One Sword Reigns Supreme

456 The fairy in the sword Chapter 456: Get out!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Heal!

Ye Xuan now doesn\'t think about anything, he just wants to have a good rest!

too tired!

This time, he really felt exhausted!I don\'t have the strength to move my fingers up and down!

It can be said that this battle this time was the happiest one of his battles.

Fun and dripping!

This time, he had a lot of insights, but also found too many deficiencies.

If you don\'t actually fight against the real strong, no matter how you cultivate, you are limited.

Can\'t work behind closed doors!

But at this moment, he doesn\'t want to think so much, he just wants to lie down!

Not far away, Zhou Shengsheng walked in front of the man in the blue shirt. At this time, the evil spirits and the evil earth appeared on both sides of the man in the blue shirt.

Zhou Shengsheng glanced at the man in the green shirt, "Mo Xie?"

The green shirt man smiled slightly, "I let you down, I am not."

Zhou Shengsheng was silent.

After a while, Zhou Shengsheng said softly: "It\'s a pity."

The green shirt man smiled and said, "Unfortunately, can\'t you fight him?"

Zhou Shengsheng nodded.

The green shirt man chuckled, "You should be lucky!"

Zhou Shengsheng said calmly: "Really?"

The man in the green shirt smiled and said nothing, his eyes slowly closed.

Zhou Shengsheng looked at the evil spirits and the evil spirits, "Who will come?"

Tiansha stood up.

Soon, Di Sha brought the man in the green shirt to the side, and Zhanjun and the others quickly took Ye Xuan to the other side!

Tiansha didn\'t have any nonsense, rushed forward and blasted Zhou Shengsheng with a punch.

The powerful fist is like a stormy sea, and it makes people hard to breathe.

Zhou Shengsheng was expressionless, he took out the iron spear behind him with his right hand, and the next moment, he rushed forward and shot out.

The gun is like a dragon!


The two broke apart, but soon, the two ran into each other again...

The second war begins!

On the side, Ye Xuan was lying quietly on the ground, and now he was full of images of fighting the man in the green shirt just now.

On the other side, in a place that no one can see, Mr. Bai stood quietly on a leaf, behind him, is a ghost.

Mr. Bai\'s eyes have been on Ye Xuan.

At this time, Agui suddenly said: "It is a manufacturable material, but it is too sharp. If it can be restrained, it will be better."

Mr. Bai smiled and said: "It\'s rare to be seen by you as a ghost!"

A ghost said solemnly: "Before, I thought he was only lucky, plus the treasure, so he was able to go to the present. But just now...this person is bloody, and he is not afraid of death. ,I like!"

Mr. Bai smiled and said: "Then you come to train him?"

Agui shook his head, "I am not suitable for him."

Mr. Bai shook his head, "You fit!"

Agui looked at Mr. Bai, and Mr. Bai whispered: "His kendo is not in mainstream kendo! His flying sword is more suitable as a killer and suitable for spot killing. His kendo can be compared with yours. Combine."

Ghost was silent.

Mr. Bai said again: "He still has a lot to improve, but he can\'t see it himself, or what he can see is limited. If you guide him, he can become stronger."

Ghost nodded, "Understood. But why didn\'t the husband teach him himself?"

Mr. Bai whispered: "He doesn\'t have a temper with me, I\'m afraid he will be killed by me!"

Ghost: "..."

In the distance, the war continued.

Tiansha and Zhou Shengsheng can be said to be evenly matched, and neither of them has the advantage.

But this time, the two sides chose to go heads-up, so the army and others on the side and the earthshak did not take action.

I don\'t know how long it took, a voice rang from a distance, "Get back."

With this voice, Tian Sha suddenly stopped, and then retreated to the side of Di Sha.

After hearing the sound, everyone saw that a hundred meters away, there was a man standing there. The man was wearing a plain robe, with his right hand behind him, and he had an elegant and bookish breath.

And beside the man, there was a black unicorn lying prone.

Seeing this person, Zhou Shengsheng frowned, "Mo Xie?"

The Supao man did not answer Zhou Shengsheng. He raised his head and looked into the distance. On the other side, Mr. Bai frowned slightly, because the Supao man looked at him.

The man in the robes smiled slightly, "If you want to come, you are the famous Mr. Bai."

Mr. Bai took a step forward, and when this step fell, the others were already in front of the Su-robed man and others.

Mr. Bai glanced at the man in the plain robe, and soon, his brows wrinkled again, because he could not see the man in front of him.

The man in Supao smiled and said: "It is said that Mr. Bai hit the door of my Moke clan with his own power, and he was about to pierce my Moke clan. I admired my husband for a long time.

