One Sword Reigns Supreme

466 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 466: I want to live a few more years!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Above the altar, countless monster beasts also stopped at this moment, they greedily stared at Wei Yangtian and Ye Xuan below, ready to take action at any time.

Wei Yangtian stood in the center of the altar, his eyes closed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Ye Xuan was behind Wei Yangtian.

After a while, seeing that Wei Yangtian was still silent and did not do anything, Moyou\'s brows outside suddenly frowned, and he stared at Wei Yangtian in the middle of the altar.After a long time, he seemed to think of something, his face suddenly changed, " are a clone!"


In the center of the altar, Wei Yangtian opened his eyes and looked at Mo You, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, "It seems that you are not particularly stupid!"

Hearing Wei Yangtian\'s words, Moyou\'s expression instantly became extremely ugly, while Wei Yangtian\'s lips turned slightly, "Aren\'t you going to drag? Come, I\'ll be with you!"

Mo You coldly glanced at Wei Yangtian, then turned and left.

At this time, the old man on the long pillar suddenly said anxiously: "Brother Moyou, you..."

Moyou stopped and whispered, "Sorry, I never thought it would be like this!"

The old man\'s face instantly became gloomy, "Does your Excellency want to leave like this?"

Moyou smiled and said: "Naturally, since my Moko has agreed to join forces with the foreign land, naturally I will not abandon allies and ignore it!"

The sound fell, and a group of people in black suddenly appeared around the long column. There were about twenty people in black. Each of them was holding a black longbow with an arrow on the string.

Mo You said: "Brother Gu Yue, she is just a clone, and you should be able to deal with it in a foreign land! Moreover, this Ye Xuan is on the altar. If I ask the Moke Clan to take action, it is fine. However, this Ye Xuan I want half of the treasure on my body!"

Gu Yue\'s face changed slightly, he glanced at Mo You, and then smiled: "Brother Mo is right, she is just a clone, I can deal with the Moke clan! There will be no nobles!"

Mo You nodded slightly, "I\'m going to bury the Great Wall, Brother Gu take care!"

Gu Yue quickly said: "Go slow!"

Moyou didn\'t say anything, and disappeared at the far end.

After Moyou disappeared, the arrows in black around the pillars also retreated.

Above the long pillar, the old man looked down at Wei Yangtian, "Palace Master Weiyang, the old man said it again, as long as you hand over this Ye Xuan, I will immediately retreat from the foreign land, and I will never be an enemy of the Weiyang star field!"

Wei Yangtian took a cold look at the old man, and then she looked at Ye Xuan. Her right hand was facing Ye Xuan in the air. With this grasp, the space around Ye Xuan directly began to condense. Finally, these spaces formed. A barrier protected Ye Xuan.

Seeing this scene, the old man\'s face on the long pillar suddenly changed, "Kill!"

At this time, Wei Yangtian suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already in front of a long pillar. Then, she suddenly slapped her palm on the long pillar.


The long column is broken directly!

Suddenly, the entire altar began to tremble violently. At the same time, on the altar, countless monsters fell to the ground, and the screams of screams continued to sound.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew out of Ye Xuan\'s body.

Emperor Dog!

After the emperor dog came out, it began to frantically devour the monsters on the ground!

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, Wei Yangtian had already appeared in front of the other long pillars. After a while, the long pillars jumped to pieces one after another, and countless monsters died tragically.And those monsters can\'t get close to Wei Yangtian at all!

Especially at this moment, when Wei Yangtian made a move without any scruples.

Seeing this scene, the old man in the sky finally panicked!

He didn\'t expect that Wei Yangtian\'s clone was so terrifying!

This is just a clone!

Soon, the whole altar burst into pieces!

And the old man turned around and ran without hesitation.

In the air, Wei Yangtian stared at the old man in the sky coldly, "Escape? You are afraid that you are thinking too much!"

When the sound fell, she grabbed her right hand forward, and then squeezed it lightly.

At the end of the sky in the distance, the old man\'s body burst into pieces.

In the air, Wei Yangtian looked down at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan whispered, "Are you...Wei Young?"

Wei Yangtian glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, "Go back!"

When the voice fell, she waved her right hand gently, and the space in front of Ye Xuan cracked directly.

Ye Xuan was about to go in. At this moment, the Emperor Dog not far away suddenly said: "Wait, wait! Wait until I\'m full!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly.In fact, he didn\'t expect the Emperor Dog to wake up suddenly. Before that, this guy had been sleeping.But fortunately, the presence of the Emperor Dog means one more super helper!

Wei Yangtian didn\'t care about Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog anymore, she turned around and chased him in the distance.

Ye Xuan hesitated, but still did not choose to follow.

He is past now, it is useless at all, it will only drag the opponent!

And the question in his heart, he did not choose to ask at this time, but according to his guess, this Weiyang Heavenly Palace Master should be the little girl he knew in the Azure Realm!

At this moment, the emperor dog had eaten all the corpses of the monster beast all over the floor!

The Emperor Dog patted his stomach, then walked in front of Ye Xuan, he glanced at Ye Xuan, and then burped!

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Emperor Dog looked up and down at Ye Xuan, "Boy, you have become a lot stronger!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Let\'s go back first!"

"What are you going to do?" Emperor Dog said suddenly.

Ye Xuan asked, "What if you don\'t go back?"

