One Sword Reigns Supreme

433 Sword Immortal Chapter 433: Where is she!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Qin Zun\'s soul became more and more illusory, he knew he was running out of time!

In the last moment, he turned his head to look at Ye Xuan, "I didn\'t lose to you, no!"

The voice fell, and he disappeared completely.

There is no such person as Qin Zun in the world.

Ye Xuan naturally knew what Qin Zun meant. If there was no interference from the Emperor Dog at the beginning, he would never be able to kill Qin Zun.

It can be said that half of the credit for Qin Zun\'s death is the Emperor Dog.

Of course, for him, none of this makes sense.Because he came here not to compete, but to kill.He will not be stupid enough to fight alone with each other, he will only think about how to kill him!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Yu Tian not far away. The latter\'s expression changed drastically, and he retreated to the gate of the palace. He stared at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, my ghost door..."

Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared.

Yu Tian\'s face changed drastically in an instant, he flashed backward, then upward a little, and the blood-red talisman suddenly floated down above the palace.

In the distance, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, and a feeling of badness rose in his heart. At this moment, the blood-red talisman suddenly turned into a ball of fire and burst open, and then, a black shadow flashed out of it.

Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, and he blocked his sword.


With a muffled sound, Ye Xuan retreated directly below the stone steps.

The black shadow rushed towards Ye Xuan again, but at this moment, the Emperor Dog suddenly slammed into it.


In the field, a low muffled sound suddenly resounded, and the next moment, the Emperor Dog retreated in front of Ye Xuan.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan\'s expression suddenly became serious!He looked up to the top of the stone steps. At the end of the stone steps, there was a naked man standing. The man had a hideous face with blood-colored cracks all over his upper body, and his hands were covered with sharp long nails.

The man stared at the Emperor Dog below, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and black liquid kept flowing out of his mouth.

Ye Xuan said, "Senior Emperor Dog, leave this to you?"

The Emperor Dog nodded slightly, "Be careful!"

When the sound fell, the Emperor Dog rushed out directly, and in the distance, the man at the end of the stone steps suddenly roared, then flew down and slammed directly into the Emperor Dog below!

Hard resistance!


In the air, as soon as one person and one beast touched, the entire space trembled suddenly. Then, one person and one beast retreated back and forth, but soon, the Emperor Dog rushed up again.

Obviously, in terms of physical body, the Emperor Dog is stronger!

Seeing the emperor dog dominating, Ye Xuan was relieved. He raised his head and looked at Yu Tian not far away. The latter was about to speak. Ye Xuan suddenly lightly tapped his right foot, and the whole person floated directly, and when he appeared again, it was already In front of Yu Tian.

Draw the sword!


Seeing this sword cut, Yu Tian\'s face changed drastically, his right foot slammed and punched out.


When the fists and swords touched, Yu Tian retreated violently. With this retreat, he retreated directly into the palace, and Ye Xuan also retreated a full hundred feet!However, when Ye Xuan retreated, a black sword light suddenly flashed across the court.

In the hall, Yu Tian\'s expression changed drastically when he noticed this sword light, and he flashed to the side quickly, but it was still a bit slow, and a sword light passed through his shoulder.

Yin Lingqi sword!

When Yu Tian stopped, he quickly looked at his shoulder, and at this moment, his shoulder was decayed fast!

Seeing this scene, Yu Tian\'s expression instantly turned sullen. He raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan not far away, but Ye Xuan disappeared. Yu Tian\'s eyes suddenly shrank, and his hands snapped together, "Pardon!"

When the voice fell, he split his hands, and a ghostly soul suddenly flew out of his palm. The next moment, a blood bowl bite Ye Xuan directly.

Ye Xuan didn\'t dodge or evade, stabbed out with a sword.

One sword sets the soul!

As soon as that soul body touched this sword, it screamed in an instant, and then retreated violently, but before taking a few steps back, its body became illusory!

Ye Xuan turned his head, Yu Tian had disappeared!


Ye Xuan\'s expression was a bit ferocious, "Can you escape?"

When the voice fell, Ye Xuan suddenly slashed forward with a sword.


A sword light shot out from the tip of his sword.


This sword directly shattered the entire hall, and Ye Xuan did not stop. He carried the sword and rushed towards the distance, and when he rushed to the back, some disciples of the ghost door suddenly began to flee.

But Ye Xuan didn\'t choose to let go of these ghost disciples, countless Qi swords flew past the field, and soon, screams continued to sound from the field.

Ye Xuan carried a sword and rushed all the way, his expression grim, "Ghost! My sister!"

The sound fell, and he slammed to the right.


A ray of sword light flew out, dozens of feet away, a ghost was directly cut to pieces!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to a gloomy cemetery. When he was about to rush in, an angry shout suddenly sounded from the side, "Presumptuous! Ye Xuan, this is my ghost ancestor temple, you..."

Ye Xuan suddenly roared, "Your ancestor!"

The sound fell, and he rushed forward, cutting down with a sharp sword.

The face of the speaker changed drastically. He was about to speak, and a voice rang from the side, "Get out!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, Ye Xuan\'s sword was cut from the top of a man\'s head.


