One Sword Reigns Supreme

469 Sword Immortal Chapter 469: Hi everyone!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In the air, the gunman walked slowly towards Ye Xuan below. He soon came to Ye Xuan. He was about to make a move. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I want to heal!"

Everyone: "..."

The man with the gun was also shocked, "Heal?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Just now I fought with your foreign geniuses, and I was seriously injured...You don\'t want to take advantage of others?"

Hearing that, the face of the man with the gun suddenly turned ugly, "I\'m the kind of person who is in danger? You..."

Ye Xuan quickly said, "It\'s not just fine, then I\'m leaving!"

After speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Everyone: "..."

The man named Ye Ji was also a little dumbfounded. Obviously, he didn\'t expect Ye Xuan to be like this...

At this moment, a man appeared in front of Ye Ji, and it was Zhou Shengsheng.

Zhou Shengsheng glanced at Ye Ji, and turned his spear lightly, "I play with guns, you also play with guns, learn from each other?"

Ye Ji said quietly: "Bong Accompany!"

Zhou Shengsheng grinned, his figure trembled, and he rushed towards Ye Ji...

Soon, a series of explosions continued to sound from the field.

On the other side, Zuo Qing beside Mo Xie suddenly said, "How is it now?"

Mo Xie smiled and said, "Fight!"

Hearing this, the Heaven and Earth Demon behind him flew directly to the opposite side. At this moment, two people in the city flew out of the city wall. After a while, the two sides fought directly.

But Ye Xuan had already returned to the stone house. He sat cross-legged, took out the purple source crystal and began to absorb it frantically.

The Emperor Dog has also entered the prison tower, and it is also madly digesting.

In the world prison tower, the only idler is Xiao Ling\'er. She is cultivating her spirit trees every day, especially the third and fourth floors are planted with spirit trees by her.

There was no one on the third floor, so naturally it became hers!As for the fourth floor, after Jane Zi left, the fourth floor became hers.

However, the only thing she was afraid of was the fifth floor. Every time she went to the fourth floor to water the spirit fruit, she was very fast, and she would run out within a moment after entering.

Seeing that Ye Xuan was healing, Xiao Ling\'er was very obedient and didn\'t bother. She sat opposite Ye Xuan and looked at Ye Xuan with her chin in her hands.

An hour later, after Ye Xuan\'s injury recovered, Xiao Linger rushed to him, and Ye Xuan gently rubbed Xiao Linger\'s head, "Are you worried about the fifth floor?"

Xiao Linger shook his head, "I, I\'m not very afraid!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I know, Xiao Ling\'er is very courageous!"

Xiao Ling\'er blinked, and then she took out a red fruit like a trick and handed it to Ye Xuan, "Eat!"

Ye Xuan took the fruit, and he took a look at the fruit. The fruit was crystal clear and exuded a strong fruity fragrance.

Ye Xuan took a bite lightly, it was sweet and crisp. The most important thing was that he felt a burst of energy enter his body and then be absorbed by his body!

good stuff!

Ye Xuan looked at Xiao Linger and smiled: "Thank you!"

Xiao Ling\'er grinned, then turned around and went to the second floor with a few spirit fruits...

Before she knew it, she had regarded Ye Xuan and the second floor god as relatives.

After Ye Xuan finished gnawing the spirit fruit, he came to the side of the Emperor Dog. The Emperor Dog was lying on the ground, and a powerful breath continued to be exuded around it.

Ye Xuan knew that the Emperor Dog should also be promoted.You know, when it was in a foreign land, it swallowed a lot of monsters.


Thinking of the foreign land, Ye Xuan quickly took out a Na Ring, and in the Na Ring, it was the treasure he had obtained in the foreign land!

In fact, I didn\'t get any good treasures in the foreign land, only a few sacred artifacts, besides that, Ziyuanjing only got more than 30 million!

Although a little disappointed, Ye Xuan also knew that this was normal, because the real good treasures were definitely in the personal control of others and could not be kept in the house.But it’s okay, better than nothing!

Especially now, he also needs Purple Source Crystal, because every time he heals or breaks through, he needs a huge Purple Source Crystal!

Ye Xuan glanced at the Emperor Dog, did not disturb it, and was about to leave. At this moment, the voice of the great god on the second floor suddenly sounded, "Come!"

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at the second floor. The next moment, he appeared directly on the second floor.

In the second floor, the god on the second floor said solemnly: "At most half a month!"

Ye Xuan was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

The great god on the second floor looked at him, "At most half a month, the fifth floor can come out."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sank, "Can you stop that guy?"

The god on the second floor shook his head, "Not only I can\'t stop it, even if Jane is afraid, it\'s hard to stop it!"


At this time, the Emperor Dog on the first floor suddenly said angrily: "What is the fifth floor? How could she not be able to stop it?"

The Great God on the second floor glanced below, "You don\'t know anything about the power of the fifth floor."

Emperor Dog sneered, "You don\'t know anything about my Protoss."

At this time, the great god on the second floor suddenly disappeared.