The Emperor Dog turned his head and looked around, then said: "In this place, I feel the breath of many monsters, how about it, are you interested in getting a vote?"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Brother Emperor Dog, are you sure?"

Emperor Dog nodded, "Very sure!"

Ye Xuan grinned, "I mean it too!"

Being caught by someone from a foreign land is undoubtedly very aggrieved for him, and he is really unwilling to go back like this!

Do it!

The Emperor Dog returned directly to the prison tower, while Ye Xuan concealed his aura through the aura of chaos, and soon he disappeared in place.

In the face of this foreign land, he naturally wouldn\'t go straight to others!

And with the concealment before the chaos, unless he is the top-level strong, he can\'t be found at all!Moreover, Wei Yangtian obviously went to trouble those strong people in the foreign land, and now is the best time for him.

Soon, Ye Xuan chased after Wei Yangtian\'s departure.

In a short while, Ye Xuan came to an ancient city, and from time to time there were explosions in the sky above that ancient city, and the whole world was trembling!

Feeling this scene, the corner of Ye Xuan\'s eyes jumped, needless to say, it must be Wei Yangtian who was fighting against a foreign powerhouse.

Ye Xuan didn\'t care about that much, and he sneaked into the city quietly. After a while, he came to the largest palace in the city. There were three black bags above the palace: the spiritual palace!

Ye Xuan sneaked in quietly. In the palace, he didn\'t feel any strong aura. Obviously, the strong in the foreign land had been restrained by Wei Yangtian.

Ye Xuan quickly sneaked into the hall, and then began to ransack frantically...

About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Xuan left the hall. He was about to leave when the Emperor Dog suddenly said, "Go on the right!"

Ye Xuan asked, "Why?"

Emperor Dog said: "There are monsters over there."

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then dived to the right.

He knows that the Emperor Dog devours these monsters

It should be able to recover from the injury, the current Emperor Dog, the injury should not have completely recovered.

After a while, Ye Xuan came to an altar, which was exactly the same as the one he was trapped before. On these long pillars, countless monsters were painted.

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Brother Emperor Dog, none of them have been released!"

Emperor Dog said: "Stupid, won\'t I go in?"

The voice fell, and a black light flew out from Ye Xuan\'s chest. This black light instantly sank into a long column, and after a while, the long column trembled violently.

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the far end of the sky. He only hopes that Wei Yangtian can toss a bit more, otherwise, this foreign powerhouse is very likely to find this way. At that time, neither he nor the Emperor Dog can run away. Drop!

At this moment, the Emperor Dog ran out, and Ye Xuan, his body became bigger!

Ye Xuan was about to speak, but the Emperor Dog rushed directly into the other long pillar.

Ye Xuan\'s face is full of black lines, this guy is addicted to eating!

At this moment, the distant sky suddenly trembled violently, and Ye Xuan quickly turned his head to look at the sky.

In the void of the sky, Wei Yangtian held a bloody head in his right hand, and not far from her, stood an old man in gray. The old man was surrounded by four black dragons.

The old man looked at Wei Yangtian, with a trace of fear in his eyes besides the coldness!

The old man stared at Wei Yangtian, "Palace Master Weiyang, our purpose is only Ye Xuan, why do you do it for him..."

Wei Yangtian suddenly raised his hand and waved, the old man\'s complexion changed, his hands slammed toward the front, and in an instant, the four black dragons beside him roared toward the front!

Boom boom boom boom!

In the sky, the surrounding space was trembling with fear, as if it was about to break, it was terrifying!

After a while, the sky returned to calm, and the gray-clothed old man had retreated hundreds of feet.

The gray-clothed old man stared at Wei Yangtian, "Palace Master Weiyang, the strong of the Moke clan is already attacking the Great Wall of Funeral. If you don’t go back, your strength will not be at its peak. You really want to be with the old man. Death here?"

Wei Yangtian slowly clenched his right hand, without speaking.

The gray-clothed old man said again: "Palace Master Weiyang, if your body is here, the old man can\'t beat you, but you are just a clone. If you want to kill the old man, I am afraid it will not be so easy! And the Great Wall of Burial, if it is If the painter of your Weiyang Star Territory doesn\'t take action, who can stop the Moke clan?"

Wei Yangtian suddenly waved his right hand, and there was a tremor in the distant space, and the gray-clothed old man retreated violently. This retreat was a thousand feet away!

But Wei Yangtian did not choose to continue to take action, she turned and disappeared into the distant sky.

When Wei Yangtian left, she coldly glanced at the right side!And after she disappeared completely, not far to the right, a chuckle suddenly sounded, "Good birth!"

As this sound fell, the space suddenly split, and a man with black flames came out.

The gray-clothed old man walked to the flame man and whispered softly, "Is this the Palace Master Weiyang?"

The old man in gray nodded, "Yes!"

The flame man whispered: "It\'s really strong."

The gray-clothed old man said: "When will you shoot?"

The flame man shook his head, "We have notified the Lingxu Star Palace and we will wait for them to reply."

As he said, he turned his head to look at the far end of the sky, "Our people should have reached the Lingxu Star Palace!"


In the depths of the distant starry sky, in a star palace hall, Palace Master Lingxu Star Palace stared at the black robe man in front of him, "Ye Xuan? Are you sure?"

The black-robed man nodded, "It\'s this person! This person has that treasure."

Palace Master Lingxu Star leaned on the chair, and after a moment, he whispered: "Don\'t be kidding...I want to live a few more years!"
