One Sword Reigns Supreme

482 The fairy in the sword Chapter 482: Fuck him!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!I have to say that Ye Xuan at this moment is very irritable!

He absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt Ye Ling!

Including himself!

In his anger, Ye Xuan forcibly suppressed the corrosion of that force, his mind became clearer and clearer.

However, he is still a bit unhappy!

Because that force is too strong!

So strong that he can control it now!

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked into the air. The next moment, he turned into a dark gray sword light and rose into the sky!


He must vent, vent this power, otherwise, this power will eat him back sooner or later!

As the Moke tribe and Weiyang star field joined forces, the battle in the field gradually changed.

Because at this moment, no one in the field can stop Ye Xuan and Mo Xie, the two are almost invincible, and the two evil beasts are getting stronger as they fight.

Weiyang Star Territory and the Moke clan begin to have advantages here!

In the void, a piece of white light suddenly dissipated, and the painter and the Great Lord appeared in the air, but at this moment, the Great Lord\'s face was pale and extremely weak.

Dazun stared at the painter in the distance, "I underestimated you!"


At this moment, he realized that the artist\'s strength was much stronger than he originally expected!Because in his opinion, he and this painter are on par, but unfortunately, after a fight, he has already lost!

In the distance, the painter walked towards Dazun, "You are the one who underestimated the Moke tribe and the Weiyang star field!"

The Great Master glanced at the lower part. At this moment, Weiyang Star Territory and the Moke Clan had begun to counter-pressure, and the situation was extremely unfavorable for the Tianhe Star Territory and the foreign land!

In particular, Moxie, Ye Xuan and others, except for the stronger ones of the older generation, the rest of them couldn\'t go through a round in front of these two people!

At this moment, the painter\'s jade hand gently lifted, and a powerful force instantly enveloped the great master.

Dazun raised his head to look at the painter, grinning, "Do you think you can win?"

The painter\'s eyebrows frowned slightly, and the Great Master said again: "You never know who is going to shoot you this time."

The painter groaned slightly, and the next moment, she shook her jade hand abruptly.


That great statue directly turned into nothingness!

The painter looked up at the sky, the next moment, she waved her jade hand, and a black paintbrush shuttled across the sky, the next moment, countless screams continued to resound from the sky.


At this moment, a voice rang out in the void!

Soon, the strong of the Tianhe Star Territory and the foreign land began to retreat, and after a while, they retreated to the cloud void.

In the air, Zun and Wei Yangtian appeared in the sight of everyone again.

Wei Yangtian held his right hand behind him, and his face was pale; that day, the respect was expressionless, and from the outside, he was not injured.

At this time, the painter appeared beside Wei Yangtian.

The painter looked at Tianzun, "It\'s over!"

Tianzun glanced at the painter and smiled slightly, "No, it\'s just started!"

The painter whispered: "Really?"

Tianzun said softly: "You underestimated the importance of that treasure."

As he said, he turned and looked at the end of the sky, "We have tried everything, don\'t you guys still take it?"

Hearing Tianzun\'s words, Wei Yangtian and the artist frowned.

Everyone looked at Tianzun, and soon, the space there cracked, and an old man wearing a purple robe came out.

The purple-robed old man wears a square official hat and holds a long purple token in his right hand. On his left shoulder, there are two words: Order!

Seeing this purple-robed old man, the artist below instantly frowned.

Star Orderer!

The vast universe, boundless, has countless star fields, and in these star fields there are such a group of people who guard the starry sky and maintain the order of the starry sky.

These people are the starry sky order


The most mysterious and powerful group of people in the vast starry sky!

Seeing this old man appeared, the painter and Wei Yangtian understood that the alien and the Tianhe Star Territory are just pawns, and the Star Orderer is the real master behind the scenes!

In the air, the purple-robed old man looked at the painter and Wei Yangtian below, "This Ye Xuan is what we want!"

The painter looked at the purple-robed old man, "Your goal is not just for Ye Xuan! I don\'t understand, your goal is only for Ye Xuan, why do you want to attack Weiyang Star Domain!"

The purple-robed old man whispered: "Don\'t you have any points in the hearts of Weiyang Starfield and Moke?"

The painter looked at Wei Yangtian, and Wei Yangtian said quietly: "They had contacted and asked Weiyang Star to pay tribute to them every five years. I refused!"

On the side, the humpbacked old man of the Moke clan also came over, "I also refused the Moke clan."

The painter nodded slightly, "Understood."

In the air, the purple-robed old man glanced at the three painters, "If you drop, you can avoid death!"


Wei Yangtian sneered, "Let me surrender? What kind of thing are you!"

Beside Wei Yangtian, the humpbacked old man chuckled and said, "Surrender? Since my ancestors, I have never knelt down to anyone!"

In the air, the purple-robed old man\'s face was cold and he said, "Death!"

The sound fell, he held the token in his right hand and tapped it lightly. In an instant, a huge stone platform appeared in front of him. On the stone platform, there were nearly a hundred teleportation formations!

Soon, those teleportation arrays began to tremble, as if there was something to come out!

In the air, the purple-robed old man looked at Wei Yangtian and others below, and finally, his eyes fell on Ye Xuan below.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s eyes were tightly closed, and his body couldn\'t stop shaking.


