One Sword Reigns Supreme

483 The fairy in the sword Chapter 483: All are waste!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!As Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, Mo Xie rushed out directly.

Mo Xie was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the purple-robed old man. The purple-robed old man was expressionless. When Mo Xie punched him, his body suddenly became illusory!


Mo Xie\'s punch directly blasted into the air!

Mo Xie\'s face changed slightly and he turned around. At this moment, a palm was printed on his chest.


Mo Xie flew out directly!

But almost at the moment when Mo Xie flew out, a flying sword quietly appeared behind the purple-robed old man, the purple-robed old man turned around, his body trembled, and the flying sword had already appeared behind him!

The purple-robed old man looked at Ye Xuan, and squeezed in the air, a powerful force instantly enveloped Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan\'s voice suddenly sounded, and then, a sword light tore down in front of Ye Xuan!

The strength of the purple-robed old man was directly torn out by Ye Xuan\'s sword!

The purple-robed old man narrowed his eyes and was about to shoot again, and Mo Xie suddenly appeared behind him!

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, turned around and punched out!

Mo Xie also punched out!



Mo Xie was hit by the purple-robed old man with a punch to a hundred meters away, but at this moment, several flying swords suddenly slashed on the purple-robed old man\'s body. However, the body of the purple-robed old man became illusory at this moment. The sword is like slashing in the air, it has no effect at all!

At this time, the purple-robed old man had already appeared in front of Ye Xuan. He was about to make a move. Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly opened, and a sword light shook out.

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, his arm in front of him.

Boom boom boom boom!

The purple-robed old man retreated again and again, and this retreat was a full ten feet!After he stopped, he glanced at his arm. There were sword marks all over the arm!

The purple-robed old man\'s face sank. He looked at Ye Xuan and was about to speak. Behind him, an afterimage was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed!


The purple-robed old man turned around and took a picture.


The space instantly shattered, and Mo Xie, who had just rushed in front of the purple-robed old man, was directly shocked, and almost at the same time, he turned around and cut off his palm.


A piece of sword light was directly chopped by him!

The purple-robed old man looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, and was about to make another shot. At this moment, there were sudden explosions in the sky in the distance!

The purple-robed old man turned his head and looked, in the void, that Yansheng and others were retreating steadily, and now there were only two gods and wizards left!

Seeing this scene, the purple-robed old man frowned slightly, he immediately retracted his gaze, and then looked at Ye Xuan, his right hand slowly clenched.

Must fight quickly!

The purple-robed old man suddenly disappeared.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly. He was about to make a move when a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. The next moment, the purple-robed old man retreated several tens of feet away!

This white shadow is Wei Yangtian!

Wei Yangtian coldly looked at the purple-robed old man not far away, "So like to bully the small with the big?"

The purple-robed old man looked at Wei Yangtian coldly, "You will pay a painful price for your resistance!"

Wei Yangtian sneered, "Really?"

With that said, she turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, "Go and break the battle!"

Ye Xuan nodded and rushed towards the stone platform in the air!

Seeing this scene, the purple-robed old man frowned slightly, "Stop him!"

The sound fell, and several black shadows suddenly rushed towards Ye Xuan below!

Ye Xuan was about to draw a sword, Mo Xie suddenly appeared in front of him, Mo Xie glanced at that

Some dark shadows, "Go, I will come!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, slammed his right foot, and turned into a sword light and shot towards the sky!

The dark shadow powerhouses were about to stop Ye Xuan, but at this moment, Mo Xie suddenly appeared in front of them, and he slapped his hands forward.


The space in front of him shook like a wave, and the dark shadow powerhouses who were going to chase Ye Xuan were all blocked!

The leading dark shadow powerhouse said solemnly: "Resolve this person first!"

The voice fell, since he rushed towards Mo Xie directly!

Mo Xie clenched his right hand, and the next moment, he stomped his right foot, and he rushed over!

At this moment, Ye Xuan had already arrived in front of the stone platform. On the stone platform, there were nearly a hundred teleportation formations. The teleportation formation was trembling violently. Obviously, something was teleporting!

Ye Xuan slashed forward with his sword, and a ray of sword light flew out. When the ray of sword light was about to be cut on the teleportation formation, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of the sword light, and he pointed it out!


Jianguang collapsed!

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, because several flying swords were already standing on those teleportation formations.


On the transmission platform, the transmission array began to break apart.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, and he suddenly disappeared!


Wherever the middle-aged man passed, the space trembled, terrifying!

Ye Xuan held the Mo Ke Sword with both hands. At this moment, countless Mo Ke power crazily gathered in his body. After a moment of silence, Ye Xuan suddenly stepped forward and cut it down with a sword!


The sword flies, the space is shattered!


Ye Xuan\'s sword directly shook the middle-aged man back. Instead of chasing the middle-aged man, he pointed to the left, and several sword lights slashed directly at those teleportation formations. Soon, the teleportation platform. Above, the teleportation array was destroyed.

