One Sword Reigns Supreme

475 Sword Immortal Chapter 475: Kill it!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In the air, Wei Yangtian looked at the hump-backed old man, who whispered: "The battle between juniors, the palace lord should not interfere."

Wei Yangtian frowned slightly and was about to make a move. At this moment, she suddenly looked down at Ye Xuan, and the hunched old man also suddenly looked down.

Below, the space around Ye Xuan was distorted in a weird way, but Ye Xuan in the center was nothing!

Not only that, the space around him started to return to normal bit by bit!

Seeing this scene, the hunched old man frowned slightly, "How is it possible?"

Wei Yangtian also had a hint of surprise in his eyes.


This time, Ye Xuan did not use the principles of space, but simply used the power of space!

After practicing in adversity, his grasp and understanding of the power of space is completely different from before, and this time, he is simply using the power of the surrounding space to resist Mo Xie!

Under Ye Xuan\'s control, the surrounding space began to return to normal bit by bit.

In the distance, Mo Xie frowned slightly.

After a while, all the space around Ye Xuan had returned to normal.

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, "It really surprised me, your use of space has reached this level."

Ye Xuan took the sword and walked towards Mo Xie, "Don\'t talk nonsense, continue to fight!"

The sound fell, and his right foot stomped sharply.


The space under his feet trembled, and Ye Xuan turned into a sword light and burst out.

In the distance, Mo Xie\'s right hand clenched into a fist and blasted out.


The world trembled violently!

This punch forced Ye Xuan to stop, but as soon as Ye Xuangang stopped, his soul suddenly separated, and at the same time, a sword slashed directly at Mo Xie!

Mo Xie\'s face, who had originally wanted to resist, suddenly changed slightly. The next moment, his figure trembled, and he flashed back ten feet away!

This sword is a sword that fixes the soul. Therefore, Mo Xie did not choose to resist hard, nor did he dare to resist hard, because this sword was aimed at the soul, and his Heaven and Earth Law Body was useless in front of this sword!

And his retreat gave Ye Xuan a chance!

As soon as Mo Xie stopped, several sword lights suddenly slashed on him. At the same time, Ye Xuan appeared in front of him again, and then another sword pierced him straight!

This sword pointed directly at the brow!

Still a sword to fix the soul!

Mo Xie didn\'t choose to retreat. He put his hands together and directly closed Ye Xuan\'s sword. At the same time, he bullied himself and slammed into Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan retreated again and again!

Mo Xie was preparing to take advantage of the victory, but two sword lights suddenly stood straight on top of his head.


The sword light shattered!

However, Mo Xie also retreated a few feet away!

With this retreat, Ye Xuan in the distance bullied himself again, extremely fast, and came to Mo Xie in the blink of an eye. At the same time, he held the fairy sword against Mo Xie\'s throat.

Mo Xie didn\'t dodge, letting Ye Xuan\'s sword cut his throat, but his fist hit Ye Xuan\'s abdomen almost at the same time!


Ye Xuan retreated violently, and with this retreat, he retreated directly under the city wall.

Just as Mo Xie rushed forward, several flying swords suddenly slashed, forcibly forcing him to stop in place!

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan under the city wall in the distance. The next moment, he disappeared, and his whole body flashed past the field like a light.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, his toes were lightly touched, and he turned sideways. Mo Xie\'s feet were against the edge of Ye Xuan\'s abdomen and kicked directly on the city wall.


The city wall trembled violently and cracked directly, but it quickly recovered.

Under the city wall, when Mo Xie kicked it into the air, Ye Xuan, who was beside him, suddenly cut across with a sword, which hit Mo Xie\'s abdomen directly.


The sword trembled violently, and Mo Xie frowned slightly. His arm swept towards Ye Xuan\'s head. Ye Xuan\'s body was bent back and directly avoided the punch. At the same time, several flying swords suddenly slashed at Mo Xuan. Between the throat and the eyebrows.

Bang bang bang...

Jian Guang jumped to pieces, but Mo Xie was also shaken back ten feet, but the next moment, he suddenly disappeared.

In the distance, Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, and he slashed forward with the sword in both hands!

One sword sets the soul!

Seeing this sword, Mo Xie, who had just rushed in front of Ye Xuan\'s face, changed slightly, and his figure flashed backward, and this flash flashed more than thirty feet!

Facing Ye Xuan\'s sword and soul, he did not dare to resist!

However, he can hide!

In the distance, Ye Xuan carried his sword towards Mo Xie, his expression at this moment was also solemn.

I have to say that this Mo Xie is the strongest person he has ever seen in the younger generation!Although the opponent did not dare to resist his sword and soul, the opponent\'s speed and combat response were extremely fast, and he could dodge his sword!

As long as it is not a sword to fix the soul, the other party will dare to resist!

However, he couldn\'t always use this sword to fix the soul, because it consumes too much!

In this battle, Ye Xuan knew very well that there was no shortcut, only a hard fight!

When he came to Mo Xie, Ye Xuan stomped his right foot suddenly, and his whole body turned into a sword light and shot towards Mo Xie.

At almost the same time, Mo Xie also disappeared suddenly.

The two fight together again!

In the air, Wei Yangtian and the humpbacked old man looked down quietly, Wei Yangtian expressionless, and the humpbacked old man\'s face was a little low.

He didn\'t expect Ye Xuan to be so stubborn that he forcibly had an equal share with Mo Xie!

Moreover, he found that Ye Xuan below is stronger than the war!

