One Sword Reigns Supreme

465 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 465: How about you cry!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!As Wei Yangtian\'s voice fell, a white light suddenly rose into the sky from the Great Wall of Burial. The next moment, the white light directly tore through the space and entered the black hole of space.

With the disappearance of Wei Yangtian, Mr. Bai and Agui also appeared in Ye Xuan\'s original location!

When he saw Ye Xuan disappear, Mr. Bai\'s face instantly sank!

"Exotic?" Agui asked.

Mr. Bai nodded, "Go!"

When the voice fell, he pulled with both hands, and the space in front of him was directly torn apart. The next moment, the two of them disappeared directly in place.

Above the city wall.

Duguxuan hurriedly found Bai Xiaoxuan, and when she saw Duguxuan, Bai Xiaoxian whispered: "Don\'t worry, the palace lord and Mr. Bai have already chased them."

Du Guxuan\'s face was a little pale, "Foreign?"

Bai Xiaoxian nodded.

Du Guxuan slowly clenched her right hand, her face was as cold as water, she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

At this time, Bai Xiaoxian looked at Duguxuan, "I have always been curious."

Duguxuan whispered: "What are you curious about?"

Bai Xiaoxian looked at Du Guxuan, "I have investigated. Ye Xuan has all the information since he was half a year old. Before half a year old, his father\'s information had only one name, no, only one word: Yang. Right?"

Bai Xiaoxian was silent.

Du Guxuan smiled and said: "The Ye family didn’t know anything about him. I’m as expected. He may not be the Ye family. He is just avoiding something, or for some reason, you two put his brother and sister away. When you arrive at the Ye family, after all, with so many people in the Ye family, so many branches, it is still very simple to get the identity of an illegitimate child, right?"

Duguxuan whispered: "This Weiyang Star Territory is afraid that nothing can hide the fairy girl!"

Bai Xiaoxian shook his head, "There are so many things that I don\'t know! Just like Ye Xuan\'s father, even if I use some special power, there is no way to find him. And his word\'yang\' comes from you. acquired."

Duguxuan looked at Bai Xiaoxian, and Bai Xiaoxian smiled and said, "When you were arrested by Dugu\'s house, you said one word, that\'s it."

Bai Xiaoxian was silent.

Du Guxuan said softly, "His father shouldn\'t be an ordinary person, right?"

Duguxuan shook her head, "When I met, I was just an ordinary person."

Bai Xiaoxian said softly: "Understood! You don\'t know the origin of the other party either."

Du Guxuan turned her head to look at the space crack in the sky, and whispered softly: "I just want him to be safe now."

Bai Xiaoxian said: "Don\'t worry, Foreign Land is forcibly robbing people in front of the palace lord this time...They will definitely bear the anger of the palace lord."

Du Guxuan just looked at the crack in the sky without speaking.

Bai Xiaoxian also looked at the space crack, her brows frowned slightly, "After so many years, have the world forgotten the horror of the palace lord?"


At this moment, Ye Xuan found that he was in a space cage, and this space cage was shuttled in the space, extremely fast!

Ye Xuan was about to break open forcibly. At this moment, Xiaohun suddenly said: "Little lord, don\'t want to move. You are currently traveling through high-speed space. This speed is not something you can bear. If you break open forcibly, the first person to die is you!"

Ye Xuan\'s face sank, "So, I can\'t do anything now?"

The little soul hesitated, and then said: "Little lord, otherwise, you can cry! It will make you feel better when you cry!"

Ye Xuan\'s face twitched for a while, this little soul...

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly discovered that a space door appeared in front of him, and at the same time, behind him, he felt a powerful force attacking here!

People who buried the Great Wall!

Ye Xuan was overjoyed, and at this moment, the speed of the space cage that imprisoned him instantly accelerated. In an instant, he flew directly into the light door, and the door closed instantly.

At this time, Wei Yangtian rushed to him. Just as the door was about to disappear, Wei Yangtian peeked forward with his right hand, and then grabbed it.


The door that was about to disappear was directly pinched by Wei Yangtian. The next moment, she pulled to both sides, and the closed door was directly opened by her. Then, she disappeared in place.

At this time, Mr. Bai and A ghost arrived.

The two looked at each other, and Mr. Bai said softly: "She is angry."

A Gui nodded slightly, "Blocking her face to rob people, is this foreign land crazy?"

Mr. Bai shook his head, "I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, his expression changed, "No, this may be a game, and their goal is most likely not Ye Xuan, but the Palace Master!"

The voice fell, and the other person had disappeared in place. At the same time, his voice came from a distance, "I\'m going to a foreign land, you go back and open the big array!"

On the spot, Agui turned and disappeared.


I don’t know how long it took, Ye Xuan felt that he had stopped. He glanced around. He was now on an altar with four Optimus pillars around. On the pillars, some unknown monsters were painted. , These monsters have hideous faces and show off their fierce light, seeming to choose people to eat.