He is now firmly suppressing the power of Moko in his body and the thought of killing!

As if feeling the gaze of the purple-robed old man, Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at him. The next moment, an illusory small tower appeared between his brows.

When seeing this illusory little tower, the faces of everyone in the field changed!


The purple-robed old man stared at the small tower.

Ye Xuan suddenly grinned and said, "Do you want it?"

The purple-robed old man narrowed his eyes. At this moment, Ye Xuan said again: "I just won\'t give it to you!"

Everyone: "......"

The purple-robed old man looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes gradually cold, "Don\'t worry, I will take it myself!"

At this time, Ye Xuan Tijian rushed towards the purple-robed old man, who looked at Ye Xuan with no expression.

In the air, a hand suddenly pressed Ye Xuan\'s shoulder.


The painter looked at Ye Xuan, "Have you beaten him?"

Ye Xuan trembled: "I don\'t know!"

The corners of the painter\'s mouth twitched slightly, "I don\'t know if you are still going?"

Ye Xuan was a little dazed, "Am I going?"

Painter: "..."

At this moment, the purple-robed old man in the sky suddenly looked at Tianzun and the others, "We only need that treasure, and the rest belong to your Tianhe Star Territory and Foreign Territory."

Tianzun was silent.

The purple robe old man whispered: "That treasure is supreme, even if it is given to you, you can\'t keep it, understand?"

Tianzun said solemnly: "What is it, why..."

The purple-robed old man interrupted Tianzun, "The more you know, the faster you will die!"

Tianzun glanced at the purple-robed old man and stopped talking.

At this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly said, "Why wait for them to come?"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan said, "We can kill them before they come!"

Beside Ye Xuan, Bald Zi whispered: "It makes sense!"

The painter looked at Wei Yangtian, who whispered: "Kill!"


When the voice fell, she and the painter rushed out directly.

The hunched old man also rushed out!

Behind the three of them, the powerhouses of the Moke tribe and Weiyang Star Region also rushed out.

In the air, the purple-robed old man frowned slightly. In the next moment, he looked at Yan Sheng and the great master on the side, "Block them!"

The Great Master hesitated, and then rushed directly towards Wei Yangtian.

And those magicians started to target painters.

As for the hunched old man, he was blocked by a phantom!

This phantom is the strong man who fought him before!

Below, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Destroy the formation!"

The sound fell, and a flying sword pierced through the air at a very fast speed. It came to the stone platform in an instant, but when it was about to slash on the stone platform, a hand suddenly held the sword. Light!

Purple robe old man\'s hand!

The purple robe old man gave a light grip.


Jianguang collapsed!

The purple-robed old man looked down at Ye Xuan, and the next moment, he appeared directly in front of Ye Xuan, without warning, and then, his right hand directly grabbed Ye Xuan!

This was also caught, Ye Xuan immediately felt as if his whole body was frozen!

But at this moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was Mr. Bai!

Mr. Bai blasted his fist, but the purple-robed old man did not stop his hand, and directly printed it on Mr. Bai\'s fist.


A powerful force suddenly spread, and Ye Xuan, who was behind Mr. Bai, was suddenly shaken back again and again. At this time, a flying sword quietly appeared at the throat of the purple-robed old man!

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, his figure trembled, and the flying sword flew past, but it cut a piece of air. At this moment, he was already behind Mr. Bai. He did not attack Mr. Bai, but grabbed Xiang Ye. mysterious!

Very fast!

Ye Xuan couldn\'t hide, because the opponent was too fast!He slashed forward with the Moko sword in both hands.


A dark gray sword light slashed down from the field!


This sword light jumped and shattered in an instant, but the purple-robed old man had also retreated a long distance.He glanced at his palm, then looked at Ye Xuan, frowning slightly, "You sword...some way!"

With that, he looked at Ye Xuan, and at this moment, a powerful force struck from behind him!

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, he turned around and punched out, a very ordinary punch, but it was this punch that caused Mr. Bai to retreat a hundred feet away instantly!After Mr. Bai stopped, the space around him jumped to pieces and turned into pitch black!

The purple-robed old man glanced at Mr. Bai, "I underestimate you a bit! But at this moment, I don\'t have time to talk to you!"

With that said, he turned to look at Ye Xuan not far away, and the next moment, he shot towards Ye Xuan!

The speed is so fast that Ye Xuan can\'t see it!

Ye Xuan stomped his right foot suddenly, and he rose into the air. At the same time, he slashed down with the sword in both hands!

But this sword was held by one hand!

Purple robe old man\'s hand!

The purple-robed old man looked at Ye Xuan with no expression on his face. He was about to make a move when an afterimage suddenly swept to his side. The next moment, a fist hit his head directly!

The purple-robed old man frowned slightly, with a rung in his left hand!


The powerful force shook the ground, the purple-robed old man retreated Zhang Xu, but before he stopped, several flying swords slashed directly at him!


The purple-robed old man retreated several feet again!

At this moment, there was another person beside Ye Xuan!


Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, "I will hold him in close combat, you flying sword, is there a problem?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Fuck him!"