In the field, everyone was looking at Mo Xie and Ye Xuan outside the city wall. The two had entered close combat.

Mo Xie\'s body is invincible, his combat response speed is extremely fast, and his resilience is extremely terrifying, while Ye Xuan\'s sword skills are sharp, and his tricks are directed at the key points, especially the flying sword. Ye Xuan\'s flying sword is really supernatural, every time a flying sword comes out. , It\'s hard to guard against!

Looking at Ye Xuan\'s flying sword, everyone in the court was jealous!

If it weren\'t for someone like Mo Xie who cultivated the Heaven and Earth Law Bodies, no one could fight Ye Xuan in close combat. Ye Xuan is now in close combat, which is very terrifying!


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from below. With this loud noise, Ye Xuan and Mo Xie retreated violently. With this retreat, the two of them retreated nearly a hundred feet, and Ye Xuan was retreating. In the process, the flying swords slashed towards Mo Xie not far away like lightning.

Mo Xie\'s double fists were thrown out, and for a time, explosions continued to resound in the field.

Soon, Mo Xie stopped. The sword lights in front of him had all been broken, but at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him, Mo Xie\'s eyes narrowed slightly, he suddenly disappeared, and a fist hit Ye Xuan\'s chest!

Fast punch!

But at the moment he punched, Ye Xuan suddenly pierced his throat with a sword. This time, it was a sword to fix the soul!

But this time, Mo Xie did not dodge!

Neither of them dodges!

It\'s all about life for life!

Mo Xie knew very well that if he dodges, it would be very difficult for him to kill Ye Xuan; and Ye Xuan did the same. He knew that if he dodges this punch, he would be completely suppressed. Not only that, from the aura, he He will be crushed too, at that time, he will undoubtedly die!

Therefore, he cannot withdraw either!

Seeing this scene, everyone around the field stopped breathing!

This time, the real life and death may be real!

Under everyone’s gaze, Ye Xuan’s sword pierced Mo Xie’s throat, and Mo Xie’s body trembled violently. At this moment, he was like a piece of wood, because his soul had been fixed in his body. Can\'t move at all!

At the same time, his soul is constantly illusory...

At almost the same time, Mo Xuan\'s fist hit Ye Xuan\'s abdomen, and Ye Xuan\'s whole body was like a kite with a broken string, flying out towards the rear. In the air, Ye Xuan\'s body began to crack and blood spattered. , Terrifying!

In the end, Ye Xuanzhong slammed heavily on the city wall behind him.


The city wall trembled violently, with numerous cracks.

Ye Xuan was lying on the ground, and the blood on his body kept overflowing. After a while, the ground under him was stained red with blood!

Ye Xuan felt that his whole body was broken at this moment, including the five internal organs!

He lost the strength to move his fingers!

Ye Xuan\'s eyes were tightly closed, and a twilight appeared in his head...

Ling\'er, An Lanxiu, Mo Yunqi, Jiang Jiu, Bei Ze...

Thinking of these people, Ye Xuan, who was about to fall into a coma, suddenly clenched his fists. The next moment, a bunch of purple source crystals appeared on his chest, and then he began to absorb these purple source crystals automatically!

Don\'t want to die!

He Ye Xuan still doesn\'t want to die!

Want to live!

The strong desire for survival made Ye Xuan forcibly resist the thought of wanting to sleep!

Because he knew very well that if he fell asleep, he would never wake up again!

Ye Xuan\'s teeth were clenching tightly, and his hands were clenching tightly. This was his last bit of strength!


For myself, and for my sister!

And in the distance, Mo Xie\'s soul began to be virtual and real in his body. Obviously, he was also protecting his soul, but his soul was still slowly passing away. If this continues, it will not be long before Mo Xie\'s soul will be Completely disappear!

At that time, the true spirits and souls are destroyed!

All around, very quiet!

Everyone was looking at Mo Xie and Ye Xuan, the two most enchanting people today.

In the air, Mr. Bai suddenly stood up, and he looked at the hunched old man above, "The battle between the two of them ends here?"

The hunched old man looked at Mo Xie below and was silent.

After a while, the hunched old man nodded, obviously, he didn\'t want Mo Xie to die here!

But at this moment, Mo Xie\'s soul below suddenly whispered: "It\'s not over yet!"

Everyone looked at Mo Xie below, Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan on the ground in the distance, and whispered, "Our battle is not over yet!"

When the sound fell, the space around him suddenly split, and the next moment a monster suddenly jumped out of it!

Evil unicorn!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Mr. Bai and others changed!

Mo Xie whispered, "It\'s my monster, it\'s not a help from outsiders."

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, "It\'s over!"

The voice fell, and the evil unicorn rushed towards Ye Xuan not far away.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Bai and the others changed their faces and they had to take action, but all the strong Moke clan stood in front of them!

Next to Wei Yangtian, the hunched old man stared at her, as long as she moved, he would immediately stop her!

And Wei Yangtian didn\'t mean to do it!

Below, just as the evil unicorn was about to rush in front of Ye Xuan, a black light suddenly flashed out of Ye Xuan\'s body, and the next moment, a monster beast appeared directly in front of Ye Xuan!

Emperor Dog!

On the ground, Ye Xuan whispered: "Brother Emperor, kill him!"

The Emperor Dog shook his head. It looked at the evil unicorn with an inexplicable smile on his face, "This is a female. This\'do\'...hehe..."

Ye Xuan: "..."


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