One Sword Reigns Supreme

437 Sword Immortal Chapter 437: Burial Great Wall!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!As the world prison tower trembled violently, soon a door appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Xiao Ling\'er.

Ghost door!

When the ghost door appeared, it hid directly in the corner, shivering!

But Ye Xuan found that there were cracks all over its body.

Was beaten!

Ye Xuan\'s face sank, there is no doubt that this fifth floor has already woke up!

Aside, Xiao Ling\'er raised her head and glanced, and then she subconsciously approached Ye Xuan, her small hand tightly pulling Ye Xuan\'s sleeve.

Ye Xuan looked up, "Senior?"

no respond.

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Senior, have a chat?"

Still no response.

Ye Xuan sighed in a low voice, needless to say, this is another awkward master.

Fortunately, the opponent hasn\'t come out yet. Obviously, either the seal has not been completely broken, or the opponent\'s strength has not been restored.

Of course, no matter what, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Ye Xuan gently rubbed Xiao Ling\'er\'s head and smiled: "Don\'t be afraid."

Xiao Ling\'er rubbed Ye Xuan\'s arm with his head, "I\'m afraid! I\'m afraid!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I am here!"

Xiao Ling\'er looked up at Ye Xuan, "But you can\'t beat them!"

Ye Xuan\'s face was full of black lines, "..."

After comforting Xiao Ling\'er, Ye Xuan walked to the ghost door. At this moment, the ghost door was still trembling. Obviously, he must have received some inhuman treatment before.

Ye Xuan shook his head again and sighed. Looking at it this way, this fifth floor is nothing good!

There are so many enemies outside, and there are some terrifying guys inside. It\'s a difficult life!

Ye Xuan said, "Xiaohun, can you repair it?"

The little soul said: "It needs soul power, and I can help it heal."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Then I will trouble you!"

After speaking, he left the world prison tower.

He doesn\'t want to take care of it for the time being on the fifth floor in the tower!

Because he couldn\'t manage at all, he couldn\'t stop the other party either.

Go with the flow!

Ye Xuan walked out of the cave, he glanced around, his right hand and fingers gently pointed, and soon, a Qi sword quietly gathered.

Before it was the Qi Change Realm, he could also condense the Qi Sword, but compared with this moment, the degree of solidity was more than several times worse!Moreover, he can feel that this condensed Qi sword still has a lot of room for improvement!


At this moment, he suddenly understood a truth, that is, even if it is a small thing, as long as it is done to the extreme, it is a great thing.

Ye Xuan pointed his finger lightly, the Qi sword suddenly flew out, and in an instant, a leaf a hundred meters away quietly fell.

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and he gently lifted his fingers together. In an instant, ten qi swords appeared around him. The next moment, the ten qi swords suddenly disappeared. A hundred meters away, ten leaves fell silently.

Ye Xuan\'s right hand suddenly led slightly, and soon, twenty Qi swords appeared around him...

In this way, Ye Xuan slowly increased the Qi Sword one at a time, about half an hour later, he had already increased the Qi Sword to fifty!

However, at this moment, he obviously felt strenuous, and the speed and power of the Qi Sword had already declined!

It can be said that if the Qi sword is added, the power of the Qi sword will be greatly reduced!

Ye Xuan did not choose to increase the qi sword, but kept using these fifty qi swords, hoping to use these fifty qi swords to the extreme!


In the following time, Ye Xuan began to practice crazy among the mountains.

Three days later.

Ye Xuan, who was cultivating, suddenly received a voice from the Emperor Dog, and soon he left the mountain range.An hour later, Ye Xuan came to a teahouse in Weiyang City.

In front of the teahouse, an elderly man stood.

When he saw this old man, his face suddenly became serious!

He can\'t feel the old man\'s breath!

The old man walked up to Ye Xuan, "Young Master Ye, the pavilion master is on the third floor, please come with me."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and then followed the old man to the third floor. In the third floor, he saw Duguxuan, Emperor Dog, and a woman wearing a lotus leaf skirt.

Duguxuan walked up to Ye Xuan and said in a trembled voice: "Ling\'er she..."

Ye Xuan said, "It\'s okay."

Hearing that, the hanging rock in Du Guxuan\'s heart suddenly fell.

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the woman not far away, who smiled slightly, "Master Ye, please sit down."

Ye Xuan walked to sit down in front of the woman, and the woman smiled and said, "Introduce myself, Bailixian, now the owner of Baixiao Pavilion."

Ye Xuan said, "Thank you Guige for this period of time."

Bailixian smiled and said: "It\'s just a small thing! Ye Gongzi is a refreshing person, and I won\'t be sloppy. Today I called Ye Gongzi to get your mother away. Because your mother is in my Baixiao Pavilion. It spreads, many people may hit her idea, for her safety, so it is better for Ye Gongzi to pick her up!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan understood.

To put it simply, Bai Xiaoge does not want to offend countless forces and powerful people because of him!

This is also normal. Bai Xiaoge is not related to him, so naturally people will not be enemies with countless forces for him.

Ye Xuan nodded, "I have troubled your pavilion during this period of time. Ye Xuan remembers this."

With that said, he got up, "Pavilion Master, goodbye!"

