One Sword Reigns Supreme

458 Sword Immortal Chapter 458: Can someone fight?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!As soon as the middle-aged man turned around, a sword appeared in front of him.

Seeing this sword, the middle-aged man was slightly shocked, a little surprised, "Is it you?"

Jian trembled slightly, as if asking something.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Never saw it."

The sword trembled and whispered.

The middle-aged man asked, "Why is it so urgent?"

The sword trembled, seeming to express something.

After a while, the middle-aged man whispered: "The tower..."

As he said, he pondered slightly, and after a while, he whispered: "You go find her."

The sword did not leave, but stopped in place.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "I will handle the tower matter."

Upon hearing this, the sword turned and disappeared directly at the end of the vast galaxy.

On the spot, the middle-aged man turned and glanced at the end of the galaxy. At that end, he saw a bridge across the galaxy. At the end of the bridge, there were a few extremely powerful breaths.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man disappeared.

At the same time, a voice resounded on the distant Star River Bridge, "Can someone fight?"


Burial to the Great Wall.

In the mountains, shrill noises continued to sound.

Ye Xuan was still practicing against Agui.

During this period of time, what he did every day was to practice against Agui, and Agui didn\'t teach him anything, so he simply confronted him!During this period, he can be said to have made rapid progress!

Especially melee ability!

His current reaction ability is at least twice as strong as before!

No matter there is no way, because if he reacts slowly or makes a stupid move, he will be beaten by the ghost!And Agui\'s fist is like a hammer, and every punch can make him want to die!

In this case, his progress is naturally very fast, because of the same mistake, he can\'t make a second time, otherwise, he will be beaten even worse!

For Ye Xuan, he was painful and happy.

Because he obviously felt that he was changing, especially in combat, when should he take out his sword, when should he retreat, when should he enter...

That\'s it, half a month later.

That morning, Agui came to Ye Xuan again, Ye Xuan suddenly drew his sword, and at the moment he drew his sword, a ray of sword light quietly flashed across the field.At this moment, the ghost in front of him suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already behind him.

But at this moment, the sword that Ye Xuan was about to hack forward suddenly turned around and cut it down.

It should be said that his sword itself is going to be slashed backwards!

Cut it down with one sword!


With a muffled sound, an afterimage appeared several feet away!

It is ghost!

A Gui whispered softly: "Sounding! Not bad!"

Ye Xuan grinned and was about to speak, when Agui suddenly disappeared.


Ye Xuan\'s whole body flew directly to a hundred meters away, and finally fell heavily on a boulder.

Agui walked to Ye Xuan, "Did you relax?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

A ghost whispered: "Remember, in this place, you must be on guard at all times and be prepared for being killed."

Ye Xuan slowly got up and whispered, "Senior, is there any action from the Moke clan?"

Agui nodded, "During this time, there will be many people in Weiyang Star Territory coming here, and you have to prepare, because there may be a big movement in the Moke Clan."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Okay!"

Ghost turned and left.

On the spot, Ye Xuan sat down, and he took out a piece of fruit. This was a kiwi fruit. He and the army and the bald man went to snatch it that day. After snatching it, the three of them were all because of Fat Tang’s affairs. Almost forget this stuff.

Strengthen the physical body!

His body was trained in dragon blood, and his disciples are very good. However, compared with these people here, especially the soldiers and others, there is still some gap, and compared with the previous day, it is not a little bit worse!

He now wants to do all he can to improve his strength in all aspects!

Ye Xuan took the kiwi fruit, and soon, a stream of pure energy began to spread from his body, and soon, this energy was quickly absorbed by his body.


This is how he feels now, but soon, this comfort turns into a hot, as if there is a fire...

A little bit of time passed, and about two hours later, Ye Xuan stood up, and at this moment, his entire body of clothing had been turned into ashes!

Ye Xuan looked down at his body. At this moment, his skin had undergone some wonderful changes!

it works!

Ye Xuan was overjoyed, and continued to take out another kiwi fruit and swallowed...

He didn’t swallow all of it, after all, part of it was the army and


When Ye Xuan swallowed the kiwi fruit, outside the Great Wall of Burial, a man suddenly came to the city. The man was wearing a long cloth and holding a long knife in his right hand.After arriving at the bottom of the city, he looked up at the Funeral Great Wall, and slammed his right foot.


