One Sword Reigns Supreme

438 Sword Immortal Chapter 438: Am I that kind of person?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Bai Lixian, who was not far away, shook his head straight when he heard Ye Xuan\'s words. His face was really thick.

Ye Xuan may not be able to take Li Changfeng\'s blow, but this Emperor Dog can definitely take Li Changfeng\'s blow.

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, Li Changfeng shook his head and smiled, "If that\'s the case, let\'s go together."

The Emperor Dog is about to make a move, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I\'ll come!"

The Emperor Dog looked at Ye Xuan, "You may not be able to take it."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Try it!"

Emperor Dog hesitated, then nodded.

Ye Xuan walked in front of Li Changfeng, Li Changfeng said: "You can actually go with it!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Come on!"

Going with the Emperor Dog, he was not sure to defeat the opponent, and most importantly, if Li Changfeng dragged the Emperor Dog, then the strong ones in the dark were very likely to make a move.

By then, the situation will be even worse!

Li Changfeng nodded slightly, his right hand slowly raised, and then lightly faced Ye Xuan to make a mark!

Very calm palm!

It\'s scary to be calm!

And when Li Changfeng’s palm fell in front of Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan’s face changed drastically. Because the space where Li Changfeng fell on his palm, the space disappeared quickly, and it was just a black spot at first, but soon, this black spot disappeared. It is spreading into a huge black hole, and it is about to swallow Ye Xuan!


At this time, Xiaohun\'s voice suddenly sounded, "Little Lord, this is the power of the law, so be careful."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan\'s expression instantly became extremely solemn, he knew that even the suits of the gods could not hold it!

Not only the gods’ suits are not good, but the space path is also not good, because the space in front of him disappears directly, and his space path cannot be repaired at all. In other words, his current knowledge of space is not enough, so he cannot use the space path to repair This space in front of you!

Just when Ye Xuan was about to be swallowed up by that space, the Emperor Dog was about to make a move not far away, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly moved out a door, and the next moment, he hid directly inside the door.

Soon, the space where Ye Xuan was located turned into a dark space black hole.

But in less than a breath, the space instantly returned to normal, but Ye Xuan appeared in front of everyone again.

Quiet in the field!

In front of Ye Xuan, the door was quietly suspended.

After a while, Li Changfeng said softly: "What you did... a bit cheating!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Your Excellency, do you want to regret it?"

Li Changfeng shook his head, "Why?"

With that, he turned and walked away.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoxian who was not far away suddenly said, "Master Li, he destroyed the ghost door."

Li Changfeng stopped. After a moment of silence, his right palm spread out and a leaf suddenly appeared. The leaf was green at first, but quickly turned yellow, and finally withered.

Li Changfeng smiled and said: "All things and all souls, there is life and death. And any power, when it is prosperous, there will also be a time of decline. The destiny of the ghost family is the fate of the ghost family.

Bai Xiaoxian said: "The ghost door is your painstaking effort, but it was destroyed by him. Are you really willing?"

Li Changfeng said: "I have done my best just now, and I have no guilt."

When the sound fell, the withered leaf in his palm trembled suddenly, and then, in the eyes of everyone, the withered leaf was restored to life, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a tender leaf!


A powerful breath suddenly swept out of Li Changfeng\'s body, and Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog who were not far away were shocked and retreated violently.

But Bai Xiaoxian and the old man beside her were not affected in any way!

Bai Xiaoxian looked at Li Changfeng and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Li for breaking through the Holy Realm! Reaching the Good Fortune Realm! In that hall, there will be a chair for Master Li."

Li Changfeng looked at the leaf in his palm for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and smiled, "It turns out that it was my thought that kept me for so many years."

Bai Xiaoxian said: "If Li Sect Master can\'t look away and don\'t think about it, he will be in the form. Once he is in the form, he will break through the holy realm.

Li Changfeng turned to Bai Xiaoxian and bowed slightly, "Thank you, Master of the Pavilion!"

Bai Xiaoxian accepted the gift calmly.

Li Changfeng looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "Why don\'t you take me one more trick?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Li Changfeng laughed, turned around and left.

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed, "Can you break through this way?"

Bai Xiaoxian looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "You think it\'s simple? Do you know how long he has been trapped at the peak of the holy realm? It\'s been decades!"

As she said, she shook her head and smiled, "Many times, the biggest obstacle and the biggest enemy on our way forward is ourselves."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and said to Bai Xiaoxian that he believed that, many times, the biggest enemy of man is himself.

At this time, Bai Xiaoxian suddenly said: "It shouldn\'t be too late, you can go to the Great Wall to bury the sky now."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Fairy girl, what will happen if I don\'t go?"

Bai Xiaoxian whispered, "Do you still have a bigger hole card? If you have one, expose it to stop those in the dark."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Bai Xiaoxian walked to Ye Xuan, she looked at Ye Xuan, "It\'s not that I want you to bury the Great Wall, but someone else, and the person who asked you to bury the Great Wall is protecting you in disguise."

