One Sword Reigns Supreme

476 Sword Immortal Chapter 476: You and I are small!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!female!

Ye Xuan\'s face is full of black lines, this guy won\'t rebel, will he?

But at this moment, he can no longer control so much!He just wants to lie down and heal his injuries now!

Until now, he still couldn\'t feel his body!

This time, the injury was really serious!

Heavier than ever!

With the appearance of the Emperor Dog, the people on the Great Wall of Burying a sigh of relief suddenly, but they were a little curious, wondering how Ye Xuan would have a monster!

In addition to curiosity, there is also a trace of worry, because the Emperor Dog is far worse than this evil unicorn from the outside!

It\'s not as big as an evil unicorn!

However, the Emperor Dog had no fear at all about the ancient beast in front of him!

Emperor Dog!

It is also an evil beast from ancient times!

In the air, opposite Wei Yangtian, the humpbacked old man looked at the Emperor Dog, frowning slightly. After a while, he looked at Wei Yangtian, "What kind of monster is this? Why the old man has never seen it!"

Wei Yangtian said quietly: "The world is big, you and I are small!"

The humpbacked old man frowned slightly.

Below, the evil unicorn in front of the emperor dog suddenly roared, and it stared at the emperor dog, with a fierce light in its eyes.

The corner of the Emperor Dog\'s mouth cracked, and a row of fangs in his mouth were as sharp as blades.

After a moment of silence, the two evil beasts disappeared in place at the same time.


A shocking explosion resounded!

Soon, the two evil beasts fought fiercely together, and the two evil beasts were super strong, and they all depended on their flesh!


As soon as the battle started, the surrounding space began to tremble, as if it was about to break, it was terrifying!

Seeing that the emperor dog didn\'t lose the evil unicorn at all, Mr. Bai and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

In the air, Wei Yangtian suddenly looked at the hump-backed old man not far away, "Since the juniors can\'t tell the outcome, let\'s come!"

The hunched old man whispered: "Alright! I also want to see how much Palace Master Weiyang\'s strength has grown over the years!"

The voice fell, and he suddenly disappeared!

Wei Yangtian also disappeared.

Soon, above the distant void, deafening noises continued to resound!

Below, Mr. Bai suddenly looked at Mo Jiu on the opposite side, "Come on!"

The voice fell, and the other person suddenly disappeared.

In the distance, the strong of the Moke tribe also disappeared directly.

The war begins!

This time, it is a real all-out war!

Under the city wall, Ye Xuan was still lying quietly, while Zhanjun and others had already rushed out.

Lian Wanli was standing next to Ye Xuan, holding the Azure Dragon Sword, just standing like that.

In the distance, beside Mo Xie, Zuo Qing also stood quietly.

Mo Xie had resisted Ye Xuan\'s sword to fix his soul before. Until now, his soul is still a little illusory, but fortunately, it has not completely dissipated.

Both Ye Xuan and Mo Xie are still alive, but both of them are already seriously injured!

Next to Ye Xuan, Wan Li glanced around and whispered, "It\'s really intense!"

At this moment, she suddenly discovered that when she was in the Azure Realm, the war between the Dayun Empire and several other countries was like a child\'s play!

She lowered her head to look at Ye Xuan. In fact, she did not come to Ye Xuan when she left the Azure Realm.

She just wanted to leave that place and take a look above the stars!

It turns out that her own choice was right!Because if you stay in the blue realm,

She will trap herself to death!

At this moment, a strong man of the Moke clan suddenly rushed towards Ye Xuan. Obviously, he wanted to take this opportunity to kill Ye Xuan!

Lian Wanli glanced at the man, and the next moment, the big knife in her hand slammed forward.


The knife broke through the sky, tearing everything apart.


In the distance, the strong Moke clan was directly shocked by this knife a hundred feet away!

Lian Wanli shook his right hand, and the Qinglong Sword returned to her.

In the distance, no one from the Moke tribe dared to come again!

Lian Wanli looked down at Ye Xuan, "What happened?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "I can\'t die!"

Lian Wanli nodded, and then she glanced around. At this moment, the fighting had reached the fiercest moment, and both sides had died!

No one has a particularly big advantage, it can only be said to be evenly matched!

Lian Wanli raised her head and looked into the distant starry sky. She knew that if the two people decide the outcome, then it is over!

Who is stronger?

In the distant void, the explosions continued to resound.

The battle is fierce!

Lian Wanli retracted her gaze, and she looked at the emperor dog and evil unicorn in the distance. The two evil beasts were fighting like a raging fire, fiercely fierce.

It\'s a deadlock now!

Even Wanli still didn\'t make a move, she just stood so quietly, because if she left, Ye Xuan would definitely die with no scum left!

In this way, after about an hour, more and more people died in the surrounding area. There were people on both sides, and even Wanli found that no one on both sides fled, all of them were fighting to death!

At this moment, Lian Wanli suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, where a strong man from the Weiyang Star Region fell from the sky.

Powerful fortune!

Now, there are already good fortune realm powerhouses beginning to fall!

