One Sword Reigns Supreme

435 The sword in the fairy Chapter 435: Special services?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Weiyang Palace.

In the garden deep in Weiyang Palace, a little girl was lying on a white recliner. Beside her, there was a delicate chair on which was placed a white tea cup.

Around, insects tweeted and the fragrance of flowers filled.

At this time, a dark shadow quietly appeared not far from the woman.

The black shadow bowed slightly to the woman, "Palace Master. Guimen, only Li Changfeng, the Master of Guimen, is left."

After a moment of silence, the woman whispered: "Ghost despised him."

Black Shadow nodded, "Although Ye Xuan is only in the Qi Transformation Realm, his strength is already able to kill the Holy Realm. Of course, it has a lot to do with the set of gods on his body, especially his two swords. Death!"

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "There is also the monster beast. The subordinates have already asked the monster clan. This monster is not any strong person of the monster clan. Then, it should have come in from outside. ."

The woman suddenly said: "Li Changfeng has been to the Funeral Great Wall?"

The shadow said: "Yes, I don\'t know the purpose for the time being."

Speaking of this, he hesitated, and then said: "Palace Master, will he collude with the Moke tribe?"

The woman whispered: "He dare not!"

The black shadow said solemnly: "Palace Master, after Ye Xuan came to Weiyang City, the whole Weiyang City is no longer peaceful. If this continues, it may cause a lot of turmoil. Should we take a shot?"

The woman shook her head, "I can\'t stop it! Unless he is asked to come to Weiyang Palace, and if so, he will die faster!"

Black Shadow frowned slightly, "Why?"

The woman whispered: "If he were to come to Weiyang Palace, everyone in the world would think that my Weiyang Palace wanted the treasure. At that time, my Weiyang Palace’s enemies would be his enemies, and those people wanted to prevent that. The treasure falls into my Weiyang Palace and will kill him at all costs."

The black shadow said solemnly: "Why are we Weiyang Palace afraid of it?"

The woman whispered: "This situation is not suitable for civil strife. If it is chaos, it is exactly what the Moko wants to see."

Black Shadow said: "Why don\'t you just let it go like this? Ye Xuan dare to do anything, if you continue, there will be great chaos."

After a moment of silence, the woman whispered: "Human nature is greedy. If he doesn\'t die, the matter will not end!"

Sombra asked, "Kill him?"

The woman suddenly opened her eyes to look at the shadow, the latter\'s face changed, and she knelt down on one knee.

The woman said coldly: "Just stare well, don\'t care about the rest!"

The black shadow respectfully saluted, "Subordinates understand."

After speaking, he quietly retreated.

After the black shadow receded, the woman\'s eyes slowly closed, and in her mind, a twilight in the blue world appeared...


There is a mountain on the northernmost side of the sky, the mountain is nine thousand nine hundred feet high, straight into the sky.

This mountain is a holy mountain!

And the famous holy land is on this mountain.

The top of the holy mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Not far away is a palace, this palace is not very glorious, it should be said that it is a bit old, above the palace, on the left and right sides, stand two statues holding long swords.

Behind the palace is an arena where a man and a woman are fighting fiercely.

The two were very moving, but both controlled them very well, and Yu Wei did not spread out of the ring.

Not far from the ring, there is an elderly man who is wearing a white robe and a goatee.

At this moment, the man on the ring suddenly flew out, and he flew directly outside the ring.

After the man fell to the ground, he complained a little: "Sister, you are really a killer!"

On the ring, the woman glanced at the man coldly, "Just like you, if you go to the Great Wall to bury, you won\'t survive for a day!"

The man curled his lips, "I won\'t go."

The woman suddenly appeared in front of the man. The next moment, she kicked the man in front of the man\'s chest.


The man flew out again.

Tens of feet away, the man wailed, "Sister, are you trying to kill your brother?"

The woman said coldly: "I don\'t even dare to go to the Great Wall, let alone my younger brother Chu Nansheng!"

The man said angrily: "I don\'t dare to go, I don\'t want to go!"

The woman named Chu Nansheng said quietly, "If you dare not go, you dare not go, so many excuses!"

What else did the man want to say, but Chu Nansheng turned around and walked to the old man not far away. She gave a polite, "Yueshi!"

The old man nodded slightly, "Nan Sheng, with your current strength, even a strong holy realm can be killed."

Chu Nansheng said quietly, "I was able to kill half a year ago!"

The old man frowned, "Nan Sheng, I have always told you that self-confidence is fine, but don\'t be arrogant."

Chu Nansheng nodded slightly, "Nan Sheng remembers."

After that, she seemed to think of something and asked, "Master Yue, I heard that a person named Ye Xuan appeared in Tianyu?"

The old man nodded, "A guy from outside, his strength is very good, and his identity is quite mysterious."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, and said seriously: "Nan Sheng, you don\'t want to provoke this person, understand?"

Chu Nansheng frowned, "Yue Shi is afraid that I can\'t beat him?"

The old man shook his head, "You will not be inferior to him. It\'s just that this person has a lot of treasure, and his identity is extremely sensitive now. The Holy Lord means to choose to wait and see temporarily.

