One Sword Reigns Supreme

455 Sword Immortal Chapter Four Hundred and Fifth: People can die, but can't lose face!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Come to fight!

The sound is like a bell, shaking the world!

As Ye Xuan\'s voice fell, a powerful sword intent suddenly swept out of Ye Xuan\'s body. The sword intent was like an erupting volcano, rushing straight into the clouds and shaking the sky.



He Ye Xuan was also afraid of death, and he didn\'t want to die, but he didn\'t want to persuade himself more than death!

A man can be poor, he can have no strength, but he can never be without dignity and blood!

If the opponent is an old monster, Ye Xuan can\'t fight him, he will turn around and run without hesitation.

But the other party is a young man, a young man as old as him!

He doesn\'t want to retire!

With this retreat, the green shirt man in front of him will be Ye Xuan\'s demon!


When did Ye Xuan fear others?

Feeling Ye Xuan\'s fighting spirit, the sword soul suddenly trembled violently. At the same time, a voice rang from Ye Xuan\'s brain, "I, I would like to fight with the little master."

Ye Xuan laughed, he looked up at the man in the green shirt in the sky, "Come on!"

The sound fell, and his right foot stomped sharply.


The earth bounced to pieces, Ye Xuan turned into a sword of light and rose into the sky.

In the air, after the green shirt man felt Ye Xuan\'s sword intent, he not only didn\'t shrink back, but laughed out loud, "Haha...come to the fight!"

The voice fell, and he slashed from the top of his head with a knife in both hands.


Heaven and earth seemed to be split apart by this knife, and a huge hole appeared directly in the sky.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s sword arrived!

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, and that is war!


When only this thought was left, Ye Xuan himself didn\'t realize how strong he was with his sword!

Cut out with one sword, as if to smash the sky!

In the air, one sword and one needle pointed at Maimang.


The sky space trembled suddenly, and then cracked. At the same time, the two flew out toward each other\'s back, and at the moment Ye Xuan flew out, a faintly unsearchable sword light suddenly flashed through the air. .

In the distance, the man in the green shirt suddenly roared, raised his right hand and slapped it with a palm.


Skyrim trembled again...

At this moment, Ye Xuan had already fallen to the ground, the ground trembled, and in Ye Xuan\'s mouth, blood continued to gush out.

Not far away, the man in the green shirt was also lying on the ground, but there were countless auras converging towards him around him, and these auras were madly repairing his body.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Zhanjun and others suddenly became difficult to look, they all looked at Ye Xuan, but at this moment, Ye Xuan was fighting.

Seriously injured!

This time, he was seriously injured and he didn\'t want to move!

But he knew very well that the opponent had a special physique and recovered faster than him. If this continues, he will undoubtedly die!

Therefore, he must continue to fight!

No one has a chance to heal!

After Ye Xuan stood up, he took the sword and walked towards the man in the blue shirt. He walked very slowly, but the killing intent on his body was extremely sharp!

Not far away, Tian Sha and Earth Sha did not do anything!

At this time, if the army and others don\'t do it, they will never do it!

The Moke tribe has fought against Weiyang Star Territory countless times, and basically they have never used any conspiracy, because both sides don\'t bother to play yin!

Especially the Moke clan, in their clan, if two people are singled out and someone intervenes, it would be a shame and shame for those singled out!

And now, Ye Xuan and the man in Qingshan are singled out!

Therefore, as long as the army and others don\'t do it, they will never do it, even if Ye Xuan killed the man in Qingshan!

Similarly, Zhanjun and others will not do it!

People can die, but don’t lose their face!

At this moment, the man in the green shirt not far away also slowly stood up.

The man in the green shirt walked towards Ye Xuan, and in the surroundings, countless auras continued to gather towards him.

The man in the green shirt glanced at Ye Xuan. The next moment, he disappeared completely. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Ye Xuan. At this moment, Ye Xuan did not evade, letting the man in the green shirt give a hand. Pat on his chest.


Ye Xuan flew out directly.

However, at the moment Ye Xuan flew out, a ray of sword light pierced the chest of the man in the blue shirt.

The man in the green shirt retreats violently, and this retreat has taken a hundred feet away!

After he stopped, he lowered his head to look at his chest, and the blood slowly overflowed from his abdomen.

