One Sword Reigns Supreme

472 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 472: The younger generation, can someone fight?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Head up!

As Lian Wanli\'s words fell, Ye Xuan\'s whole body was directly lifted by her, but his head did not separate!

Lian Wanli lifted Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "This king has never seen such a thick-skinned person in his life."

Ye Xuan: "..."

Lian Wanli put down Ye Xuan, and then said: "After the injury is healed, we will fight a game."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Inside the stone house, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled.

I have to say that the feeling of seeing an old friend is really good.

At this moment, he missed Mo Yunqi and others even more.I don\'t know what happened to those guys!

After a while, Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts and continued to heal his injuries.


After Lian Wanli left the stone house, he came to the city wall. At this moment, everyone was looking at the sky in the void.

Lian Wanli raised his head and looked into the air, and whispered softly, "The fight was really intense!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the void, and then, in the eyes of everyone, Mr. Bai and others appeared in the air.

Headed by Mr. Bai, behind him are Li Changfeng and others.At this moment, Li Changfeng and others looked extremely solemn.

Especially Li Changfeng, it was the first time he played against a strong man from the Moke clan, and the opponent was more powerful than he expected!

Mr. Bai looked at a middle-aged man not far in front of him, and whispered softly: "Mo Jiu, it seems that your little power wants to conquer the Weiyang Star Territory.

The middle-aged man named Mo Jiu smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, it\'s just started!"

At this moment, the space within tens of thousands of miles in the field burst into a spider web shape in an instant.

Everyone is shocked!

Soon, in everyone\'s eyes, the space not far away suddenly split, a man and a woman appeared out of thin air. The woman was Wei Yangtian, and the man was Mo Tianchi, the patriarch of the Moke clan!

Mo Tianchi held his right hand behind him, and he looked at Wei Yangtian with no expression on his face.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Wei Yangtian’s mouth, "Mo Tianchi, I thought you and I were fighting in a dignified meeting. I didn’t expect you to collude with foreign land to play this kind of trick. Seriously, compared to your father back then, you are not a little bit worse. At least, he challenged me to death."

Mo Tianchi was expressionless, just about to speak, at this moment, Wei Yangtian suddenly punched out.


The space around Mo Tianchi trembled violently, and immediately after that, Mo Tianchi retreated nearly a hundred feet in a row.

Wei Yangtian was about to continue to make a move. At this moment, the space around her suddenly trembled violently. Then, the space in all directions suddenly cracked, and black chains flew out of these black spaces, and these black chains blocked. Living in all the spaces around Weiyangtian, at the same time, four people wearing black robes appeared in the air. Each of these four black robes held a thick black ancient book in their left hand, and in their right hand In the middle, it is holding a black staff.

Seeing these four people, the faces of Mr. Bai and others below suddenly changed, "Holy Wizard!"

Hearing what Mr. Bai said, Li Changfeng beside him frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Mr. Bai\'s face is a bit ugly, "The strongest from a foreign land, who knows all kinds of secrets and ancient secrets. The palace lord is now dragged by a strand of clone..."

Speaking of this, he made a decisive decision, "Shoot!"

However, as soon as they took the shot, not far away Mo Jiu and the others suddenly stood in front of them.

Mo Jiu grinned, "Mr. Bai, you\'d better stay here!"

Mr. Bai tilted his head, "Wei Yangwei!"

Mr. Bai\'s voice fell, and four men in black suddenly appeared not far behind Mr. Bai, all of whom were holding a huge sword in their right hand and a round shield in their left.

And the one headed is Ghost!

Wei Young Wei, Wei Young Star

The most outstanding fighter trained by the domain!

Agui led the four people behind him and rushed directly towards the four black-robed men in the air!

Not far away, Mo Jiu suddenly said, "Where is the general Moko!"

As Mo Jiu\'s voice fell, nine powerful men wearing black armor and holding long spears suddenly appeared in front of Agui and the others.

Warrior Moko!

Mr. Bai\'s face was a bit ugly. This Moko warlord was the most elite fighter of the Moko tribe. Back then, the patriarch of the Moko tribe and twelve Moko warlords abruptly blocked him and Wei Yangtian!

Opposite Mr. Bai, Mo Jiu smiled and said, "All stay here!"

Agui suddenly rushed over with a sickle!

The war begins!

Mo Jiu glanced at the ghost who was standing with the warlord Moko, and whispered, "This ghost is still good at fighting!"

As he said, he looked at Mr. Bai, "Mr. Bai, don\'t think about it! This time, my Moke tribe has made thorough preparations. Let\'s see if this invincible Palace Master Weiyang can hold it!"

Mr. Bai ignored Mo Jiu, he looked at Wei Yangtian in the air. At this moment, Wei Yangtian was already wrapped in layers of black chains, and the four black-robed saint wizards were talking about something.

Wei Yangtian glanced around, the next moment, she punched out!


The entire sky trembled violently, and the black iron chains were directly shattered, but they were repaired in an instant, and a strange breath suddenly radiated from the iron chains.

With the appearance of these breaths, Weiyang Tiandai frowned slightly, because she felt that her life was rapidly losing.

Wei Yangtian frowned slightly, "Is the ancient secret technique?"

With that said, she glanced at the chains, on which were all kinds of weird runes.

Wei Yangtian sneered, "Every chain is a treasure of the realm of creation, the ancient mystery plus so many treasures of the realm of creation... I have to say that you really tried hard to kill me. !"