Suddenly a loud noise came from the first floor, and Ye Xuan heard the howls of the Emperor Dog.

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Although this Emperor Dog is very powerful, his instinct tells him that the God on the second floor is even more terrifying!

Because the Great God on the second floor was confined here, and for the entire Protoss, only Jian Zizai was qualified to be confined here.This emperor dog provokes the great god on the second floor, that is looking for abuse!

After a while, the second floor great god returned to the second floor. She glanced at Ye Xuan, "Is there any problem?"

Ye Xuan shook his head quickly, "No problem!"

He hasn\'t forgotten that the temper of the second-floor god is still hotter than Jane Zizai!

The great god on the second floor gave Ye Xuan a cold look, "After half a month, either you will find Dao Ze, or the sword will bring her back, otherwise, you will just die!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "I have no chance of winning at all?"

The great god on the second floor said quietly: "Tell me, what is your chance of winning? People can pinch you to death with just one finger!"

Ye Xuan was expressionless, "I can die with each other!"

Great Shinto Road on the second floor: "Detonate the world prison tower?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The great god on the second floor took a pitying look at Ye Xuan, "What did you use to detonate this tower? You die a hundred times, this tower will not be a problem."

Ye Xuan\'s face sank, "So if I were to die, this tower won\'t care about me, right?"

The second floor whispered: "What do you think?"

Ye Xuan was expressionless, "Then I will give it away! I don\'t want it!"

The corners of the eyes of the great god on the second floor twitched slightly, and he shook his head slightly, "You... are also considered a man."

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Great God Road on the second floor: "Do you really put all your hopes on others?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "What can I do? Tell me, let me go head-to-head with this fifth floor now, I can\'t beat it! Anyway, I have already decided! If you must die by then , I just fucked hard and put the tower

What is released on the seventh floor and the eighth floor and the ninth floor, everyone!"

The great god on the second floor looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan seriously said, "I really think so."

Many times, many things cannot be violated by manpower. When encountering such things, Ye Xuan made up his mind, that is, if you die, everyone will die together.Anyway, he has now prepared for the worst!

After all, I really can\'t beat others!

At least not now!

And in the future... he also knows very well that there is probably no future.

The great god on the second floor suddenly waved, "Go out!"

Ye Xuan turned and left. When he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, and then whispered softly: "Great God on the second floor, you have helped me enough! You can leave at any time, really."

After speaking, he disappeared at the door.

For the great god on the second floor, he has always been grateful!

Because the other party did help him too much, and now, he really doesn\'t have the face to let the other party go to the fifth floor desperately!Because the goal on the fifth floor should be just him and the tower!Therefore, if the God on the second floor wants to leave, especially if he leaves now, the fifth floor will definitely not target her!

As for himself, he didn\'t think too much!

Life and death are bearish, just do it!

After Ye Xuan left the jail tower, he came to the Great Wall of Burial. At this moment, Ye Ji and Zhou Shengsheng were already fighting fiercely. Both of them were using guns, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

On the other side, Tian Sha and Earth Sha were also fighting the two geniuses of Weiyang Star Territory.

Ye Xuan had never seen these two geniuses. They were two men with extremely strong strength. However, both of them were suppressed by the evil spirits and the evil spirits, and they were firmly suppressed and could only passively defend.

If this continues, defeat will only happen sooner or later!

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then turned his head and looked at Mo Xie not far away. The feeling Mo Xie gave him was unfathomable!

He only felt this way in some old monsters!

As if perceiving Ye Xuan\'s gaze, Mo Xie suddenly looked at him, and when he saw Ye Xuan, Mo Xie smiled slightly.

Behind Mo Xie, the red-haired woman suddenly said, "I will meet him!"

Mo Xie frowned slightly, "Afeng!"

Hearing this, the woman stopped, she looked at Mo Xie, "Are you afraid I can\'t beat him?"

Mo Xie shook his head, "You have another opponent of your own, he is Zuo Qing\'s!"

With that said, he looked at Zuo Qing, Zuo Qing nodded slightly, and then walked towards Ye Xuan not far away.

A Feng said coldly: "Can\'t you give him to me? I think he has been upset for a long time!"

Mo Xie said: "The overall situation is more important."

The big picture!

Afeng snorted coldly, without saying anything.

In the distance, Zuo Qing walked in front of Ye Xuan. He looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "It was a tie last time, right?"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Forget it!"

As Zuo Qing said, last time, both of them could only be considered unresolved!

Zuo Qing smiled and said: "Then this time, let\'s divide the victory and defeat!"

As he said, he slowly raised his right hand, and in an instant, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to converge at this moment.

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then raised his head to look at Zuo Qing, and said with a smile: "What\'s the point of dividing victory and defeat, dividing life and death!"

Divide life and death!

Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, and a sword sound rose into the sky, straight into the sky, shaking the sky!


PS: I also went out for shopping in the past two days. There are so many people in the city!

Moreover, I think I’m in our business and it’s not suitable to play, because I have to bring a computer everywhere...