And there is no one around!

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, what is this?

At this moment, he suddenly turned around, and the space in front of him suddenly trembled violently. Soon, the space cracked open and a woman came out!

Seeing this woman, Ye Xuan was stunned. He pointed to the woman and said in astonishment: "You..."

The woman walked in front of Ye Xuan, she glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, and then looked around. After a while, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, "It turns out that your target is not him, but me!"

At this time, an illusory old man suddenly appeared on one of the giant pillars, and the old man looked down at Weiyang Tian, ​​"Palace Master Weiyang, I do not want to be an enemy of your Weiyang Star Territory. As long as the palace owner gives us this Ye Xuan , We leave immediately and will never step into the Weiyang star field again."

Wei Yangtian glanced at the old man coldly, "If you don\'t have the support of the Moke clan, would you dare to draw me here from a foreign land?"

As she said, she glanced around, "When did the Moke people become a hidden turtle?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the air, and the middle-aged man smiled slightly, "Palace Master Weiyang, it\'s been a long time."

Wei Young\'s face was cold, "Moyou, after so many years, do you still only play such tricks?"

The middle-aged man named Mo You smiled and said, "Palace Master Weiyang, resourcefulness is also a kind of strength, isn\'t it?"

Wei Yangtian nodded, "Then let me see your so-called strength."

The voice fell, and her right foot stomped sharply.


The entire altar trembled violently, Ye Xuan\'s ears behind her were dizzy, and his head almost burst.

But the whole altar is not a problem!

Seeing this scene, Weiyang Tiandai frowned. At this moment, Moyou above suddenly smiled and said: "Palace Master Weiyang, we all know your strength, so how can we prepare for you?


At this time, Wei Yangtian suddenly said: "Just you bullshit!"

The voice fell, and she punched Moyo in the air.


The space around Moyou instantly shattered, and at the same time, Moyou violently retreated several hundred feet away.

When Wei Yangtian was about to continue to make a move, the old man on the pillar suddenly stomped his right foot, "Start the battle!"

The sound fell, and the entire column trembled violently. Then, a light curtain suddenly appeared, directly trapping Ye Xuan and Wei Yangtian on the altar.

Wei Yangtian raised his right hand and swiped it lightly, a powerful force swept out of his palm, and this force directly shook the light curtain like a wave.


The whole altar trembled violently, and at the same time, the light curtain burst to pieces, but at this moment, the four pillars trembled suddenly, and then, the monster beasts painted on it suddenly came to life. The next moment , These monsters directly rushed towards Wei Yangtian below, and for a while, the demons danced wildly!

Below, Ye Xuan obviously felt the sky darkened!

At this time, Wei Yangtian suddenly said: "Retreat!"


Ye Xuan quickly smiled bitterly, "There is no place to retire!"

Wei Yangtian frowned slightly. The next moment, she appeared in front of Ye Xuan. In a flash, she spread her right hand forward, and the next moment, she slammed upwards!


At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that the heaven and the earth were about to break apart!

With Wei Yangtian\'s palm shot, a scream of screams suddenly sounded in the air, especially the monster beasts that rushed in the front, which directly turned into ashes, while the other monsters also fell to the ground.

However, the monster beasts on the four pillars seemed to be endless. Various monsters appeared continuously, and then rushed towards Weiyang Tian.

Seeing this scene, Wei Yang Tiandai frowned slightly and stomped her right foot lightly.


The entire altar trembled violently, and then countless cracks appeared.

However, in Ye Xuan\'s mouth behind her, she spurted several blood!

Wei Yangtian frowned deeper, and she took a little bit of strength.

At this moment, Na Moyou outside suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that the palace owner really cares about this person, so he can hold back his power. But the palace owner doesn\'t know it, my Moke clan powerhouse has rushed to the Great Burial Wall. If the Lord stays here for a while, the people who buried the Great Wall will die more. It is up to the palace owner to decide whether to bury the Great Wall and Weiyang Star Region, or to protect Ye Xuan."

Wei Yangtian whispered: "It turns out that your goal is to bury the Great Wall."

Moyou smiled and said: "Naturally! There is a palace owner guarding the Tiantian Changcheng Town. If I want to take the Great Burial Wall, my Moke must spend a great price! Therefore, I can only think of this way to attract the palace owner to this place for burial. Once the Great Wall is broken, my Moke tribe’s army will be able to drive straight into the Weiyang star field."

Wei Yangtian nodded slightly, "Good idea!"

Hearing this, Mo You narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Palace Master, do you want to preserve the Great Wall, or protect Ye Xuan, you make the decision!"

Wei Yangtian slowly closed her eyes, and she held her right hand tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Behind her, Ye Xuan was also silent.

Outside, Moyo\'s mouth had an inexplicable smile, and everything was under control.

The scene is quiet like freezing!


PS: Happy May Day everyone!!