The man\'s body was directly divided into two, and the blood poured out!

Ye Xuan turned and looked not far away, Yu Tian was there, and at this moment, Yu Tian was only half of his body left!

Yu Tian stared at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, you..."

Ye Xuan pointed at Yu Tian with his sword, "Where is my sister?"

Yu Tian said grimly: "Ye Xuan, if you kill another person, I will make your sister unable to survive, beg you to die..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed. At this moment, his speed reached the extreme, because he used the spatial principles!

When Ye Xuan rushed over, Yu Tian\'s expression changed drastically. He resolutely abandoned his body and his soul retreated violently.


As soon as Yu Tian\'s soul retreated, his body exploded directly!

Seeing this scene, Yu Tian\'s face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at. He looked at Ye Xuan in the distance with an extremely ferocious expression, "Ye Xuan, are you ignoring your sister\'s life and death?"

Ye Xuan didn\'t have any nonsense. He rushed out towards Yu Tian again. When he saw this scene, Yu Tian\'s face changed drastically, and he quickly said: "Your sister is still alive, she is still alive, I have not yet refined her into a ghost! "

However, Ye Xuan did not stop, he was extremely fast.

Seeing Ye Xuan not stopping, Yu Tian was horrified and quickly stepped back. He roared: "Ye Xuan, what are you going crazy? Your sister is still alive, she is still alive! You..."

Speaking of this, he did not go on!

Because Ye Xuan is getting closer and closer to him!

Yu Tian couldn\'t care about anything anymore, and he retreated back and forth again and again. With all his strength, he immediately distanced himself from Ye Xuan!Now he naturally dare not fight Ye Xuan, if he fights Ye Xuan now, he will definitely die!

Ye Xuan\'s swords and sword skills are too powerful for the soul!

Yu Tian was also extremely frustrated. If Ye Xuan\'s sword and sword skills were not too restrained from ghosts, even if Ye Xuan was evil, it would not be his opponent.And the reason why he was defeated was because he was restrained by Ye Xuan\'s sword and sword skills!

In the field, Ye Xuan carried his sword and chased all the way. Seeing that Yu Tian could not be chased, he turned his head and started chasing the disciples of the Ghost Sect. After a while, the field was full of corpses.

Looking at the corpse in that place, Yu Tian\'s face was ugly to the extreme. He didn\'t expect that the ghost gate would be forced to such an extent by Ye Xuan!

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion not far away, and soon, a figure fell in front of him. It was the man who had fought the Emperor Dog before.

Yu Tian raised his head and looked into the distance. The Emperor Dog slowly walked over. It glanced at the man in front of Yu Tian and said with disdain: "It turns out that it is using secret methods to stimulate the physical potential.

As he said, it looked at Yu Tian and was about to make a move. Yu Tian suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan who was still killing him frantically not far away, "Ye Xuan, I will take you to see your sister!"

Not far away, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, but the next moment, with a wave of his right hand, a sword light cut out. A dozen feet away, a ghost disciple\'s head flew out!

Ye Xuan pointed and gently pointed, and the flying sword flew back to his hand. He turned and walked towards Yu Tian. This time, Yu Tian did not retreat, because there was the Emperor Dog, and he had nowhere to retreat!

Ye Xuan was expressionless, he walked to Yu Tian and stopped, "Where!"

Yu Tian glanced at Ye Xuan, "Follow me!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan followed, and the Emperor Dog turned his head and glanced in the distance. They were corpses in a place, and the souls of these corpses were no longer there.This is not the point, the point is that every dead body is very cruel!

The Emperor Dog shook his head slightly. At this moment, he realized that, don\'t look at Ye Xuan, who is usually giggling and thick-skinned... Once he gets angry, it is really crazy!


The emperor dog smiled, and then followed.

It has a bad temper. It didn’t really like Ye Xuan before. It was because Ye Xuan had a hippy smile. In his opinion, there was no temper at all... But now, he discovered that this guy is actually very tempered, and Very grumpy!

Soon, under Yu Tian\'s leadership, Ye Xuan and the Emperor Dog came to the foot of a mountain. Yu Tian looked up. On the mountainside of that mountain, there were some coffins suspended, not many, only a dozen.

Ye Xuan also raised his head to look at the coffins, and whispered softly: "Inside?"

Yu Tian said solemnly: "When we brought her, we originally wanted to refine her into a ghost immediately, but we found that her physique was not as simple as we thought, it may be a double physique, or a hidden physique. ..... In short, it is very special. It can be said that this kind of physique is truly unique. Therefore, we dare not make any claims, so we will leave her behind and prepare to wait for the master to return. Make a decision, but didn\'t expect..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly turned around and slashed with a sword, and Yu Tian flew out with one arm.

Ye Xuan held the sword across Yu Tian\'s neck and roared, "Stop the fucking bullshit, where is she!"

Yu Tian: "..."


PS: Thank you all for your rewards and votes yesterday. I have to read them, as well as your comments. I will take time to read them every day!!thanks for your support!!