The man in the green shirt took a deep breath. He looked at Ye Xuan not far away and said softly: "Your sword is really too fast."

In the distance, Ye Xuan slowly got up again, and he continued to walk towards the man in the green shirt.

He still has to fight?

Seeing this scene, Zhanjun and others\' scalp numb!

The reason why they were so shocked was because Ye Xuan had wounds all over his body at this time, and his whole body was bleeding.And he walked very hard, especially hard, as if he was about to fall down next.

However, he still has to fight!

Ye Xuan carried the soul-suppressing sword and walked towards the man in the blue shirt. He had only one thought in his mind now.


When he was in Qingcheng, he experienced countless life and death battles. At that time, he understood a truth!

To be a man, we must be good to others, but when we are evil, we must be cruel and desperate!

Because you are not ruthless enough, not desperate enough, you must die!

Seeing Ye Xuan walking with the sword in his hand, the man in the green shirt looked calm, his hands slowly clenched, and the next moment, his right foot slammed.


The ground cracked instantly!

With the help of the powerful push from the ground, the man in the green shirt rushed out directly, but in the process, the blood in his mouth overflowed like spring water.

He is a little better than Ye Xuan now, but only that little bit. Therefore, he must do his best to kill Ye Xuan with one blow!

Only in this way can he survive!

This is his last blow!

In the distance, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, and for a moment of silence, he suddenly cut down with a sword.

This sword is also his last sword!

Stabbed with a sword.


There is a tearing sound!

Soon, the man in the green shirt arrived, and he blasted Ye Xuan\'s sword with a punch. There was a powerful punch in his fist.


The two separated at one touch.

Ye Xuan and the green shirt man flew backwards towards each other, but the moment Ye Xuan flew out, another ray of sword light directly penetrated the blue shirt man\'s eyebrows!

Seeing this scene, the soldiers and others not far away suddenly raised their hearts.

This time, the man in the green shirt should die, right?

Under the gaze of Zhanjun and others, the man in the green shirt suddenly became illusory, but after a while he returned to normal, but he fell straight down.

However, he is still not dead!

The man in the green shirt was lying on the ground and panting. His body trembled and he kept muttering: "Okay... Hurry... Sword..."

Not dead yet!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Zhanjun and others became extremely gloomy.

Is this an immortal body?

As if thinking of something, Zhanjun and others looked at Ye Xuan one after another. At this moment, Ye Xuan was also lying on the ground, and Ye Xuan was still angry, but like a gossamer.


Ye Xuan\'s whole body was cracked, and the blood had already penetrated the ground under him.

The field became very quiet!

The Tiansha and Earthsha on the side didn\'t make any moves either, they just looked at the man in the blue shirt on the ground.

But Zhanjun and others stared at Ye Xuan.

About half an hour later, Ye Xuan suddenly moved on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirits of the sky and the evil spirits not far away jumped. Is this a cockroach that cannot be killed?

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Xuan slowly got up. Just as he was about to walk towards the man in the blue shirt not far away, a voice suddenly sounded from the field, "Enough. The rest, let me come!" "

Everyone heard the sound and saw that not far behind Ye Xuan, a man walked slowly.The man was wearing a blue gown, a pair of tight trousers, and an iron gun on his back.And his head full of hair is tied into a ponytail with a long black rope tied to the tail!

Seeing this person, Zhanjun and others were relieved immediately.

Zhou Shengsheng!

Zhou Shengsheng walked to Ye Xuan\'s side. He glanced at Ye Xuan, then pointed a little, and a pure white snow lotus fell in front of Ye Xuan, "Holy lotus, you can heal your wounds quickly!"

Ye Xuan was not polite and took the snow lotus directly.

Zhou Shengsheng patted Ye Xuan\'s shoulder lightly, "Heal! Leave the rest to me!"

With that said, he walked towards the Tiansha and Earthsha not far away.


PS: People have to work hard to survive. I work hard, definitely not for tenderness.

In fact, as of now, I still dare not care, dare not drift, maybe because of responsibility, maybe because of poverty...

It is still difficult not to forget the original intention.Started to write books, pure hobbies, earning some pocket money, and now writing books, I actually want to make a fortune every day...I want to take care of my health...Is there anything I can save?