"Wait a minute!"

Bailixian smiled and said: "Young Master Ye don\'t rush away first."

Ye Xuan asked, "But is there anything else?"

Bailixian smiled and said, "Let\'s talk, of course, if Young Master Ye is in a hurry, he can leave now."

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then sat down, "Then let\'s talk!"

Baili Xianxian took a sip from his teacup, and then said, "Master Ye knows Weiyang Star Palace and the Holy Land?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I\'ve heard it."

Bailixian smiled and said: "I\'ve just heard it, so it seems that Young Master Ye doesn\'t know much about these two forces."

Ye Xuan said, "What does the Lord of the Immortal Pavilion want to say?"

Bailixian smiled slightly, "Young Master Ye should be aware of his current situation. Of course, with the strength of Young Master Ye and the monster next to you, the general forces can\'t help you at all, but what if these forces start to join forces in secret? At that time, it was not a few holy realms that appeared in front of you, but dozens of holy realms, and even more holy realm powerhouses."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Bailixian said again: "Besides, Young Master Ye, you still have to face another problem, that is, the Holy Land and Weiyang Palace, and some hidden families in the dark. These people are in the dark, and you are in the light, you and them Fighting will suffer big losses. Especially now, everyone has a general understanding of your strength. Therefore, if they make a move, they will definitely make perfect preparations."

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Listening to the fairy girl means she wants to show me a clear way! I, Ye Xuan, would like to hear the details!"

Bailixian looked at Ye Xuan, "Go to bury the Great Wall!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Buried the Great Wall? Where?"

Bai Lixian glanced at Ye Xuan, which was meaningful.At first, she suspected that Ye Xuan was from an outside star field, but now it seems that Ye Xuan did not come from outside, she was a native of Weiyang star field!

Bailixian smiled and said: "The Great Wall of Burial is do you put it! It is a battlefield, the battlefield between our Weiyang Star Territory and the Moke Clan, and it is also the only barrier for us to stop the Moke Clan.

Ye Xuan asked, "Foreign enemy?"

Bai Lixian nodded, "Very powerful foreign enemy."

Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Do you want me to take refuge in the Moke family?"

Bailixian\'s eyes twitched, "What do you think? If you have this idea, you have died a hundred times."

Ye Xuan was a little speechless, "Then what do you want me to do there?"

Bailixian said: "Go to avoid disaster!"

Ye Xuan was a little puzzled, "Can you avoid disaster there?"

Bailixian nodded, "Because no strong man in the holy realm can appear over there. If you go there, if there is no strong man above the holy realm to target you, your chances of surviving will be greater, and moreover, there is a must. Great place to practice."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice, "Fairy girl, are there many people who are beating me?"

Bailixian was silent for a moment, and then said: "A lot, I know a lot, and I don’t know, there must be a lot. If you continue to stay here, it means you have to keep killing, but Weiyang Palace will not Let you continue to kill, that person will not let this Weiyang star field chaos, so if you continue to stay, Weiyang Palace is very likely to come forward. And if you choose to go to the Great Wall, your mother can continue to stay here , And I will assure you that she is absolutely safe."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned, "The fairy girl really wants me to bury the Great Wall?"

Bailixian smiled and said, "Forget it!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

Mother stay here!

Ye Xuan was a little moved, because it was impossible for Du Guxuan to enter the world prison tower. Although it could contain people, it was more dangerous inside!

The inside is much more dangerous than the outside!

Especially now, the seal of the prison tower is loose, and the fifth floor has woken up...

He doesn\'t know what will happen next moment!

Therefore, if Dugu Xuan is in the tower, it is actually more dangerous than outside.If it wasn\'t for Ye Ling\'s special situation now, he wouldn\'t want Ye Ling to stay in the prison tower.

At this time, Bailixian said: "How are you thinking about it?"

Ye Xuandao: "I think about it!"

After speaking, he got up and left.

Duguxuan and Emperor Dog followed, and before Ye Xuan took a few steps, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of him.

The person here is Li Changfeng, the master of the ghost door.

Seeing Li Changfeng, Bailixian\'s complexion was calm. Obviously, he had expected it.

Li Changfeng smiled and said, "Pavilion Master, I have been waiting for him for a long time."

Bailixian looked at Ye Xuan, "I dare not promise to protect you, but if you can promise to protect the people around you, if you now nod your head and promise to bury the Great Wall, even if you die later, I can guarantee you. Your mother will be safe and stay safe."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What guarantee do you make?"

Bailixian smiled slightly, "If you don\'t believe it, you can leave at any time."

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then said: "Okay, I\'m going to bury the Great Wall."

The corner of Bailixian\'s mouth turned slightly, "Don\'t worry, your mother is here, no one dares to trouble her."

Ye Xuan nodded, and then raised his head to look at Li Changfeng not far away. Li Changfeng glanced at Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "I came to you, and I was really bullying the small. How about this, pick me up if you don’t die. , Once the grievances were wiped out. How?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then pointed to the Emperor Dog not far away and said, "Can it take it for me?"

Bailixian: "..."


PS: There are a lot of old drivers among the readers...what special services, what big health care...why do you know so clearly?Suddenly I found that I was so innocent...