One Sword Reigns Supreme

471 The fairy in the sword Chapter 471: Lift the head!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!A Feng\'s face was cold, she directly blasted a punch to the right.


The long sword was forced to stop by this force.

At this moment, behind the long knife, a woman suddenly appeared. Then, she grabbed the handle of the knife with her right hand and turned it around.


Afeng retreated ten feet in a row!

Afeng looked at the woman in front of him. The woman was wearing a black long dress. On the long dress, there was a lifelike black phoenix painted. The eyes of the phoenix were like electricity, and looked down upon everything.

Afeng frowned slightly, "Who are you, I have never seen you before."

The woman ignored Afeng, but turned her head to look not far away, where Ye Xuan and Zuo Qing fought, and at this moment, the battle between the two had ended.

Everyone\'s eyes in the field fell on Ye Xuan, because he was the only one left there.

Seeing this scene, Afeng\'s face instantly became savage, she rushed towards Ye Xuan, and the woman in the black dress suddenly disappeared——


As a blast sounded, Ah Feng stopped in place.

Afeng\'s expression became savage, she clenched her hands, a powerful breath swept out of her body, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind her, "Get out!"

Afeng turned around and glared at Mo Xie, "You watched him die!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang from behind Mo Xie, "A Feng..."

Hearing this voice, Afeng was stunned.

Everyone in the field was also stunned.

Everyone looked behind Mo Xie, where a man walked out. This person was Zuo Qing, but at this moment Zuo Qing\'s face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and very weak.

Afeng looked at Zuo Qing in astonishment, "You..."

Zuo Qing whispered: "Not dead yet!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan not far away, "You won!"

In the distance, Ye Xuan held a long sword on the ground, and the whole person looked exhausted.

Just now, he used Space Dao to crazily destroy the aura within a hundred meters of surroundings, and after the surrounding aura was completely destroyed by him, he killed Zuo Qing\'s\'fake body\' with a single sword.As he expected, without aura, this\'fake body\' could no longer be resurrected.

Ye Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the woman in the black dress beside him, he was a little surprised, "You..."

The person in front of him, he naturally knew, was Lian Wanli from the Azure Realm!

For this woman, he has never forgotten!

Lian Wanli smiled and said, "Weird?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Lian Wanli smiled slightly, "I heard you are here, so I came to you!"

Ye Xuan was stunned, "What are you looking for?"

Lian Wanli blinked, "Play!"

Ye Xuan asked subconsciously, "What are you playing?"

Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan, "What do you want to play?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this moment, Lian Wanli turned and looked at Ah Feng not far away, "Shall we play?"

Afeng sneered, "I mean it!"

When the sound fell, she rushed out directly.

Lian Wanli smiled slightly, and dashed forward with the Qinglong knife in his hand.


The woman named Afeng was cut back instantly, but the next moment, she rushed out again...

Seeing the two fighting each other, Ye Xuan was a little shocked, because Lian Wanli\'s strength was many times stronger than before.

Very strong!

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled. In fact, it wasn\'t just him who grew up. When he was growing, others were also growing.

At this moment, he thought of Mo Yunqi and the others, and he didn\'t know what happened to them!

But it should not be bad, after all, he has sent a lot of purple source crystals and good things!

Mo Yunqi and others

Not worse than the people in this universe, they are only worse in resources!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head, and not far away, the two of Tian Sha and Earth Sha fell down.

On the Great Wall, the army and others did not help.

It\'s not that they are ruthless. Here, Weiyang Star Field and Huang Clan are observing a rule!

Singled out, life and death are arrogant, outsiders don\'t interfere!

Once, Weiyang Star Territory also beheaded many people from the Desolate Clan, and the Desolate Clan also did not take action.

Moreover, it cannot be saved!Because one side is helping, someone on the other side must come out to stop it!

Very cruel, but helpless!

Looking at the two corpses on the ground for a long time, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Tiansha, "Shall we play?"

Tiansha looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan smiled and said, "You were injured just now, and I was also injured. It\'s fair!"

Tiansha looked at Ye Xuan and nodded, "Okay!"

When the voice fell, he rushed towards Ye Xuan, and at this moment, Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly turned and left.

Behind Ye Xuan, Sha was still charging that day, but he was charging, when he came behind Ye Xuan, his head fell off!

It fell silently!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field told the truth!

Not far away, Mo Xie stared at Ye Xuan, expressionless.

Just now, only a few people in the field saw how Ye Xuan made his sword, and he was one of them!

Beside Mo Xie, Zuo Qing said solemnly: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Mo Xie whispered: "He used a secret method! That secret method made his sword at least five times faster. At this speed, Tiansha couldn\'t stop it!"

Zuo Qing\'s face was a little ugly, "Five times, isn\'t that invincible?"

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, "He is very weak now, anyone can easily kill him!"

Zuo Qing was silent.

It was Ye Xuan\'s weakest time now, and at this time, they couldn\'t make a move.

Because Ye Xuan has gone away!