Lian Wanli was silent while holding the knife.

Ye Xuan was still absorbing Purple Origin Crystal frantically, what he had to do now was to heal his injuries as soon as possible.

On the opposite side, Mo Xie was quickly recovering his soul!

Both are fighting for time!

And Zuo Qing and Na Disha have been guarding Mo Xie!

After about a market, Ye Xuan sat up, and Mo Xie\'s soul returned to his body, but neither of them did it!

Ye Xuan\'s physical body has not fully recovered, Mo Xie\'s soul has not yet fully integrated with the physical body, and the soul has not yet fully recovered.

at this time--


At the far end of the sky, a blast suddenly sounded, and the next moment, the entire sky void began to vibrate violently, like a major earthquake.

Lian Wanli raised his head and looked at the sky void. Soon, the sky began to crack layer by layer. After a while, the entire sky suddenly shattered and turned into pitch black!

But soon, the space is repaired!

At this moment, two people appeared in the air.

It is the humpbacked old man and Wei Yangtian!

Wei Yangtian\'s face was expressionless, while the humpbacked old man\'s face was a little dignified. There are two aspects to this dignity. On the one hand, Wei Yangtian is powerful, and on the other hand, the person who should appear has not appeared!

Wei Yangtian looked at the humpbacked old man and was about to do it. At this moment, the humpbacked old man suddenly said, "Palace Master Weiyang, wait a minute!"

Wei Yangtian frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

The humpbacked old man glanced around, his eyes gradually becoming cold, and at this moment, the surrounding space suddenly trembled violently. As these spaces vibrated, red light as thin as needles suddenly leaked from the surrounding space.

Seeing this scene, Wei Yangtian frowned slightly, her hands moved to the sides for a while, and the space burst into pieces, but the red light still existed!

Wei Yangtian frowned deeper, her hands suddenly clenched into fists, and her body turned.


A powerful air current appeared around her, and this air current constantly resisted the red light around her, however, this air current was quickly corroded.

Wei Yangtian\'s face changed slightly. With a wave of her jade hand, a colorful jade belt suddenly flew out. The next moment, the colorful jade belt began to spin frantically, and then resisted the red light!

However, in front of these red lights, this colorful jade belt started to corrode little by little!

On the opposite side of Wei Yangtian, the humpbacked old man also offered a dark golden shield, and that dark golden shield was floating around him. However, this dark golden shield could not stop the red light, and began to be corrosion!

Seeing this scene, the hunched old man\'s face was extremely difficult to look like, "This is a cosmic ray!"

As he said, he glanced around, "These people, want the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind!"

Opposite the hunched old man, Wei Yangtian glanced around coldly, "You got it!"

The hunched old man turned his head and looked to the right, "Great Master, can\'t you come out?"


A loud laugh suddenly sounded from a distance, and with this sound, a middle-aged man walked out of the space!

The middle-aged man wore a white robe. Behind him, stood six old men wearing red robe. Each of these six red robe old men was holding a blood-red staff in their hands. A strange red flame was still floating around them.

The most conspicuous thing is that under the feet of these six people, there is a blood red aperture, similar to the formation!

Seeing these six people, Wei Yangtian narrowed his eyes, "Shen Mage!"


The highest-level mages in the foreign land can be said to be the strongest in the foreign land. Each of these people masters the supreme mystery handed down from the foreign land!

The last time she went to a foreign land, she didn\'t see a magician. She felt strange at the time, but she didn\'t expect that these people would appear here!

Hearing Wei Yangtian\'s words, the white-robed middle-aged man smiled and said: "Palace Master Weiyang has good eyesight! Moreover, Palace Master Weiyang is able to withstand these cosmic rays, he deserves to be the strongest in this star field!"

At this time, the hunched old man suddenly said: "Great Lord, you have nothing to believe!"

Dazun looked at the hunched old man and smiled: "There is no word for it? I only promised you to join hands with you to destroy Wei Yangtian, but you can\'t destroy the Moko clan!"

As he said, he glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "Seriously, if you two didn\'t fight to lose both, we really wouldn\'t dare to take it lightly."

Wei Yangtian slowly clenched his right hand and was about to do it. At this moment, the Great Master suddenly smiled and said: "Palace Master Weiyang, don\'t waste your energy! These six gods and wizards have devoted all their strength and used the source of the exotic spring as the array. The big array under your eyes, as long as the six of them do not die, the cosmic rays are endless, you can\'t stop them."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at Ye Xuan below. He took a look at Ye Xuan and chuckled, "Is this the Ye Xuan who possesses the most treasure?"

Behind the great master, a holy mage nodded, "It is this person! We have investigated this person, and there seems to be a mysterious strong behind this person, but the specific identity is unknown!"

The Great Senior chuckled: "It is not easy for this person to be able to own this treasure! Okay, no nonsense. Kill this person and Moxie of the Namoko clan! These two people are not allowed to stay!"

As the great master\'s voice fell, two afterimages suddenly broke through the air in the air.

One swept towards Ye Xuan\'s position, and the other swept towards Mo Xie\'s position!
