnap us or what?! Why are you keeping us in this—?\"

\"I apologize for the delay. I will formally begin the questioning now,\" Alfred voice boomed within the room.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What are we going to do?' X's heart skipped a beat as Alfred's words continue to echo in her mind.

\"For your own good, please answer the questions as accurately as possible. Do you understand?\" Alfred asked.

\"I don't understand why you're doing this! What crimes have we committed for you to do this to us?! How would you even know if we are lying?!\" Adam retorted. He stood up while glaring at the four mirrors which made up the room's walls.

'What? He truly doesn't know about the purpose of the room. Then, did he take advantage of me for no reason…?' X's mind went blank as she recalled the incident in the port.

The only reason she didn't push Adam away was because he told her to remain calm, explaining that someone was watching them.

'I can't believe I thought he would have a way to beat a truthseeker. This is the end for us.' X dropped her head despondently. Whatever they said at this point no longer mattered. No one could deceive a truthseeker.

\"First question. Are your names Ulric and Urie?\" Alfred started the interrogation, totally ignoring Adam's questions.

\"What the hell are you asking? Of course, it is!\" Adam retorted.

'Idiot! They will know you are lying… the orb should have changed colors by now.'

Raising her head ever so slightly, X sneaked a peek at the orb that would seal their fate. At that same moment, however, her eyes suddenly quivered.

'What?! It's still yellow? How?!' X couldn't avert her gaze from the crystal on the table. 'Wait… was this the reason he said, I should let him do the talking? Could he really have a way to beat the truthseeker?'

Using all her willpower, X calmed her tensed heart. She knew that there were people on the other side of the mirror watching their every move. If her reactions didn't match Adam's words, it could cause further suspicion.

\"Hey?! Are you there?! If you will say nothing further, then please let us go… We have been here for who knows how long,\" Adam said.

However, silence greeted his words.

\"Are you affiliated with any of the following organizations?\" While Alfred's words echoed, the mirrors reflected a long list of names, comprising different organizations in the Outworld.

Adam could recognize some, while he hadn't heard of a vast majority of them. X, on the other hand, knew most of the organizations listed. They all shared one thing in common—the title of the vilest guilds in Outworld.

\"We are—\"

\"No. Not you. Let Urie speak,\" Alfred interjected.

Just then, Adam's face turned ashen. Meanwhile, X's face turned listless as she subconsciously pointed at herself.

\"She is my wife. I can speak on her be—\"

Before Adam could finish his statement, a portal opened within the room. Just then, six men trooped out from the portal. In a lightning quick manner, they pinned Adam to the floor, covering his head with a sack. Just then, another figure emerged from the portal.

\"Urie, pardon me, we rarely act this way. Please speak. Are you affiliated with any of these organizations?\" Alfred asked.

'Fuck! They got us…' X could not stop herself from shaking as she stared at Alfred's intimidating figure.

\"Please be at ease, Urie. Is he affiliated with any of those organizations?\"

'Huh? So, they were after him from the beginning…' At that moment, a sudden realization dawned on X.

\"Ummm… I have heard about some of them, but he's not involved with any of those organizations…\" X said, closing her eyes while lowering her head. She couldn't look at Alfred or the crystal. Alfred, on the other hand, had his gaze fixated on the crystal. Like before, it remained yellow.

'Hmmm… this is strange. Flinn never makes mistakes…' Alfred thought. His eyes shifted between the crystal, X who lowered her head and Adam being held on the floor.

\"Miss. Urie, my men will escort you to your quarters, please go through that portal…\" Alfred said, pointing at one portal.

\"Huh? What about Ulric? What are you—?\"

\"I still have some questions to ask him. Don't worry, I promise we won't do anything to him. That's as long as he is not an enemy. Please go now.\"

Although Alfred spoke in a courteous voice, X knew it was an order. Saying nothing further, she rose to her feet before walking towards the portal Alfred pointed towards. With a few inches before the portal swallowed her, she paused in her steps. Turning, her eyes landed on Adam. A moment later, she walked through the portal.

Just then, the men pinning Adam to the floor loosened their grips. Before hoisting him to the vacant seat left by X. At that same moment, one knight removed the sack covering Adam's head.

\"How dare you?!-Huh?\" Adam suddenly paused. He looked left, looked right, yet he couldn't find X.

While they held him down, he couldn't sense anything.

\"You are looking for her, right? Well, that's too bad. She is no longer here. After all, she has already told us all we need to know,\" Alfred said. His fingers slowly ran along the table's surface. \"Isn't funny? You thought you could fool us. Do you think the Knights of Bordon wouldn't know a Demonkin when they see one?\" Alfred added. His lilac eyes stared intently at Adam through the slits of his helmet.

\"What the fuck are you talking about? What have you done to Urie? Do I look like a fucking demonkin to you? I thought your guild comprised men of noble values. Who would have thought you were just vultures kidnapping the wives of the weak!\" Adam retorted.

Although he tried to loosen his bound arms, the knights holding them didn't budge.

\"Do you swear you have no affiliation with the Demons and Demonkins?\"

\"I don't have any affiliation with the Demons or the Demonkins! Who in their right mind would? Let me go, you bastards! Don't you dare hurt Urie!\" Adam barked. Tears gathered at the sides of his eyes. He looked dejected and powerless in front of the knights.

However, no one paid him any mind. Instead, the knights focused on the crystal on the table. And, for the third time, nothing happened.

'We have made a big mistake… it wasn't him.' Alfred's eyes shifted back to Adam once more.

\"Let him go,\" Alfred ordered.

Instantly, Adam regained control of his hands. He couldn't help himself from rubbing his sore wrists. However, he continued to stare at Alfred with a venomous glare.

Just then, Alfred rose to his feet. Before Adam could say anything, he bowed deeply.

\"I sincerely apologize for your prior treatment. Please take no offense with the guild. And, Urie is well and okay. If you take that portal, you will arrive in your room,\" Alfred said. He pointed at the same portal X took earlier. \"She will be there waiting for you. Once again, I sincerely apologize.\"

A second later, the room suddenly went dark. Startled, Adam rose to his feet. At that same moment, however, light returned to the room.

'Where the hell did they go?' Apart from the swirling portal, any trace of the knights had disappeared. Wasting no time, Adam walked in light steps towards the swirling portal, before disappearing with it.


Meanwhile, within one of several rooms in the flying ship. X paced around in a simple but elegantly designed room. Compared to their first room in the previous flying ship, it was at least two times bigger. But paled compared to their upgraded room. However, X had other thoughts occupying her mind. From Adam's actions in the port to that in the interrogation room, nothing made sense to her. Of all people, why did they suspect him and not her. However, what confused her the most was why the truthseeker didn't reveal their blatant lies, and how Adam seemed to foresee the interrogation.

'I have been underestimating him… there's no way someone ordinary could negate the effects of a truthseeker… it's unheard of…' X mused. Stopping to rub her temples.

'Could they have sent him to watch over me? Yes. That should be it… they would never send someone ordinary to—'

\"Penny for your thoughts?\"

\"Ah!\" X screamed, stumbling to the floor. Engrossed in her thoughts, she did not know someone had entered the room. However, she soon realized the voice seemed familiar. And then a familiar laugh followed.

Raising her head, Adam's laughing visage greeted X's trembling eyes.

'They let him go?' Thousands of thoughts flooded X's mind at once. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, but didn't know what to say. Just then, she rose to her feet while meeting Adam's gaze.

\"Who are you?\"