Chu Nansheng said solemnly: "Understood."

As she said, she turned her head to look at the man not far away, "Go to the Great Wall to bury the sky?"

The man hesitated a little, Chu Nansheng smiled coldly, "You made me look down on you!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

Behind him, the man said angrily: "Chu Nansheng, don\'t look down on people, just go!"

After speaking, he quickly followed.

After the two brothers and sisters left, Master Yue turned and looked not far away, "Holy Lord, really doesn\'t move Ye Xuan?"

After a while, a voice suddenly sounded, "Don\'t move!"

Master Yue nodded slightly, "Understood."

After speaking, he quietly retreated.

Outside the Holy Land, in the air.

"Sister, are you going to find Ye Xuan? Ah...what did you beat me for, did I say something wrong?"

"you know too much!"


After leaving the ghost gate, Ye Xuan directly used the aura of chaos to hide his breath, and then found a cave among the mountains to hide it.

He needs healing now!

It consumed too much before, but now it’s backlashing, and that feeling is too uncomfortable.

Inside the cave, Emperor Dog said: "Aren\'t you worried about her?"

This she naturally refers to Duguxuan.

Ye Xuan said, "I am not dead, Bai Xiaoge will take good care of her!"

As he said, he paused slightly, "You go!"

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "You are in a bad situation now!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "There is chaos, most people can\'t find me at all!"

What else did the Emperor Dog want to say, Ye Xuan said softly: "She needs protection more than me."

The Emperor Dog nodded slightly, and then it disappeared.

Inside the cave, Ye Xuan sat on the ground, frantically devouring Purple Origin Crystal.

He now discovers that since he practiced in adversity, his body, soul, and spirit are much stronger than before!Therefore, this backlash is not as serious as before.

If he had used the Soul Suppressing Sword and the Gods\' Suit like this before, he would be unconscious now!

And now, he just felt uncomfortable all over, nothing more.

Moreover, his strength is many times stronger than before.

Obviously, this method of practicing in adversity is entirely possible.

Go your own way!

About half an hour later, Ye Xuan stood up. At this moment, his whole body injury had almost recovered.

After recovering from the injury, Ye Xuan quickly said: "Xiaohun, did she wake up?"

After a moment of silence, the little soul said: "No, the little master has to wait."

Ye Xuan quickly said: "Okay, take your time!"

The little soul said: "Don\'t worry, little lord, I\'m sure that nothing will happen!"

Hearing that, Ye Xuan\'s heart loosened, "Okay!"

With that said, he sat down again, and then began to clean up the treasures obtained at the ghost gate.

He obtained more than 30 million amethyst crystals in the ghost gate, plus the previous ones, he now has more than 60 million amethyst crystals!There are only three holy treasures, but adding the previous ones, he now has nine holy treasures that can be sold!

In addition, there are a few other things, but he doesn\'t like it!

Buy a sword!

Ye Xuan quietly left the cave and headed to Weiyang City.

He needs a lot of holy swords now!

His core point is still swallowing, swallowing the sword!

Practicing practice requires not only a sense of mind, but also a huge absorption of spiritual energy!Just like ordinary people, they not only need to keep learning to improve their thoughts and insights, but also need to eat to sustain their lives!

The same is true for spiritual practice, one is indispensable!

Soon, Ye Xuan sneaked into Weiyang City. After inquiring about it, he came to a chamber of commerce, which was named Taiyuan Chamber of Commerce, second only to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in Tianyu City!

Ye Xuan was wearing a black robe, and his whole body was enveloped in the black robe. After he entered the chamber of commerce, a woman hurriedly greeted him, "Sir, what do you need?"

Ye Xuan said: "Change the place?"

The woman was shocked, and then quickly said: "Okay!"

With that said, she took Ye Xuan to a box.

Ye Xuan said, "I need a sword!"

The woman smiled and said, "I don\'t know what level of sword you need!"

Ye Xuandao: "Holy rank, five handles!"

The woman was stunned.

Ye Xuan said: "No?"

The woman came back to her senses, she quickly said: "Yes, please wait a moment."

After speaking, she turned and left. After a while, a beautiful woman walked in. The beautiful woman looked like she was in her thirties and her charm still existed.

The beautiful woman walked up to Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "Your Excellency wants five holy swords?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The beautiful woman smiled brighter and brighter, "There are things, but at this price..."

Ye Xuan cursed a little, and a sacred ring fell in front of the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman glanced, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly said, "Does the distinguished guest want it now, or is it?"

Ye Xuan said: "The sooner the better!"

The beautiful woman said: "The distinguished guest, wait a minute, I will prepare now."

After speaking, she turned and left.

After a while, a beautiful woman walked in with a pile of spirit fruit. She placed the spirit fruit in front of Ye Xuan, and then gave a polite, a little shyly: "Does the distinguished guest need special services?"

"Special service?"

Ye Xuan was stunned, "What special service?"


PS: One question for the weak and weak, where to go for special services... I asked for the reader!Really!