Even if they didn\'t run, they wouldn\'t make a move. At this time, the Moke clan would undoubtedly be looked down upon by Weiyang Star Territory.

If Weiyang Star Region loses, Moke can also afford to lose!

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise not far away. Everyone heard the sound and saw the woman named Afeng of the Moke tribe retreating violently. This retreat directly retreated a hundred feet!

As soon as Afeng stopped, a touch of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

On the opposite side, Lian Wanli glanced at A Feng and said with a smile: "How powerful is this king\'s knife?"

Afeng stared at Lian Wanli, and Lian Wanli gently stroked her hair with her left hand. He smiled and said, "Is it dissatisfied with you?"

A Feng grinned and said:\'I refuse to accept it!"

Lian Wanli nodded, "This king will persuade you!"

When the voice fell, she rushed towards Ah Feng with the long knife in her hands. She was getting faster and faster, and the space trembled wherever she passed.

Afeng\'s expression gradually became ferocious, and she slapped her hands to the ground.


The entire ground burst into pieces, and the next moment, an afterimage flashed past the field.

After this afterimage, there are countless afterimages!

In the distance, with a turn of Wanli\'s wrist, the knife is slashed from top to bottom, "Kill you!"

One knife fell.


The space is like paper, directly torn apart.

Afeng\'s fists slammed out, shouting angrily, "Broken!"


The surrounding space trembled suddenly, and the next moment a figure retreated violently.

This figure is that Afeng!

And as soon as Na Afeng stopped, Lian Wanli\'s Azure Dragon Sabre in his hand slammed toward the front of him not far away.


The long knife slashed across, the space was torn apart, and the sharp sounds continued to sound.

Afeng raised her head to look at the long knife. She noticed the powerful force contained in the long knife. Her expression became serious. The next moment, her hands snapped together. With this, the space on both sides of her front began to shrink. , And finally formed a thick space barrier in front of you.

At this time, even the sword of thousands of miles arrived.


The space barrier trembled violently, and then began to collapse every inch!

However, just when the long sword broke through the empty space barrier, Afeng’s hands suddenly closed the Qinglong Sword. The next moment, her hands followed the Qinglong Sword to make a stroke, extremely fast, and instantly came to Lian Wanli. Then she used a hand to make a knife and slammed into Lian Wanli\'s abdomen.

However, Lian Wanli was faster. Before Afeng\'s hand touched Lian Wanli\'s abdomen, Lian Wanli\'s hand had already caught her throat.

In everyone\'s eyes, Lian Wanli slammed Ah Feng by the throat.


The ground trembled violently!

The next moment, Lian Wanli kicked Ah Feng in the abdomen.


Ah Feng flew several hundred feet away in an instant, and then, even Wanli\'s right hand suddenly raised it, "Raise your head!"

As the voice fell, A Feng\'s head flew directly from his neck.

Blood is like a pillar!

Lian Wanli coldly glanced at Ah Feng\'s body on the ground, then turned and left with a long knife.

Aside, Mo Xie looked at Ah Feng\'s corpse not far away. After a moment of silence, he looked at Lian Wanli in the distance. At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the distant sky!

At this moment, everyone looked up into the air.

At this moment they remembered that there is still a battlefield in the sky!

Everyone stared at the sky, where the Weiyang Star Territory and the strongest of the Moke tribe played against each other. If the winner was decided there, everything would be settled.

Because no matter how talented the genius on both sides are, it is impossible to change the situation of the battle!

The sky trembles!

Below, everyone is waiting!

And Ye Xuan had already returned to the stone house.


He just wants to heal his injuries and then go to bed.

Because the previous battle with Zuo Qing was very costly to him, and later in order to kill the evil spirit, he would not hesitate to directly use the secret technique, and the secret technique will be backlashed!

He is being taken back now!

The whole body is extremely exhausted, and there is no strength in the whole body, it is like being drained of blood, it is too uncomfortable!


Ye Xuan began to frantically absorb the purple source crystal, and as the continuous flow of purple source crystal energy entered his body, Ye Xuan felt that his body was slightly better.

At this time, Lian Wanli walked in.

Lian Wanli walked up to Ye Xuan, she glanced at Ye Xuan, and smiled: "You are much better than before!"

Ye Xuan looked at Lian Wanli and smiled, "So are you!"

Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan and shook his head, "Before you left the Azure Realm, you didn\'t even say hello to me, you are too interesting!"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "I was walking in a hurry!"

As he said, he paused, and quickly said: "By the way, how come you came here?"

Lian Wanli blinked, "Come to you!"

Ye Xuan was a little confused, "What do you want me to do?"

Lian Wanli\'s mouth turned slightly, "Guess?"

Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said: "Lian don\'t have any thoughts about me, do you?"

Lian Wanli blinked. The next moment, her right hand pointed at Ye Xuan suddenly, "Raise your head!"


PS: At the end of the holiday, work hard to code words!!Actually, those who don’t want to go out to play, are taken by the family forcibly, saying that they are in the house all day long, they will get moldy... or it is comfortable at home, code words, watching small movies or something, comfortable !