Not far away, Mo Ke Clan Chief Mo Tianchi whispered: "Palace Master Weiyang is extraordinary, so naturally I dare not look down upon it."

Wei Yangtian slowly closed her eyes, the next moment, she slowly raised her hands, and the next moment, her surroundings began to tremble violently.

Seeing this scene, Mo Tianchi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the four holy wizards not far away hurriedly chanted the spell. Soon, a mysterious force appeared around Wei Yangtian.

Wei Yangtian suddenly whispered: "Exit!"

As she said, she gently pressed her hands downward.

As Wei Yangtian\'s voice fell, the space around her began to annihilate.

Seeing this scene, one of the holy wizards\' complexion suddenly changed, "Help me wait for a hand!"

The voice of the holy wizard fell, and Mo Tianchi who was not far away waved his right hand. In an instant, a huge black umbrella enveloped Wei Yangtian. Under the black umbrella, the space directly dimmed, as if it had been corroded!

At the same time, the space around Wei Yangtian suddenly began to condense layer by layer, and the speed of annihilation suddenly dropped, but it did not disappear, but the speed of annihilation became slow!

Mo Tianchi looked at the four holy wizards, "Speed ​​up!"

The spells chanted by the four holy wizards began to speed up. Soon, the chains that trapped Wei Yangtian began to vibrate violently. Not only that, the world began to vibrate at this moment!

And all around, countless mountains have started to shatter!

The ancient mystery can lead to changes in the world!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Mr. Bai and others in the field sank.

Surrounded by Wei Yangtian, her expression was extremely calm. She glanced at the four holy wizards coldly. The next moment, her right hand suddenly spread out. Soon, over the Great Wall of Burial, countless lightning suddenly appeared!

In an instant, the entire sky flashed with thunder, as if the end is coming!

Wei Yangtian suddenly raised his head, and gently shook his jade hand in the air, "Fall!"


Above the void, countless thunder and lightning poured down like a torrential rain.

Seeing this scene, Mo Tianchi\'s face changed slightly. The next moment, he soared into the air, his hands were raised empty, and for a while, countless Qi gathered around quickly, and finally formed a thick barrier, and this barrier was hard. Shengsheng blocked the thunder and lightning, but Mo Tianchi\'s face gradually paled. Obviously, he was a little struggling.

At this time, Mr. Bai was about to take action, but a middle-aged man was standing in front of him!

Mr. Bai looked at the middle-aged man, "Mo Xiao!"

Mo Xiao smiled and said: "Mr. Bai, today you and me, no one can do anything."

As he said, he looked at Wei Yangtian\'s position in the distance, "My clan has spent such a high price, she must die today!"

In the distance, among the black iron chains, the space around Wei Yangtian actually began to become illusory, and at the same time, her body began to gradually blur.

Next to Wei Yangtian, a holy wizard suddenly grinned and said: "Wei Yangtian, I only wanted Ye Xuan to die in the foreign land, but you protected her twice and broke into my foreign land and killed countless powerful people in my foreign land. Today, the old man wants you to pay for the blood, you..."

At this moment, behind the old speaking man, the space there suddenly cracked, and then a woman walked out.

The incoming person is the clone of Wei Yangtian, and in the hands of the clone of Wei Yangtian, he is carrying a bloody head!

This head is exactly the strong Moke clan who used to block Wei Yangtian.

Wei Yang Tian\'s clone was thrown away, and the bloody head fell from the air. The next moment, she suddenly disappeared.

The trapped Wei Yangtian suddenly closed her eyes. The next moment, her eyes suddenly opened, and her right hand turned to the right for a beat.


Those black chains snapped to pieces.

And the four holy wizards were shocked to retreat back and forth, and this retreat was hundreds of feet away.


One of the holy wizards made a decisive decision, turned around and left, and the other three also left immediately, without hesitation!


Not far away, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Wei Yangtian\'s mouth. She suddenly disappeared. The next moment, four screams of screams came from the end of the sky in the distance.

Soon, Wei Yangtian reappeared in the field, her eyes fell on Mo Tianchi, the latter\'s face changed, and she was about to speak, when Wei Yangtian raised her hand with a palm.


The space Mo Tianxing was in collapsed instantly and fell directly into the black hole of space, but at this moment, a hand suddenly appeared in the black hole of space, and soon Mo Tianchi was pulled out by this hand.

At this time, in front of Wei Yangtian, an old man appeared.

The old man hunched back, holding a wooden crutch in his hand, and he looked extremely old.

Mo Tianchi, who was rescued by the old man, hurriedly saluted the old man, "I have seen the ancestor!"

The hunched old man whispered: "As she said, you are indeed not a bit worse than your father!"

Mo Tianchi\'s face suddenly became a little ugly.

The hunched old man said: "If we want to conquer the Weiyang star field, we can only rely on ourselves, understand?"

Mo Tianchi nodded quickly, then stood behind him respectfully.

The hunched old man\'s eyes fell on Wei Yangtian, "Weiyang, this time, you will lose to the younger generation."

As he said, he looked down at Mo Xie, "It\'s time for you to act."

Mo Xie smiled slightly, then looked at the Great Wall, "Weiyang Star Region, the younger generation, can someone fight?"

As he said, he paused for a while, and then said: "It\'s better to go together!"


PS: There is one more chapter, under review, update now!