Mr. Bai whispered: "You are Moxie from the Moke clan!"

The Su-robed man nodded, "Exactly."

Mr. Bai glanced at the black unicorn next to Mo Xie. At this moment, the black unicorn suddenly looked up at Mr. Bai. Its eyes were full of hostility, and it was about to rush towards Mr. Bai.

At this moment, Mo Xie patted Black Qilin\'s head lightly, and the latter immediately crawled down.

Mr. Bai took a deep look at Mo Xie, "The black unicorn is an ancient monster in a foreign land. The master kills and kills. It actually recognizes you as the master."

Mo Xie smiled and said, "I and it are friends."

With that said, he glanced at Ye Xuan who was lying on the ground not far away, and said softly: "Is he the Ye Xuan who is carrying the treasure?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the man in the green shirt on the ground, "It\'s amazing to be able to fight Zuo Qing like this."

Mr. Bai looked at Mo Xie for a long time. Finally, he turned and left, "Back to the Great Wall."

Zhanjun and others hurriedly carried Ye Xuan to follow.

Zhou Shengsheng was a little unwilling, but in the end he still did not choose to defy Mr. Bai.

At this moment, Mo Xie suddenly said, "Mr. Bai."

Mr. Bai stopped, and Mo Xie smiled slightly, "The Moke Clan will not fail this time. No one can stop us!"

Mr. Bai said quietly: "Waiting for you."

After speaking, the others have disappeared.

In the distance, Mo Xie looked at the man named Zuo Qing on the ground, "All right?"

Zuo Qing said softly: "It\'s okay. That man\'s sword, so fast!"

Mo Xie nodded slightly, "You can\'t dodge, naturally, it\'s fast."

As he said, he looked at the Tiansha and Earthshakes on the side, "Be careful when you encounter this person in the future."

The two nodded.

Tiansha hesitated, then said: "Big brother, when will you go to bury the Great Wall?"

Mo Xie smiled and said: "No hurry! My Moke has been waiting for a thousand years, not bad for this moment."

Tiansha nodded, not talking.

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared beside Mo Xie.

The old man said: "My son, this time, some foreigners suddenly came to this star field. Their goal may be the sword repair! And they don\'t want to confront the Weiyang star field head-on, so they want to temporarily confront us Moko The clan joined forces, but their goal was only that sword repair."

Mo Xie whispered, "How are the people here?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "There are two equivalent to the evil spirits, and one more..."

Mo Xie looked at the old man, and the old man whispered, "I\'m afraid you are only the second son!"

Mo Xie smiled slightly, "Something interesting."

As he said, he looked up at the far end of the sky, and whispered, "Palace Master Weiyang is still strong! These foreigners are still very jealous of her!"

Palace Master Weiyang!

Hearing these words, the old man\'s face suddenly became serious.

Only the strong of the older generation can understand how terrible this woman is!

At this time, Mo Xie whispered: "Let\'s go! Go meet those geniuses from foreign land!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

On the other side, Mr. Bai suddenly said: "Let Xue Baiyi come back!"

A ghost quietly retreated.


Burial to the Great Wall.

After Ye Xuan lay in the stone house and took the snow lotus that Zhou Shengsheng gave him, his body began to recover quickly.

Ye Xuan whispered: "The second floor god, are you there?"

After a moment of silence, the Great God said on the second floor: "What are you doing?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "Before this, I originally thought I was invincible at the same level."

Before that, he rarely encountered opponents of the same level, and the only one might be An Lanxiu.

And An Lanxiu seems to have a special physique!

Ye Ling is also a special physique!

At this time, the great god on the second floor suddenly said: "No one is invincible at the same level, you must remember one sentence, in the vast universe, there is no strongest, only stronger!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood."

The great god on the second floor said again: "Compared with the person who fought with you, the man who appeared later is truly terrifying. Even if he is placed in the Protoss and the Underworld, he is a leader."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "The man in the plain robe?"

The Great God Road on the second floor: "Well, if you encounter this person in the future, you\'d better be careful."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, he was now able to understand the power of the Moke Clan!

However, he was not afraid at all, on the contrary, it inspired his fighting spirit!

There are countless arrogances, and Ye Xuan also has a place!

The great god on the second floor said again: "And the black unicorn next to him, this is a kind of ancient strange beast, rare, this kind of strange beast, eat evil thoughts, happy to swallow the heart... its blood, no Lower than Emperor Dog. Very strong!"

Very strong!

Ye Xuan was silent. After a while, he seemed to think of something and asked, "The second floor god, what about you? What bloodline are you?"

He hasn\'t forgotten that this second-floor god is actually a monster...