One Sword Reigns Supreme

468 Sword Immortal Chapter 468: Fight!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!The moment Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, the Emperor Dog rushed towards the Holy Master.

On the back of Emperor Dog, Ye Xuan held the sword at his waist tightly in his right hand, ready to go.

Seeing the imperial dog and Ye Xuan rushing, the eyes of the holy lord gradually became cold. Soon, his right hand was slightly raised. In an instant, the space in front of him was undulating like a wave. At the same time, powerful spatial forces continued to move toward the emperor. The dog and Ye Xuan shook away.

The Emperor Dog and Ye Xuan were getting closer.

Soon, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped and drew his sword!

But the Emperor Dog rushed to the forefront, and it hit the space directly in front of Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan successfully arrived in front of the Holy Lord, and he drew his sword violently.


The sound of a sword shook the sky!

The holy lord looked at Ye Xuan coldly, his right hand slowly clenched, and then he blasted out with a punch, and at the moment his fist blasted out, a ray of sword light came quietly!

This ray of sword light appeared silently!

Seeing this scene, the Lord\'s face changed drastically, his fist changed to the lead, blocking his head.


The sword light slashed directly on the fist of the holy master, and the holy master retreated several feet. At this time, the emperor dog directly slammed into the front of the holy master, and the holy master slammed his hands forward.


The holy lord was hit by the Emperor Dog and hit a hundred meters away!

As soon as the Holy Master stopped, Ye Xuan appeared in front of him, and then, a sword light slashed down towards his face!

The Holy Lord\'s face suddenly became hideous. The next moment, his right hand was clenched into a fist, and he made a fist upwards. The fist shot out, like a volcanic eruption. A powerful force forcibly shattered Ye Xuan\'s sword light, but, The flying sword was silently cut on the top of the Holy Master\'s head!

Flying sword!


This ray of sword light slashed directly from the top of the holy master\'s head. However, the holy master did not split into two halves like Ye Xuan\'s, but directly became illusory. Then, he appeared hundreds of feet away!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan frowned.

In the distance, the Holy Lord stared at Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog, his face was ugly, he did not expect that he would be forced to such an extent by Ye Xuan and this monster beast!

The Emperor Dog was about to make another move, and at this moment, a black shadow suddenly struck from behind him.

The holy lord suddenly turned around. When he saw this dark figure, his face changed, and the next moment he turned around and disappeared!

Soon, a dark shadow appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog, and it was Ghost!

Ye Xuan was about to speak when Agui suddenly said, "Go back first."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Wei Yang..."

Agui was startled slightly, obviously surprised by Ye Xuan\'s name, but he didn\'t think much about it, and then said: "They can\'t help the palace master, now come with me!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Go!"

Soon, Ye Xuan, A Ghost and Emperor Dog went through the space tunnel and returned to the Great Wall of Funeral.

Ye Xuan\'s face changed when he returned to the Funeral Great Wall.

Outside the Great Wall of Burial at the moment, there are several huge space teleportation arrays, and in that space teleportation array, a channel is vaguely visible.

Above the city wall, Ye Xuan looked at Agui, "Senior, is this?"

A ghost said solemnly: "Space teleportation, the army of the Moke tribe will be teleported through this space channel!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Do they still have an army?"

Agui looked at Ye Xuan, "The Moke clan is not one clan, but is composed of countless clan!"

As he said, he looked up at the sky, and at the end of that distant sky, there were tremors from time to time.

Ye Xuan said: "Are you fighting?"

Ghost nodded.

Ye Xuan was about to speak, and at this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared in the largest spatial teleportation formation not far away. The leader was that Mo Xie, and beside Mo Xie, Ye Xuan also saw a familiar person. Moye who fought him!

A ghost whispered: "They are here!"

At this time, a person appeared on the Great Wall.

Ye Xuan glanced, and there were many familiar faces and many unfamiliar faces among them. Obviously, Mr. Bai and Agui had already summoned the Weiyang geniuses who were out!

At this moment, the ghost beside Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Next is your battlefield."

After speaking, he quietly retreated.

Ye Xuan looked down. Obviously, this is the old one beating the old and the small one beating the small, and neither can afford to lose!

Old losers, such as Weiyangtian and others, if they lose, they will undoubtedly die, and if they lose, the Weiyang star field has no future, and the geniuses of these Moke tribes can drive straight into the Weiyang star field!

At that time, the older generation was held back, and no one could stop them!

Below, Mo Xie led Zuo Qing and others under the city wall, but soon they rose in the air and came to the opposite side of the city wall to face Ye Xuan and the others.

Ye Xuan discovered that in addition to Mo Xie and the others, he also discovered the black-robed man who had fought him before, and since the opponent appeared, his eyes have been locked on him.

Ye Xuan raised a middle finger to the black robe man!

In the distance, the black-robed man was furious instantly, he pointed at Ye Xuan from a distance, "Ye Xuan, come out and die!"

On the city wall, Ye Xuan jumped up and came to the black robe man. Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Say well, if you are afraid of death, change someone else. I really don\'t want to run away with one People fight!"