Seeing this scene, the face of the middle-aged man not far away became extremely ugly, and at this moment, the purple-robed old man below who was fighting Wei Yangtian also stopped.


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the field, and soon, the strong of the foreign land and the Tianhe Star Region began to retreat, and this retreat directly retreated into the starry sky.

Wei Yangtian was about to chase her, but the artist stopped her.

Wei Yangtian frowned slightly, "Why not chase after victory?"

The painter shook his head, "Look below!"

Wei Yangtian looked down. At this moment, there were corpses in a place. Among them, there were foreign and Tianhe star regions, as well as Moke tribe and Weiyang star regions.Most of the remaining Moke clan powerhouses and Weiyang star field powerhouses were seriously injured.

There is no way to fight again!

Wei Yangtian was silent.

The painter whispered: "Cultivate yourself!"

Wei Yangtian said solemnly: "They will make a comeback. Then, the people who come will be stronger!"

The painter said: "We can also make preparations, can\'t we?"

Wei Yangtian was silent.

In the air, the purple-robed old man looked down at Wei Yangtian and the others, "Wei Yangtian, when I return again, I will wait for the end!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

And the army of Alien and Tianhe Star Region also retreated.

Seeing the strong from the Tianhe Star Territory and the foreign land retreat, the strong from the Moke Clan and the Weiyang Star Territory were relieved!

Greatly relieved!

They are not afraid of death, but they want to live!

At this moment, the painter, Wei Yangtian and the hunched old man suddenly looked up into the starry sky. At this moment, a huge star net enveloped the entire galaxy over the Great Wall of Burial.

Seeing this scene, Weiyang Tiandai frowned, and she was about to take action. The painter shook her head, "Let them lay out!"

The hunched old man whispered: "Yes, unless we abandon the Weiyang star field, otherwise, it doesn\'t make any sense!"

After Wei Yangtian was silent for a moment, then turned to look at everyone in the court, "Heal!"

After speaking, she disappeared directly.

The painter looked at the hunched old man and whispered softly, "Gentleman Mo, have a chat?"

The hunched old man named Junzi Mo hesitated, then nodded, "Let\'s talk!"

The painter nodded slightly, "Very good!"

Soon, the powerhouses of the Moke clan and Weiyang star field returned to their respective places.

However, the atmosphere has become a little subtle!

You know, before this, everyone was still a mortal enemy, but just now, they joined forces against the enemy...

Below, Mo Xie was sitting on the ground, beside him were Zuo Qing, Earth Sha, and the evil unicorn!

At this time, several people have been seriously injured.

Mo Xie seemed to think of something, and suddenly glanced around, "What about Ye Xuan?"

Zuo Qing glanced around, "Just still there! Why?"

Mo Xie whispered: "Mo Ke Sword..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zuo Qing, "Will he not pay it back?"

Zuo Qing hesitated, and then said: "As the best genius in Weiyang Star Region, I shouldn\'t fail to return it..."

Mo Xie whispered: "It should be too."


In the void, the purple-robed old man had no expression on his face, beside him, was the Tianzun of the Tianhe Star Territory, and the divine mage of the foreign land!

At this moment, except for the purple-robed old man, the faces of the others are a little ugly!


This time, something that was originally fully assured has actually gotten to the present level!

Tianzun said softly: "Underestimate them!"

Yansheng nodded, "Really!"

They had taken Moke and Weiyang Star Territory very seriously, and it was precisely because of this that they showed up after the death of Weiyang Star Territory and Moke.And they didn\'t expect that after the two sides fought to death, their combat power would still be so strong!

At this time, Tianzun looked at the purple-robed old man, "Brother Gu Lian, in order to get the Weiyang Star Territory, you must solve the Weiyang Tian and the painter, and the old ancestor of the Moke tribe."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and said: "Besides, Ye Xuan and Mo Xie are also extremely enchanting. If these two grow up...we must pay attention to these two!"

The purple-robed old man named Gu Lian stopped. He looked at the token in his hand. After a while, he whispered: "The above has already spoken, and the surrounding stars will come. Two days later, launch an attack. People get ready!"

Tianzun frowned slightly, "Two days later? So anxious?"

The purple-robed old man whispered: "Are you going to let them recuperate?"

Tianzun was silent.

The purple-robed old man said: "The aura is exhausted, and there are fewer and fewer star regions that can survive. If we don\'t take this Weiyang star region, the Tianhe star region and the alien region will be completely depleted in a few decades at most and become a dead star region.

Tianzun said solemnly: "If the price is too great..."

Gu Lian interrupted Tianzun, "A price? Doesn\'t it cost me to survive? We only need the treasure on Ye Xuan, and the rest is yours!"

Yan Sheng said suddenly: "The origin of Ye Xuan may not be simple. According to our investigation, there seems to be a mysterious strong behind him!"

Gu Lian closed his eyes slowly, "No matter what the strong person is, in front of our star master, it is a waste!"


PS: I read the comments yesterday, everyone wants to watch extraterrestrials!