One Sword Reigns Supreme

434 The fairy in the sword Chapter 434: Withdraw!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Looking at Ye Xuan in front of him, Yu Tian knew that Ye Xuan in front of him was already on the verge of collapse!

At this time, this kind of person can do anything.

Yu Tian quickly pointed to a coffin in the air, "That\'s it!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Xuan had already appeared in front of the coffin. He raised his hand with a sword and the coffin lid flew out. He walked to the coffin. Inside the coffin, a little girl was lying quietly.

This person is Ye Ling!

At this moment, Ye Ling was lying quietly, her eyes closed, and a talisman was stuck between her brows, and there were some strange auras floating around her.

Ye Xuan looked at Ye Ling in the coffin, tears flowed out instantly.

In his entire life, he has only cried for one person, that is Ye Ling!

Looking at Ye Ling in the coffin, Ye Xuan\'s hand trembled. He gently tore the talisman on top of Ye Ling\'s head, but Ye Ling still did not wake up!

Ye Xuan froze. The next moment, he suddenly turned around and flew down. In an instant, he was in front of Yu Tian. He hit Yu Tian\'s eyebrows with a sword and roared, "Why didn\'t she wake up!"

Yu Tian said solemnly: "She is now in the stage of cultivating the soul, and the soul is dormant..."

Ye Xuan was expressionless, "Wake her up!"

Yu Tian shook his head, "Not for the time being!"

Ye Xuanjian pointed forward.


Yu Tian\'s soul instantly became a little illusory!

Yu Tian hurriedly said: "I can\'t wake her if you kill me. Her soul is in a dormant period. If she is forced to wake her now, it will make her soul crippled and cause irreparable consequences."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "If you want to wake her up, you can only use the exclusive secret technique of my ghost door, and now my body is broken, it is impossible to use this kind of secret art, and now the ghost door can display mystery. You have killed all of you."

Ye Xuan was silent.

Yu Tian glanced at Ye Xuan, and then said, "There is another way, that is to use you as the medium and display it through you..."

At this moment, Xiaohun\'s voice suddenly sounded in Ye Xuan\'s brain, "Little Lord, I can wake her up!"

As soon as the voice of the little soul fell, Ye Xuan pierced Yu Tian\'s head with a sharp sword.

Yu Tian looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief, "You..."

Ye Xuan turned around and flew to the coffin. He looked at Ye Ling in the coffin and whispered, "Xiaohun, can you wake her up?"

The little soul said: "Yes, little master, but it will take time, little master, I will receive her in the sword."

When the sound fell, Ye Ling in the coffin turned into a black light and disappeared.

Ye Xuan turned around and was about to leave, as if thinking of something, he suddenly glanced around, and the next moment, he disappeared directly.

On the side, Emperor Dog shook his head, he naturally knew what Ye Xuan was going to do...


Ye Xuan frantically searched the treasures in the ghost gate, he would put it away as long as he saw good things, and after a while, he swept away the treasures in the ghost gate.

Ye Xuan was about to leave. At this moment, Xiaohun\'s voice suddenly sounded, "Little Lord, take those coffins away!"


Ye Xuan froze, then raised his head to look at the distant mountain wall, on which there were six coffins suspended.

Ye Xuan didn\'t hesitate, his figure trembled, and he flew directly to the six coffins. He didn\'t open it to look at, and with a wave of his right hand, he put the six coffins away.

After putting away the coffin, Ye Xuan fell next to the Emperor Dog and said in a deep voice, "Let\'s go!"

The Emperor Dog frowned slightly, "Backlash?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Just now he used the soul-suppressing sword and the suit of the gods, and now his body has begun to eat back, and the consumption just now is too big!

The Emperor Dog said solemnly, "Recover first before going out?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "It is not suitable to stay here for long!"

He hasn\'t forgotten that the sect master of this ghost door has not appeared until now. If the other party rushes back, things will be more troublesome!

The Emperor Dog nodded slightly, "Let\'s go!"

Soon, Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog appeared outside.

When Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog came out, countless pairs of eyes all around looked at Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog.

Ye Xuan is out!

It\'s quiet all around!

Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at the ghost door, he hesitated, and then said: "Xiaohun, is there a way to take this thing away?"

Only now did he realize that the place they had just entered was actually inside this ghost gate!This thing is a space of its own, not simple, so he has the idea to take it away.

The little soul was silent for a moment, and then said: "This kind of divine object should have a spirit. The young master can try to flick it and see if he can flick it away!"

Ye Xuan\'s face is full of black lines, flickering?What are these words, as if they are often fooled!

Ye Xuan finally chose to give it a try. He walked to the ghost door, "You stay here, there is no future, why follow me?"

Nothing happens!

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and the next moment, a small illusory tower appeared between his eyebrows. When this illusory small tower appeared, the world changed color for a while, and the faces of the powerful people around him changed drastically, and they retreated violently.

Below, Ye Xuan put away the prison tower and turned and left, and at this moment, the ghost gate behind him suddenly trembled. The next moment, the ghost gate turned into a black light and flew in front of him.

Ye Xuan sighed in a low voice, this guy is not willing to follow him, but is willing to follow the prison tower!

Regardless, this is also a good thing.