Ye Xuan looked at Bai Xiaoxian, "Who?"

Bai Xiaoxian said: "You will know later."

After Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then he said, "I\'ll go."

Bai Xiaoxian nodded slightly, "The Great Wall of Burial is not a good place. When you go there, don\'t take it lightly, otherwise you will die miserably."

As she said, she turned her head to look at Dugu Xuan, "I know you want to go with him, but you should know your strength. If you follow him, you will only be a burden to him."

Duguxuan said softly: "I understand."

With that said, she walked up to Ye Xuan and looked at Ye Xuan in front of her. Her eyes were full of soft colors, "Mother is waiting for you here."

Ye Xuan nodded, "When I come back, at that time, no one in this Weiyang Star Region will dare to beat the three of us, mother and son."

Hearing this, Dugu Xuan was stunned. The next moment, her tears flowed down, and she trembled: "You, are you willing to recognize me?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "Mother, I never blamed you!"

Hearing this, Dugu Xuan was shocked. The next moment, she hugged Ye Xuan, tears gushing out like spring water.

And after Ye Xuan called out those two words, he felt his whole body loose, as if something had disappeared.

He never blamed the woman in front of him.

He is a person with clear grievances. Du Guxuan left to protect him and his sister. How could he blame each other?

This time his sister\'s accident made him understand that he has only two relatives left in this world!

If you continue to feel angry, it will only make Duguxuan in front of you continue to feel sad.

Thinking of the words puffing, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled. He had to say that he was a bit puffed before, and he didn\'t know why he had such naive behavior...Perhaps everyone was in front of his mother , There will be some child behavior!

After a while, Duguxuan let go of Ye Xuan, and she gently rubbed Ye Xuan\'s head, "After going to the Great Wall, you must be careful, you know?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I will be careful."

Duguxuan smiled slightly, and then stepped aside.

Ye Xuan said softly: "Wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he turned and left with the Emperor Dog.

After Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog left, Bai Xiaoxian looked at Duguxuan, "Miss Xuan, go with Li! He will settle you well!"

Behind Bai Xiaoxian, the old man walked up to Du Guxuan, "Please follow the old man!"

Du Guxuan nodded, "I have work."

After Duguxuan and Lao Li left, a woman suddenly appeared across from Bai Xiaoxian.

Bai Xiaoxian looked straight at the woman, "You are helping him!"

The woman whispered: "Is there a problem?"

Bai Xiaoxian smiled and said: "There is no problem, but we are very curious, our Weiyang Star Territory Lord, unexpectedly will come forward for a man from the lower realm."

Master of Weiyang Star Region!

The woman in front of him is Wei Yangtian, the lord of Weiyang Palace!

Wei Yangtian whispered, "As far as I know, the Moke Clan has sent someone to come, and the target should be him."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaoxian frowned, "The Moke clan is also hitting that precious idea!"

Wei Yangtian nodded, "Then wait for the treasures, let alone them, some messy forces outside are already coveting. If he doesn\'t go to the Great Wall, he may one day die silently somewhere."

Bai Xiaoxian said solemnly: "It\'s also dangerous to go to bury the Great Wall!"

Wei Yangtian whispered: "At least there, no entry is allowed above the holy realm. Once there, he can buy more time for himself."

Bai Xiaoxian looked at Wei Yangtian, "Do you know him?"

Wei Yangtian was silent.

Bai Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won\'t ask. However, you should understand that this person has a treasure, which means that his troubles will continue forever."

Wei Yangtian whispered: "That thing brought him a blessing, but it also brought him a disaster. Whether it is a blessing or a disaster, he should bear it."

As she said, she stood up and said, "Spreading the message, she said that his mother, Duguxuan, I am Weiyang Palace. If you secretly want to fight Duguxuan, whether it is a human or a ghost, let them stay away from me!"

After speaking, she has disappeared.

Bai Xiaoxian shook his head and smiled, "This temper is still so hot!"

After speaking, she disappeared.


Ye Xuan returned to Weiyang City. On the way, the Emperor Dog asked, "Someone is helping you!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "I don\'t know!"

In his memory, this was the first time he came to Tianyu. In Tianyu, there was no one he knew.

Who is helping him?

Ye Xuan is also a little confused!

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "You are still a little weak now. Like the previous ghost gate master, the opponent is still only a holy realm. However, this holy realm is completely different from ordinary holy realms. If you encounter a strong holy realm in the future, you must Can\'t be careless!"

Ye Xuan nodded. This Li Changfeng can be said to be the strongest among the Saint Realm powerhouses he has encountered now.Facts have proved that he still can\'t beat the holy realm without moisture!

"Where are you going now?" Emperor Dog asked.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Go to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce!"

The Emperor Dog was stunned, and then said: "Go grab something again?"

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, "What did you say? Am I that kind of person?"

The Emperor Dog looked at Ye Xuan in astonishment, "Aren\'t you such a person?"

Ye Xuan: "..."