The black robe man stared at Ye Xuan, "You are too arrogant, you..."

Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head, "Hit if you want, don\'t talk so much!"

On the side, Zuo Qing said suddenly: "Brother Cang Yue, if you don\'t fight, then I will come!"

With that, he walked out.

The black-robed man named Cang Yue said solemnly: "He is from a foreign land!"

Beside Zuo Qing, Tian Sha suddenly said angrily: "Then you fucking fight! If you don\'t fight, outsiders thought my Moke clan was afraid of him, Ye Xuan!"

Di Sha, who rarely speaks, also nodded slightly, "If your Excellency dare not come, I will come by myself!"

The faces of the black-robed man and the woman behind him became hard to look!


They felt that the Moke tribe and Weiyang star field looked down upon them a little!

The woman behind Cang Yue was about to take action, but Cang Yue stopped her, "I\'m coming!"

After speaking, the others disappeared out of thin air, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of Ye Xuan.

Cang Yue looked at Ye Xuan, and was about to speak, when a ray of sword light came quietly.

Jian Guang was silent and breathless, just like air.

Feeling this ray of sword light, Cang Yue\'s expression changed drastically in an instant, his hands snapped together, and a black and blue shield appeared in front of him.

Sword to!


That shield instantly shattered!

But at this moment, Cang Yue sprinted forward and blasted out with a punch. Above the punch, a powerful force swept out.

At this time, a sword light came.


The sword fist was touched and separated, and Cang Yue retreated violently, and as he retreated, a ray of sword light came quietly!

Feijian again!

Cang Yue\'s eyes shrank, his right foot stomped suddenly, with the help of space

Forced to stop himself, he slapped his chest with both hands.


Cang Yue\'s body trembled violently, and then, a powerful breath swept out of his body. After this powerful breath appeared, the surrounding space suddenly began to tremble!

In the field, everyone\'s eyes looked over here.

Aside, Zuo Qing whispered: "Secret Technique!"

Mo Xie nodded slightly, "This foreigner is good at secret techniques, but unfortunately, there is no such ancient secret technique, if it is ancient secret technique..."

Zuo Qing looked at Mo Xie, and Mo Xie smiled and said, "If it is the ancient secret technique, even me, I have to be afraid of three points!"

In the distance, Cang Yue\'s body became bigger and bigger. In a short time, his body size was at least several times bigger than before!At the same time, his aura is several times stronger than before!

Cang Yue stared at Ye Xuan, the next moment, he directly rushed towards Ye Xuan, every time he took the next step, the space in the field would tremble violently, terrifying!

Ye Xuan stood quietly holding the sword, and when Na Cang Yue came to him, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped, drew his sword and cut down.


The sound of swords resounded across the sky.

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s sword cut, a touch of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Cang Yue\'s mouth. He blasted out with a punch, and the powerful force directly caused the space within hundreds of meters of surroundings to tremble, as if to be shattered. Extremely!

But Ye Xuan\'s sword still fell straight down, but his sword had become a soul-suppressing sword at some point!


In everyone\'s eyes, a figure flew out directly, this figure was Ye Xuan!

However, everyone is looking at Nakuragoshi!

After Cang Yue banged Fei Xuan with a punch, his soul and body were directly separated. Not only that, but his soul was still held in place, unable to move.

Cang Yue\'s soul looked around in horror, with a blank face!

Everyone is also a little at a loss!

How is this going?

In the distance, Ye Xuan stood up, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Cang Yue not far away. Cang Yue stared at Ye Xuan, "What did you do to me!"

Ye Xuan grinned, raising the soul-suppressing sword and whispered: "Close!"

The sound fell, and in the eyes of everyone, Cang Yue\'s soul directly turned into a black light and sank into the Soul Suppression Sword!

The court is quiet!

The eyes of Mo Xie and others also fell on Ye Xuan!

Zuo Qing said solemnly: "What kind of sword is that?"

Mo Xie whispered: "It should be the legendary soul-suppressing sword. According to ancient records, this sword is the disappeared Hades Hades Sabre. How could it fall into his hands, it\'s weird..."

As he said, he looked at Zuo Qing, "If you fight with him, be careful of this sword. This sword is extremely destructive to the soul. Although you have a special physique, don\'t underestimate the enemy!"

Zuo Qing nodded, "Understood."

In the distance, after Ye Xuan used the Soul Suppression Sword to collect the Cang Yue\'s soul, he turned and walked away.

Beside Mo Xie, Zuo Qing said solemnly: "Let me do it!"

After speaking, he was about to take action. At this moment, Mo Xie suddenly said, "Someone is coming!"

In the sky, a voice suddenly sounded, "My foreigners are not dead yet, and it is not your turn for the Moko people to come and shoot!"

As this voice fell, the space in the air split directly, and then a man with a spear came out of it!

The man is wearing a cloth, his spear is wrapped in cloth, his eyes are sharp as a knife!

Below, Mo Xie chuckled, "Is it finally here?"