After Ye Xuan received the door of the prison tower, he glanced around and was about to speak. At this moment, the Emperor Dog suddenly turned his head and looked towards the end of the sky. The next moment, his face changed, "Someone is tearing The rifting space rushes here, and you can reach here at most ten breaths."

Ye Xuan asked, "Have you ever beaten it?"

The Emperor Dog was silent.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan said directly: "Withdraw!"

The voice fell and he disappeared into the field.

The Emperor Dog also disappeared.

Everyone is a little puzzled, so are you leaving now?

At this moment, the space in the field suddenly trembled. Soon, a space suddenly burst, and a middle-aged man walked out of it. After the middle-aged man appeared, the space around the field suddenly twisted.

In secret, someone exclaimed, "It\'s Li Changfeng, the master of the ghost door!"

Everyone was shocked!

Li Changfeng came to the ghost door before, and at this moment, it was already empty.

After a moment of silence, he whispered: "It\'s just going out!"

As he said, he glanced around, "I wonder if anyone can tell me what is happening here!"

After a moment of silence, an old man suddenly appeared in front of the ghost gate master...

After a while, Li Changfeng whispered, "Ye Xuan..."

With that, he looked at the old man, "Thank you!"

The old man hurriedly said, "You are welcome!"

Li Changfeng turned his head and looked not far away, "Your Excellency should be Mr. Muzhou from Baixiao Pavilion, right?"

Secretly, Muzhou appeared quickly, and gave a slight bow, "It\'s here!"

Li Changfeng said softly: "Please also ask Mr. to help me check the whereabouts of this person."

Muzhou hesitated.

"A problem?" Li Changfeng said.

Mu Zhou smiled bitterly, "Senior Li, this matter is no longer for me to call the shots. I also ask Senior to go directly to the Pavilion Master.

He naturally didn\'t dare to investigate Ye Xuan, this guy is like a lunatic now, and it\'s not easy to show behind Ye Xuan, once the investigation is carried out, it is very likely that Bai Xiaoge will cause a catastrophe!

And the one in front of him, he did not dare to refuse!

Don\'t look at Li Changfeng\'s kindness, but he didn\'t forget that the other party is the master of the ghost door, one of the strongest in this universe!This is an existence at the same level as the Lord Baixiao Pavilion!

Hearing Muzhou\'s words, Li Changfeng nodded slightly and said softly: "Understood. It seems that Ye Xuan\'s origins are not simple!"

When the voice fell, the other person had disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Mushu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and after a moment of silence, he also turned and left.

Soon, what happened at the ghost gate spread quickly in Weiyang City.

Ye Xuan\'s name also spread...


On an isolated island, in a small pavilion.

Li Changfeng took the spirit tea on the stone table and took a sip. After a while, he smiled slightly, "Good tea."

As he said, he looked in front of him. In front of him, there was a woman who looked very young, only fifteen or six years old.

And this person is Bailixian, the master of Baixiao Pavilion.

Bai Lixian smiled slightly, "Sect Master Li is here, but for Ye Xuan?"

Li Changfeng nodded, "Exactly."

Bailixian smiled, she took out a scroll and placed it in front of Li Changfeng, "This is all his information."

Li Changfeng smiled lightly, "No need to look, I just want to know his whereabouts."

Bailixian smiled and said, "Master Li, you might as well take a look!"

Li Changfeng was silent for a moment, then opened the scroll, and after a while, he retracted the scroll and was silent.

Bailixian picked up the spirit tea and took a sip, and then whispered: "This person has come from Xiaojie, and has been in trouble all the way, and on several occasions, his opponents have disappeared inexplicably. The guardian of the Azure Realm. This is the case for the League, and the same is true for the Dugu Family and the Ancient Family...With his personal strength, it is absolutely impossible to destroy these two families, even with the unknown monster beast beside him!"

Li Changfeng said: "The pavilion master can\'t find out the origin of that monster?"

Bailixian whispered: "There are only two possibilities that can make Baixiaoge unable to find out the origin. The first is that he is not a monster of this era; the second is that he is not a monster of my Weiyang star domain. "

Speaking of this, she looked at Li Changfeng, and the corner of her mouth slightly lifted, "Master Li, do you understand what I mean?"

Li Changfeng smiled and said: "How can I not understand? The pavilion master wanted to tell me that his origins are becoming more mysterious, or that the forces behind him are mysterious, right?"

Bailixian smiled and said: "It\'s not only that, everyone knows that he has that treasure on his body, but the one in the Holy Land and the one in the palace haven\'t moved at all. This thing is getting more difficult!"

Li Changfeng was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Where is the other one?"

Bai Lixian put down the tea cup, "As far as I know, the other party has already been in contact with this Ye Xuan, but only a touch, nothing more!"

As she said, she looked at Li Changfeng, "Personal suggestion, Pavilion Master Li is now watching the changes."

Li Changfeng suddenly asked, "His mother is in Baixiao Pavilion?"

Bailixian glanced at Li Changfeng, "Why, Master Li wants to use her to blackmail Ye Xuan?"

Li Changfeng laughed, "The pavilion master underestimated me, Mr. Li! Naturally, men should settle matters between men."

As he said, he got up, "If it was before, Li must have chosen to wait and see the changes, but now it doesn\'t work, so leave."

After speaking, he turned and left.