The ground trembled violently, and at the same time, a voice suddenly spread like thunder, "Ye Xuan, come out for a fight!"

Ye Xuan!

Soon, the entire Great Wall shook!

The army and others all appeared on the city wall!

Ye Xuan?

In the field, everyone glanced, and did not find Ye Xuan.

Zhan Jun said: "I\'m going to find him!"

After speaking, he turned and disappeared not far away.

The Moke tribe and the Weiyang star field often challenge each other, and the two sides have been abiding by this rule, that is, singled out, two people singled out, no one can intervene.

Over the years, neither party has broken the rules.

Nor will it break the rules, because both sides have their own arrogance.

Of course, if you think you can\'t beat it, you can stop.

Not long after, the Zhanjun brought Ye Xuan to the top of the city wall. Ye Xuan looked down. He didn\'t know the man below, and this man was not the blue shirt man of the Moke tribe and the evil spirits.

It may not belong to the Moko!

Ye Xuan guessed in his heart.

At this time, the army next to him said solemnly: "Brother Ye, you can choose not to go down, but I still suggest you go down, because for so many years, we have never been counseled by the Moke tribe to challenge. "

At this moment, the man below suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Xuan. He gave Ye Xuan a thumbs up, but the next moment his thumb turned down sharply.

Ye Xuan\'s figure trembled and appeared in front of the man. The man\'s right hand slowly clenched, and a powerful breath suddenly swept from his body.

Holy Land!

The man grinned and was about to take action, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "What a strong breath, such a strong breath, I have never encountered...You are definitely not of the Moke clan. It is impossible for the Moke tribe to have a genius like you!"

Hearing this, the man was shocked, and then he laughed, "You guessed it, I am not from the Moke clan, I am..."

At this moment, the man\'s face changed drastically, and his hands suddenly turned in front of him to form a one.


A blast resounded suddenly!

And after this explosion sounded, the court suddenly became quiet!

Not far away, Ye Xuan turned and left.

And behind Ye Xuan, between the man\'s eyebrows, a stream of blood slowly overflowed.

The man stared at Ye Xuan, "You...playing with Yin!"

The voice fell, and he fell straight down.

All around, there is no sound!

Is this dead?

Ye Xuan returned to the city wall, and the army\'s throat rolled, "Brother Ye..."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and he pointed a little, and a ring fell in front of the army, "This is a kiwi fruit, you and the bald are in it."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The Zhanjun took it in a daze. He glanced at the corpse of the man below, and now he didn\'t recover.

Not to mention the war army, the important task on the wall has not recovered!

Because they still don\'t know when Ye Xuan made the move!

On the other side, on the city wall, Mr. Bai quietly looked down, "You taught him?"

Behind Mr. Bai, Agui was silent for a moment, and then said: "How can I do this kind of trick!"

Mr. Bai shook his head slightly, "Not the same as the Jian Xiu I have seen!"

Ghost: "..."

At this time, Mr. Bai said again: "People from the foreign land have joined forces with the Moke tribe."

Agui nodded, "Exotic geniuses have entered the Moko Clan, so far, their goal is that kid."

Mr. Bai whispered: "People from foreign lands don\'t know the rules. Please pay attention to them during this time, so as not to jump over the wall!"

Agui nodded and walked away quietly.

After Agui left, Mr. Bai hesitated, then turned and disappeared not far away.

In the mountains, Ye Xuan who was practicing sword suddenly turned around. Not far from him, Mr. Bai stood quietly.

Ye Xuan quickly gave a slight bow, "I have seen Mr. Bai!"

He still respects the person in front of him, because if he weren\'t the other party, he might have died in the hands of those powerful men.

Mr. Bai nodded slightly, "I found out, you are in the volley?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Mr. Bai whispered: "Your true state is not the volley state, are you practicing backwards?"

Ye Xuandao: "Yes!"

Mr. Bai said: "Why?"

Ye Xuan said, "Because I found that I didn\'t really understand every realm."

Mr. Bai glanced at Ye Xuan deeply.